Book:FATED TO MY UNCLE Published:2025-2-27

Each body was missing something.
A heart was missing from one body, another a liver, another a spleen and another the eyes. It was one of the bloodiest things I had ever seen. There was a yellow police tape to create a boundary to prevent the public from getting closer but I could still see flashes of pictures being taken and phones held high to record the gory scene.
The school security team was doing its best to keep back the people but it was of no use. I could not blame the onlookers. I caught sight of Davina and Albus having a tense discussion with Jamal.
I understood that it was a bad look on the Chancellor because this abomination happened right under his nose and in his school. I looked at Yulia who seemed lost and distraught at the gory sight before her. I could literally feel the emotional turmoil she was currently going through.
“It would seem that someone is boldly trying to reenact the war we tried so very hard to stop and prevent,” Albus said as he joined me in watching the bodies.
“There is not going to be any war, wizard, this is all a distraction,” I replied coldly.
“Whatever you choose to call it, Frostwood, they brought it to my doorstep,” Albus replied in an even tone. “This means war.”
I looked deeply at the bodies. The forensic body analysts were already covering the scene. I turned to Jamal. “I need to get a closer look at the bodies,” I told him.
“What is there left to see?” Jamal asked as he looked at me. “It is the same old modus operandi,” He added.
This was bringing back a lot of memories, dreadful ones. I trusted my mind not to forget details and there was something off about all these corpses laid out in the open. Albus was right. I wish I had seen it sooner but I had been so caught up with protecting Yulia that I had failed to see it.
This was war.
“Humor me,” I said.
Jamal sighed and shrugged. He was getting frustrated and I could not really blame him.
I walked to the bodies, raising the yellow tape that separated the crime scene from the public. I took my time to look closely at each body. Back then, during the war, whenever I came across something like this, I always felt something. Everything about this grotesque display was too flashy and elaborately done. I looked at the black rose stuck in each mouth carefully.
I turned and left the scene.
“Well?” Jamal asked. I looked over at Davina who was busy ushering the students away. I nodded to Albus who came to join us.
“Albus,” I said. “Can you feel any trace of magic on these bodies?” I asked.
“That was what I did the moment I was called here,” Albus replied. “But whatever happened here, Magic was not used. If it was, I would have sensed it from a mile away.”
“So, we are dealing with copycats?” Jamal asked.
“Like, I said, this is nothing but a distraction,” I replied.
“The spells to do this kind of thing have been forbidden by the council of Magic, I saw to it,” Albus added.
“So why are they doing this?” Yulia asked. “They cannot just to be murdering people for no reason.”
Yulia was right, there had to be a reason for this. But I had not yet figured it out.
“But there is something you all should know,” Jamal said. “Whoever is behind this, is getting desperate.”
Davina came to meet us. “Albus, we have to shut down the school for a while,” She replied. “This is a huge scandal for Canis and it would take a long before we can make this go away,” Davina added in a defeated tone.
“That’s it!” I said as the puzzles fell into place. “You are being infiltrated,” I added.
“What do you mean?” Davina asked.
“Someone wants access to your secrets, and the only way to do that is if the school shuts down,” I replied.
“I see,” Albus said thoughtfully. “Security is useless if there is nothing to protect, and by dumping these bodies here, every aspect of education comes to a stop. You were right after all, Frostwood, this is all a distraction.”
“But what if we do not shut down the school? What if we just go on with school activities?” Yulia asked.
“We cannot ignore ten dead bodies, Ms. Moonshadow, I am afraid we must shut the school down until these blows over, they did this deliberately so we will have no choice but to do so,” Albus said.
“Protect your chambers of secret, Albus,” I warned. “That is where they will attack.”
“I hope that they come,” Albus replied in a cold serious tone. “Till we meet again, Frostwood, Ms. Yulia.” He gave a low bow and turned to walk away with Davina beside him.
“I have not seen him so angry in a long time,” I mused as I watched him go.
“I have to return to the office,” Jamal said with a weary sigh. “Paper work,” He muttered. “And we are still not close to who is behind this.
“How is Lana?” Yulia asked Jamal.
A small smile tugged at his lips. “She is alright, she misses you by the way.”
“Are you shagging the human girl?” I asked as I closely watched him.
He scoffed and shook his head. “Goodnight, Issa.” He walked away.
“You know he is having something with your friend, right?” I asked Yulia.
She shrugged and smiled though I could tell it was not a genuine one. “Lana is in good hands.”
“Lycan Issa Frostwood?” A female voice called. I turned towards the voice. It was a lady in a dress suit that hugged her body smartly. “I was told to give you this,” she said.
She handed me an envelope and walked away.
I opened it and saw what it was. Damn him!
Yulia watched the lady go with shock and recognition in her eyes. “Issa…”
“I know,” I said. “I also know who is behind all this.”