80. Thicker than Blood

Book:Falling For A Prince Published:2025-2-25

Once the deranged queen – or rather former queen – was out of the picture, the siblings could finally breathe with ease again. Even the previous king chose to retire to a nearby old mansion, claiming he had nothing to do with his own flesh and blood. All things considered, it was understandable. He and the last queen might not have been fated mates but that didn’t make her matter any less to him. They had spent a few centuries together after all.
The siblings, Tatiana, and Emily were all sitting together during lunch… and what a joyous time it was for all of them!
Emily could understand that the ties the siblings shared weren’t just those of the blood. Their bond ran so much deeper than just blood. Anyone could see that. They were strong as a unit. And they were invincible as such.
The guys were discussing kingdom related matters, how the last queen’s open execution that was held the day prior was going to affect the public opinion, and so on.
The girls on the other hand had other things to talk about. Silly things such as the latest trends, and other more meaningful topics such as the child growing in Emily’s womb.
“What are you going to name her if it’s a she?” Serena asked.
“Not Hinata, I can assure you that much,” Emily told her teasingly, knowing how much the princess loved that anime character in particular.
She pouted briefly before saying, “As long as it’s not Sakura, I see no objection.”
Tatiana and Emily both laughed. Serena, on the other hand, just smiled. And that was rather unusual, and it felt off to Emily.
“Are you okay, S?” She couldn’t help but ask.
“Peachy,” her friend said almost too quickly.
“Sure?” She raised an eyebrow at her.
“Positive,” the princess scoffed.
“I don’t buy it,” Emily insisted. “There’s something off about you. I can’t say what it is exactly but there’s definitely something off.”
Serena flashed her an uncertain smile at that point and then said on a sigh, “I met my mate.”
“That’s celebration material… Why the long face?” Emily probed with narrowed eyes, despite the smile threatening to spread over her face.
“Who is he?” Theodore, always the protective brother, asked.
“What did he do?” Liam asked in much the same tone.
“He is the prince of Oblivion,” she said on yet another sigh.
Emily was at a loss at that. “Is that a place or something else?”
“Actually, the biggest and ruling coven of witches is called Oblivion, dorogaya,” Theodore supplied.
She let out an astonished “oh” at that.
“But the last time I checked, Serena, the self-proclaimed king of Oblivion only has 2 daughters,” Liam objected pensively.
“He has a bastard son though,” Theodore told him at once.
“That’s the one,” Serena nodded, looking on the verge of tears.
“And where is he now?” Tatiana asked softly.
“He says he wants to overthrow his father and that he won’t rest until he does,” Serena said bleakly. “And that he wants nothing to do with me.”
“It would benefit us all,” Theodore commented. “His father is one vile man.”
“Don’t fret it,” Tatiana told her placatingly. “I am sure he will come to his senses soon enough.”
“Will he?” She sounded weak and vulnerable at that point, and Emily hated the damned prince of Oblivion for what he was doing to her dear friend.
“Sure you got no meddlesome mother who’d plant an aphrodisiac candle in your bed chambers, but you got us,” Liam let out in a joking manner.
A giggle escaped Serena at that.
“All’s well that ends well though,” Tatiana said as she smiled at her mate. The love she carried for him was obvious for all to see. And in the smile she received was painted the exact same feeling.
“Kindly don’t act so lovey dovey in front of me,” Serena let out in a whining tone.
The siblings chuckled but the women smiled sympathetically at the hurt princess.
They didn’t know the details yet. But having asserted that he wanted nothing to do with her, that must mean their exchange had not been the most pleasant.
** ** ** ** ** ** **
It had been a few days since the execution, and Theodore and Emily had to leave, for he had a business to run and which he couldn’t possibly avoid eternally.
That being said, the couple promised to be there for their family.
“Whatever your concerns may be, we will be one phone call and a flight away,” Emily assured Tatiana.
“I know,” the queen nodded with a smile, her eyes twinkling with something akin to love.
“No matter the hour, no matter the day, never hesitate to reach out,” Theodore said solemnly.
“I won’t, brother,” was Liam’s retort.
“What about me?” Serena said in a whining tone as she puffed her cheeks out, in a very childish-slash-spoiled-girl manner of sorts.
“I have your back, always,” Theodore flashed her a smile that spoke louder than any words could of his fondness.
Emily knew that her mate had never once said I love you to his family, and what he told his sister was as good as it could be. Having been brought up in a hostile environment, and groomed to become the next king, he couldn’t afford to appear weak. Weakness equaled failure at the royal court. That had been ingrained into his very being.
Emily was glad she didn’t have to endure such things. And she was secretly hoping her child, boy or girl, wouldn’t have to suffer from the obligations of the blood.
But she knew – she just knew – that some bonds were thicker than blood, unbreakable, and totally irreplaceable. Theodore’s family was an example of that. And she was thrilled to be a part of said family.
“Come hell or high water,” Theodore then said with a smirk, “we will always stand together as a unit.”
The siblings nodded while Tatiana and Emily smiled.
This was true genuine and beautiful love.
This was how a family ought to be.