Celestia and Matthew look at him with disbelief. Did they hear him right? Did he say about using Melody as bait?
“Vic, I got to say, you are the only person who never says some nonsense stuff,” Matthew speaks. “But…this time, I don’t know what got into you.”
“I’m not playing here,” Victor glares at him.
Celestia steps forward, “Vic, what are you saying? Are you crazy? We risk her life more than enough already.”
“I know but Matthias wouldn’t come out if we didn’t let him get what he wanted. All of us know he wants to use Melody to get on Damian,” he explains.
“That’s right but that didn’t mean we need to use her,” she sighs.
“If anything happened to her-we have been through that already,” Matthew agreed. “Besides, what made you think this?”
Victor sits on the couch and pushes his hair back. He knows this is crazy-even he didn’t want to put this risk on Melody. But her words make sense to him.
“I had enough of seeing Damian live in torture…” he mumbles. “If we settle this as fast as we can, Damian can live in peace with his wife.”
Celestia furrows her eyebrows. “What are you saying?”
“Don’t you guys want to hear him laughing like how we hear him this morning?” Victor firmly asks.
Once again, Matthew and Celestia exchange looks. They want to hear their leader laughing like that again but risking Melody’s-his wife’s life is not the answer.
“We all want that. All of us-everyone in this clan wanted that. But what makes you think risking Melody’s life is the answer?” Celestia scolds him.
“I want to see them happy too, Vic. What makes you so sure your plan will make Damian happy, huh? What if something happened to Melody!?”
“She is the one who offering herself to do this,” he spills it out.
“What!?” Matthew looks at him with shock.
“I’m not lying. She is the one who pleading me to convince Damian about this,” he explains.
Celestia sighs heavily, messaging her forehead. It’s getting more complicated than she thought.
“Why is she asking that?” Matthew frowns.
“She said she wants to see Damian living in his life without worrying about anything,” he answers.
“I don’t know what to say when Melody is the one who came out with this idea,” Celestia grunts. “If…If you want to do this, how do you want to make sure it wouldn’t put Melody in danger?”
Victor shrugs his shoulder, “I don’t know. We just have to make sure everything goes smoothly. That’s why we have to make a plan.”
“Ooh, I love to plan. You know I’m good at making plans,” Matthew smirks.
“We have to make sure the plan we made wouldn’t cause pain to Melody. So that Damian wouldn’t get our head,” Victor reminds him.
Celestia raises her hands for them to stop, “Hold on. We haven’t agreed to this yet. Don’t discuss it as if all of us agreed!”
“Honestly, I didn’t say I agreed but when Victor talked about the plan, I changed my mind,” he grins.
She pushes him aside, “Vic, this is stupid! Even if I agreed, Damian would never agree to this! You ask for death from Damian!!”
“It’s whether dead or alive, I don’t care,” Victor gets up and stands in front of her. “If you are so concerned about what Damian will do to us…”
“Don’t worry. I will take the blame if this plan fails. Before that, we need you, Cel. You are the only member that Damian fully trusts without any question.”
Celestia stands there in conflict with herself. She wants to say agreed at the same time, but she just can’t.
“Before you are taken in by Damian, your first swear is to make Damian’s life in peace, right?”
She clenched her fist.
“Then, this is the time, Cel,” Victor continued.
Tensions filled the room. Matthew, who was in the same room, shifted in uncomfortable. Among them, Celestia is in the same rank as Victor. Both of them are the strictest and most intimidating for the others.
“I thought you were better than this, Vic…” she whispers. “Who knows you are this stupid like Matthew?”
“Hey!” Matthew protest in the background.
She sighed, and gritted her teeth, “Fine. I’m in.”
Victor smirks, “That’s my friend.”
Matthew beams and hugs both of them causing them to grunt in annoyance, “TRIO IS COMING!!!”
Melody carefully stood on the branch tree, standing on her toes to reach the apples. The servant who looking at her in panic couldn’t do anything instead of watching.
“Ma’am! Please! Get down!!” The maid yells.
“Just a little bit more!” She replied.
“We got apples in the kitchen!” The other maid confronts her.
“I don’t want that! I want the fresh one!”
Damian appeared, walking toward them. His heart almost falls seeing his wife high on the tree. Since when did this woman know how to climb the tree? He asked himself.
All the servants step aside letting him in the front.
“Mel, what on earth are you doing? As far as I know, your wound didn’t infect your brain at all,” Damian’s voice made her halt.
Melody looked down and right, it was her husband. “I want that apple…”
“We got apples in the kitchen or you can ask them to buy some for you,” Damian sighs.
“I want the fresh one,” she pouts.
“Don’t be stupid-you are stupid enough today so please, do something that gives benefits,” he crossed his arms on his chest.
She rolls her eyes and picks the apple from the tree. “Got it! See, it is not that dangerous. Calm down.”
“I don’t know what I did to have this crazy wife,” he mumbles to himself.
Melody carefully climbs down from the tree. As soon as she was almost on the ground, Damian held her waist and put her on the ground. He puts his hands on his hips, looking at him like a father scolding his daughter.
“Are you done with your stunt for today?” He arches his eyebrows.
“Yes, I crave apples lately,” she takes a bite of the apple.
“What’s wrong with the one in the kitchen?” Damian frowns.
“It tastes weird,” she scrunched her nose.
Damian frowns in confusion. He shakes his head not wanting to ask a lot. “Whatever. Get inside and clean yourself.”
She catch up after him, “Don’t you want to join?”
His steps halt. The servant who was still around them stunned. Awkward fill the air and no one dare to say something. Except for Melody who looking at him with innocent eyes.
One of the servants clears their throat, “Um…excuse us, sir.”
They quickly dismiss themselves, pushing each other to walk faster. Damian sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I don’t know who has got into you today, love.”
“What? I’m just asking. We are husband and wife, isn’t that what you said to me this morning?” She munching her apples.
He glances at her. Then, he smirks, “You are right. We are husband and wife after all.”
Melody yelps as he picks her up over his shoulder. He walks quickly to their shared bedroom.
“If that is so then, I can do anything I want,” he grins.
Celestia and Matthew who happened to pass by caught that married couple getting into their room. Melody squirms on his shoulder trying to escape.
Once the door shut closed and locked, they exchanged looks.
“Want to bet how many rounds?” Matthew wiggles his eyebrows.
Celestia rolls her eyes and walks off with Matthew who laughing so hard.