Death And The Maiden:++ 17

Book:Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica) Published:2025-2-25

On the right canvas…
Reaching down like some Renaissance master’s vision, suspended by fantastic, perfect gull wings…
I stared upwards at my image.
“It’s beautiful,” Jezebel whispered. “What’s it called?”
I bent forward to squint at the little name card.
Then I froze.
“Jezebel. You take that hand out from between my thighs right now.”
“Can’t blame me for trying,” she said, innocently.
I sighed, squinted at the name plate…
“Oh no.”
“It’s titled ‘Death and the Maiden.’ I mean, honestly…” I added, straightening.
Jezebel snorted; I glanced at her and saw the amused grin.
“Humans. So dramatic,” she breathed. Her hand moved slowly down my back and curled around my hip. “I love that she got your wings and cheekbones, though. I might even forgive her.”
“Oh you.”
“Shag her again and I’ll eat her heart in front of you.”
I spun, stared up at her, shocked.
She smiled, sweetly.
“You… you wouldn’t,” I said, breathlessly, almost convinced that I was right.
She laughed.
“Got you. You’re right, of course. Heart? Eeuw. Too chewy. But it was amusing to say. And it was totally worth it for your expression,” she finished, fiendishly.
“Oh, you bitch.”
“Absolutely,” she smiled. “So, Feathers… have you seen enough?”
I took a breath and pondered that.
“Yeah. She’s okay. I’m glad. Jezebel?”
“Yeah, honey?”
“Thank you for bringing me here. I’m sure it wasn’t easy for you.”
She smiled down at me, then kissed my cheeks.
“All things heal with enough time, Feathers. And I love you. This was part of you. But the chapter’s finished now and we can put the book down. Come along. Let’s go home. I’ll cook you something, rub your back for you. Then I’m going to fuck you until you see stars.”
I shivered, suddenly conscious of how much I wanted that.
“I can’t wait,” I confessed. “Oh… how the hell… I’m going to need new underwear now.”
Jezebel laughed, and kissed me, and caught my hand.
We turned as one, but as we turned I suddenly saw her.
Staring at me.
At us.
Jezebel noticed her, and paused. Then she moved possessively in against me and clenched my hand.
I glanced up at my lover, saw the arched eyebrow, the silent little “Yes, and?” she was radiating.
And Caitlyn… smiled, and nodded to us, and waved a little wave.
The redhead returned, carrying two glasses of champagne, clearly eager to resume their chat.
Caitlyn shot me one more warm, thoughtful glance, one more smile.
Then turned away from us and put her hand on the redhead’s arm, stepping closer to her, well into kissing distance.
“Good girl,” Jezebel whispered. “Smooth. Checkmate in two. They’re a match. They’ll last, Cait. You can let her go now. She’s not your problem any more.”
And just like that, my flicker of awareness of the girl sparked and went out.
I sighed, stood up slightly straighter, surprised by how much lighter everything all felt now.
“How do you… know?” I asked my lover. “About them, I mean?”
She turned her amused gaze back to me. “It’s my nature,” she answered, softly. She leaned in, kissed me with the lightest of kisses, the merest hint of tongue against my lips. “They’ll last. There are signs. It’s how I knew that you and I would, too.”
“Oh,” I whispered, flushing. “You could have… told me.”
“I just did,” she answered, smugly.
She leaned in again, turned her face into my ear.
“Come home with me, Gwenhwyfar,” she breathed, and the warmth of her love filled me to overflowing.
I knotted my fingers into hers with a little moan; she’d always known just how to melt me.
She laughed, and pulled me after her into the corridor, and from there into a service lift.
She was already stripping my blouse and bra from me when we shifted and left that place for the final time.
She already had my panties around my ankles by the time we reached her bed.
And she was hard and ready and already inside me before I could snatch enough breath to moan.
And I clutched myself to her as she pleased me.
And cried out her name as she panted mine.
And saw every star she’d promised me as I came.
– Epilogue –
“Who were those… women you were looking at?” the lovely tall redhead asked me.
“Just… someone I knew, once upon a time, and her new partner, I think.”
“Oh. She seemed… pretty. Though now I can’t really think of why I thought so…”
I stared up at her, noticed the worry that she’d put herself out there only to be rebuffed or rejected.
“You’re far prettier, and more beautiful,” I answered, stepping forward, touching her upper arm and delighting in the way the goosebumps spread over her skin.
She stared down at me. Her eyes were the most special blue. Utterly captivating, in fact…
My heart fluttered.
I took a shivery breath.
Wow, I thought. Oh wow…
“Are you okay?” she asked, concerned.
I already liked her, and it had been barely five minutes.
“I’m… wonderful. What’s your name?” I asked her.
“Oh! I’m so rude, sorry! I’m Amanda. Everyone just calls me Amy, though.”
“Hi, Amy. I’m Caitlyn, you probably knew that. But the people I like a lot get to call me Cait. So… you should call me Cait too.”
“Oh,” she whispered, flushing pink. She had faint freckles on her cheeks and I adored them already.
I drained my glass of champagne and stood up on my toes, knowing that I wanted her.
I kissed her cheek; loving the little shivery breath she sighed out.
“Want another drink?” I asked her. “Or would you prefer something… better?”
And she met my eyes, and seemed to think for a moment, and then smiled.
“I think I’m going to like you, Cait,” she said, softly.
“How strange. Do you know, I was thinking the exact same thing.”
And I kissed her again, but on her lips this time.
And I took her hand.
And never really let it go ever again.