Book:FATED TO MY UNCLE Published:2025-3-2

What did Rogers want from my Yulia? What was his end game? Sooner rather than later, we were going to have to meet face to face.
“So, it seems like your lawyer has abandoned you,” I said to a quivering Agatha. “Still, I have not been given a reason as to why my sister had to die.”
“We can not tell you, Lycan,” Bailey said in a hard tone. “A painful death awaits us if we talk to anyone about it.”
“I am guessing going up in flames is part of it?” Yulia asked with deadly sarcasm.
Agatha widened her eyes in surprise.
“Yeah a few of your people have gone up in flames recently,” I said, confirming her suspicion.
“And it seems that you are next in line to go to hell,” Yulia added. “You will tell me why my mother had to die by your hands.”
“We can not tell you who leads us although you will be surprised if you do,” Agatha replied. “But Rogers is a big part of it, he has all the answers we cannot give you.”
“How predictable, Rogers abandons you to die and you do not hesitate to throw him under the bus to save your sorry life,” I venomously spat. I had no fondness for witches.
A prickling sensation suddenly ran down my spine. More witches. And they were close by. I was sure that Yulia felt it too but I doubted she knew why. She looked at me for answers.
“Looks like our lawyer called for reinforcement,” I said.
“More of their coven are coming?” Yulia asked.
I was about to give an answer when the doors suddenly crashed open, sending splinters of wood and glass everywhere. It was as a result of powerful magic obviously manipulated by witches.
I whipped my head to the entrance where the door once was. In stepped six women who had their hands raised with their palms opened chanting spells in whispered tones.
They stopped chanting and regarded Yulia and I.
“Welcome,” I said. “We have been expecting you.”
They regarded me with a bit of surprise. I turned to Agatha and gave a dark smile. “You thought I would not anticipate this?” I asked her. “Why did you think I asked you to lock the doors?” I asked her like she was nothing but a child playing the game of men.
Their eyes fell on Yulia. She had always been the prize they wanted and now here she was on a silver platter.
The triumphant look on her face faltered as Agatha gazed worriedly at her sisters.
“Quite an entrance,” I said as I watched the six women who stepped forward.
“Fear not sister, we are eight and he is just one wolf,” One of them said with pride.
“Do not make the mistake of counting me out,” Yulia said as she picked up the cup of iced whiskey.
“You are not a threat to us, Darling,” Bailey said as she looked at Yulia with a smug expression.
“Have you women actually taken your time to assess your situation?” I asked.
“What is there to assess?” Bailey asked in a mocking tone. “You brought the child here and all we have to do is to kill you like we did to your sister; she was quite easy if you ask me.”
“And what will happen after you kill him?” Yulia asked calmly. “I am just curious.” She sipped from her drink.
“We will take your powers by slowly draining your life force,” Bailey said with a shrug.
Yulia nodded.
“One last question,” Yulia said as she gently placed the cup on the table in front of her. She leaned forward and looked deeply into Bailey’s eyes. Agatha was watching the whole thing as sweat began to form on her brows. None of the witches had noticed that it was becoming warm. “Do I look like I am afraid of you?”
“No, but you should be,” Bailey replied.
She jumped to her feet and Agatha did the same. I saw everything in slow motion and I knew what they were about to do. I had been reading their body language the whole time.
Agatha was about to raise her hand before I grabbed the cup with whiskey and used all my strength to hurl it at her forehead while I remained seated. The glass cup smashed into her head and shattered to pieces. She crumpled to the floor with a sickening thud.
She might have been a witch, but I was a thousand times stronger than she would ever be.
Bailey’s eyes widened in shock at what I did that she had no time to react to Yulia’s blinding attack. A white light emitted from Yulia’s raised palm and Bailey’s hair and clothes caught aflame. The bartender let out a guttural terrified scream as she burned.
“No!” One of the remaining six yelled and ran towards burning Bailey who was running around the room in pain and screaming.
I reached for the second glass cup of whiskey and hurled it at the burning girl. Alcohol met with fire and another combustion of flame erupted from the roasting witch. The fire flared and singed the witch that ran to help. She fell back in pain as fire licked her sleeves.
An invincible force knocked me backwards but I stood my ground. I could hear the frantic spell casting of the remaining five witches. I felt a tremendous pain wrack my whole body. It felt like nails were being hammered through every part of my body and I fell to my knees.
“Stop!” Yulia yelled. “You are making a mistake!” She said as she knocked out the girl whose arms had caught fire with a vicious uppercut.
The chanting of spells grew louder and the invincible nails kept digging into my body. It was a unified psychic attack and it was not only painful, but overwhelming. They thought they were winning. They believed that they could conquer me with a mental blast of pain.
My wolf fed off my pain. They had no idea that they had just made the biggest mistake of their mortal lives