
Book:Ruthless Mafia's Innocent Mate Published:2025-3-2

“Is this the place where you found the key?” Jackson asked, unsure of what to do next.
“Yes, this is exactly where I saw the building and got this key,” Priyank replied. How could he forget?
Even in his dreams the previous night, he had seen that damned building and felt the exact same feeling as the moment he stood in that place.
Now that they were here, the building was nowhere to be found, just as he had been unable to see it after exiting yesterday.
Again, he wanted to dismiss yesterday as a dream, but this key wouldn’t let that happen nor would the vivid, detailed memory ingrained in his head.
So it was useless to even try. But what now? There was no building here, and he didn’t know what he was meant to do with this key.
He brushed his hair back, stress clearly visible on his face. He didn’t look panicked, but he was far from comfortable or at peace.
This was mostly because of his involvement with the mafia; he rarely felt panic unless his mother or Priya were somehow harmed. Otherwise, he kept his emotions in check.
It wasn’t that he took this supernatural situation lightly. On the contrary, this magical disappearing building was enough to get on his nerves, making him feel as though he were in a deep pit.
The more he tried to think it through, the deeper he fell, even if he attempted to make peace with what was happening.
If not for Priya, he would gladly leave this place and forget about the existence of these werewolf people, or pack, or anything related to them.
They were just a pain, and he found no amusement in any of it.
“Where exactly did you lose sight of Priya? If this is the exact place, then open your eyes there is nothing here,” Maya said, looking around to ensure they weren’t missing anything Priyank had seen.
It was clearly just empty space let alone a whole building. How could an entire structure be swallowed by the land? She could believe they were in the wrong place.
Because magic existed in their world, but that didn’t mean she would believe a magical building could appear here in this pack. Even though she had been gone for 18 years, she knew one thing: there was no way a magical building could manifest.
And even if it did, why would it appear before him rather than Priya? She was the royal blood; he was just her mate. Mates were important, of course, but not to that extent.
Priyank sighed heavily. “I’m telling you, Maya, this is exactly where it happened. I walked right through it, and got this key.”
Jackson furrowed his brow. “So now it vanished in thin air.”
“I guess?” Priyank shrugged. “All I know is what I saw with my own eyes.”
Maya shook her head adamantly. “That’s impossible. In this pack other than a few, nobody can use magic, and even the people who can use it can’t do so except for medical purposes.”
“Whatever you want to believe, you can. It’s not like I’m forcing you to believe something. It’s fine if you don’t, but I stand my ground.” Priyank firmly stated. He just believed in himself, and no way he would back out from his words now.
He was so sure that he did see a building and he didn’t care who could use magic or not. It’s not like he was part of any powers existing in this world.
He was just a normal human and stuck here because he loved Priya and couldn’t leave her, even though she was part of this world, which he didn’t like.
He loved the real world, where he was the power, he was the word, he was the ultimate everything.
Maya asked.”Are you sure in your words?”
Priyank sighed heavily. “Yes.”
Jackson looked between Priyank and Maya, sensing the rising tension. He could tell Priyank was getting riled up, his usual cool demeanour cracking. And Maya’s scepticism was only fueling Priyank’s frustration.
“Look, I don’t really care if you believe me or not,” Priyank said, his voice edged with irritation. “I know what I saw. This key is proof enough for me.” He clutched the ancient-looking key tightly.
Maya opened her mouth to protest again, but Jackson cut her off. “Maybe we should take a step back here. Clearly something strange is going on, whether we understand it or not.”
He turned to Priyank. “Can you again describe exactly what happened? Start from when you first saw this… building?”
Priyank nodded curtly and began recounting his bizarre experience from the previous day. How one moment there was nothing but an empty field, and the next a large stone building shimmered into existence before his eyes. He described passing through the entryway and how he got the key.
As he spoke, Maya’s eyebrows climbed higher and higher up her forehead. She shook her head slowly in disbelief. “I’ve never heard of anything like that happening here…”
Priyank’s shoulders tense up again, because of Maya’s disbelief in him. His grip on the key tightened further.
“Which is exactly why we should solve it rationally.”
Jackson could see the desperation in Priyank’s eyes.
“We should hold onto that key,” Jackson said carefully. “Examine it, try to figure out what it’s for. Maybe it will shed some light on where Priya might be.”
Maya looked like she wanted to protest further, but seemed to think better of it. She gave a reluctant nod.
“Fine. But let’s get out of this place,” she said, glancing around the empty field uneasily. “Being out in the open makes me uneasy after… everything.”
“Let’s go. Priyank, give us the key. We will see this with Lima, she will surely have some answers we need, so it will be safe to talk with a witch, which will be helpful,” Jackson put his hand forward.
Priyank looked at his hand and then the key. He was a bit calm that at least only Maya and Jackson came here with him.
Rish, Priya, and Levi all wanted to be here, but they were denied, and moreover, he didn’t want Priya to be exposed to anything scary or he didn’t want her to be alone at home, so she is better with Rish and Levi, though he hated the fact Rish was with her now.
“I wanted to go with you.”