Hastily, Rhea went to block their way, her eyes still wide.
“Are you guys serious right now? Are you really going to break her leg?”
Valerie and Morticia glanced at each other, then looked back at Rhea. They both shrugged.
“Why not?” they mumbled in unison. Rhea’s jaw dropped. No wonder these two were roommates. Morticia might look like an innocent, fragile girl, but she was far from it when it came to defending her loved ones.
“You can’t do that. How are you just going to meet Sienna out of nowhere and break her legs? Since her relationship with Peter is trending online, she must have guards around her for protection. You can’t just go in and break her legs.”
Valerie sighed. “Maybe we should deal with those guards too.”
“No,” Rhea cut in. “What I’m saying is, we should deal with her in another way without resorting to violence.”
Morticia shut her eyes briefly. “I feel like squeezing the life out of her for making my brother cry. She is such a bitch… if we can find out where she is tonight, we might find a way to make her confess to the media.”
“What about the guards?” Rhea asked.
“I think I have an idea; I’ll take care of the guards,” Valerie said.
At the club, Sienna simply smiled at her friends, drinking from her cup. One of the guards approached her, whispering about Valerie’s presence.
What was she doing here? To challenge her because of the news? Valerie had never faced her ever since she’d been trying to apologize for her past mistake. And now she was here…
Sienna scoffed and asked the guard to send her away, but the guard whispered something else in her ear that made Sienna’s eyes widen.
She stood, excusing herself, left the club, and went to the corner where Valerie was waiting, arms folded and maintaining her composure.
Sienna exhaled, her gaze cold as she glared at her sister, her guards behind her.
“You want them to hear it?” Valerie raised a brow. Sienna immediately understood and dismissed her guards.
“So? Why did you call me out here, threatening me with the secret you promised to keep until your last breath?” Sienna’s voice was on edge.
“Because that’s the only way to force you to come here,” Valerie shrugged with a smirk.
“You…” Sienna cleared her throat and took a deep breath. “What do you want?”
“I just want to talk.”
Sienna scoffed. “Talk? Oh, now you want to talk?”
“We share the same surname, the same parents. Even though that’s the thing I regret most in this life, I still can’t change it,” Valerie said coldly, eyes piercing through the darkness.
Sienna chuckled, her eyes darting around. “Let me guess. Did you invite some paparazzi to stalk me? So our conversation will be exposed online…”
“I’m not you, bitch. I just want to know why someone like you shares the same blood as mine. Why did you do that to him? I thought you’d changed… but I was damn wrong. I wanted to forgive you ever since the day I found you fucking my boyfriend like a whore, but your actions proved me wrong.”
“My personal life isn’t your concern. I don’t meddle in your jazz shit, so you shouldn’t meddle in mine,” Sienna said and turned to leave.
“What would Mother say, huh?” Valerie asked, and Sienna clenched her fists. “How would Father feel, knowing his daughter is just some unimaginable whore jumping from one man to ano-”
“Sienna!!!” Valerie roared even louder. “Look at yourself. Are you proud of what you did? Not only did you break him, but you also made him lose the only thing that kept him alive. You made him lose himself… you ungrateful b! tch!”
Sienna stepped closer, closing the distance between them, and grabbed Valerie by the collar. It took everything in Valerie not to punch her and slam her head against the wall. Valerie was stronger after all.
“Call me b! tch one more time,” she dared.
Valerie smirked, yanking Sienna’s hands from her jacket. Even though she was younger, she was still a bit taller than Sienna.
“Do I have to? You’re already one.”
Sienna scoffed. “You know what? I don’t want to ever see you again. Now and forever.”
With eyes as cold as ice, Valerie mumbled, “You’re dead to me, Sienna. I never had a sister.” She walked past Sienna, bumping her shoulder as she went.
Sienna wiped away a stray tear and took a deep breath. Valerie had been like this for as long as she could remember. She turned and left as well.
Back at the table, laughter erupted among the five friends. Sienna, who had rejoined them, gently sipped her drink. Although Valerie’s words lingered in her mind, she tried to compose herself.
Her thoughts drifted to Vincent. Was he coping, especially now that Peter had blacklisted his name? She never intended things to go this far.
It would have been better if he had found out after his dance. His reputation would have remained intact.
“That was insane, Sienna-the ultimate bad bitch. I never thought you’d actually break the poor guy’s heart like that. Three years of that poor guy’s life down the drain,” one friend chimed, crossing her legs.
“I almost thought you forgot it was just a dare to date him and that you’d actually fallen for him. I nearly believed it,” another friend added.
“How long have you been with Peter? He’s older, but hey, he’s rich, so I get it,” another commented, and they all looked at Sienna, who had been quiet.
“Oops… don’t tell me you’re feeling guilty,” one of them teased.
Sienna shrugged. “Kind of… I mean, Vincent Addams is a good guy, and I didn’t mean to hurt him that much. Though I’m so fucking tired of him, I just pity him, that’s all.”
“Wow, who are you? The Sienna I know doesn’t care about anybody.”
“No, I still don’t,” Sienna smirked.
“What about your little sister? Has she reacted to this?” another friend asked.
Sienna echoed Valerie’s words. “She’s dead to me. All I want is Peter and his wealth,” she muttered, and her friends laughed again.
The three girls eavesdropping nearby scoffed. Sienna had just confessed her true intentions. Perfect. Valerie had secretly attached a recorder to Sienna’s dress when she grabbed her collar.
Rhea collected the recording and sent it to Thane. Happy engagement day, Bitch.