By evening, Morticia made her mother dress her for the bonfire. That would be the first time, and Ava was thrilled to help her.
She selected the dress for her and made a slight makeover, making her look so beautiful. Her black hair falls over her shoulder.
Her gown was simply accentuating the figure.
“Wow, you look so… Different” Ava chuckled in disbelief. “You’re going with a guy.. what’s his name?”
“Jamie,” Morticia blushed.
“Awwn. Are you having a boyfriend soon?”
“Mom, that’s not it. Don’t tease me,” Morticia said, her mind wondering what it would feel like having Jamie as her boyfriend.
“But don’t forget to protect yourself, okay?” Ava added.
Vincent wasn’t around. Sienna was slightly sick, and he needed to take care of her. She was glad Vincent wasn’t around. He would have hated the idea of going out with a guy. He had always been like that…
But she was not a kid anymore and she could go out with whoever she wanted.
Morticia couldn’t remember the last time she had seen Sienna. A year or maybe even more. She wasn’t close to Sienna. They hardly talked.
Getting outside, Morticia spot Jamie waiting for her. His face contorted into a stun one, spoting her.
“Y… You look so beautiful.. I mean so fucking amazing” he complmented, her cheek flushed.
Unlike Klaus who didn’t appreciate her, Jamie was different. He opened the door for her and she stepped into the car.
They got to the garden filled many students. It wasn’t like crazy party, like Dimitri’s birthday party. This was slightly different.
There were cool spots when students laugh and chat.. also where the rogue ones have their own time…
She spotted Klaus. Of course he’d be there. He loves parties and fucking around with girls, just like how he was doing right now. He was sitting with his friends around a fire.
A familiar girl at his side was straddling him… Wait! Dimitri?!! Morticia’s face turned paled.
She turned, wanting to pull Jamie away but it was too late…
“Morticia?!!” Nica’s familiar voice rang out.
Klaus gaze met with hers. It shifted from her to Jamie. His expression unreadable. Dimitri on the other hand only smiled a little.
“Come join us!” Nica exclaimed.
“Uhm.. no I’m fine” Morticia retorted.
“Don’t be such a miss prissy babe. Come join us!” Dimitri exclaimed.
Klaus gave her a look and she shrugged. “What? I’m trying to be nice to her as you said” she mumbled as she drink.
“Let’s go” Jamie took her hand and led her there. Klaus’s eyes snapped to their hand and then he looked away.
They took their sit, Morticia feeling so uncomfortable.
“It’s nice seeing you again, sweetie. How have my brother, Jamie being to you?” Nica asked.
“Brother?” Morticia’s snapped to Jamie. “She’s your sister?”
“Yeah” Jamie chuckled.
“But I was adopted into the family. He is a real blood. That’s why we don’t look alike” Nica explained further. “I introduced him to you, cus you both look so cute together”
“Yeah right” Dimitri chuckled while Klaus only kept quiet, drinking.
“Hey, sweetie” Dimitri called on Morticia. “I’m sorry for being a bitch. I shouldn’t have done that to you and I regret my action”
Wait! Was she high? Dimitri was fucking apologizing to her?
Morticia looked at Klaus, his gaze was focused on his phone.
“Okay. I hope we get along with each other” she said, knowing that was impossible. Especially when she was back with Klaus.
“Let’s play a game. The gathering is getting boring!” a tattooed purpled haired lady exclaimed.
“Truth or dare?” A guy suggested.
“Fuck Truth or dare.. we play that all the time” Dimitri rolled her eyes.
“But we enjoyed it. Beside, it’ll be fun since we have two newbie in our gathering” Nica said, her voice laced with excitement.
Truth or Dare. Morticia had heard of the game, but never played it before… Her highschool life was literally boring, cus her mate’s pushes her aside.
But here in college was different. Well she couldn’t call others friends except from Jamie, Nica and perhaps Klaus.
“Alright, let’s start. I’m glad I bought enough drinks” the tattooed guy beside Jamie said, placing numerous bottles at their middle.
Oh shit. Was she really going to play this? With them?
“If you’re not comfortable with this.. then you don’t have to play” Jamie said lightly beside her.
“No.. it’s fine” Morticia sighed.
“We know the rules right?” The purpled haired girl asked.
“What rules?” Morticia asked.
“If you’re not able to do your task, you’d have to drink… But someone can help you drink” she explained.
“I can help you drink cutie” The tattooed guy winked at her and Morticia felt awkward.
This was insane.
Nica grabbed the bottle and spun it around. It stopped between her and the purpled haired girl.
“Wow, you’re asking me” Nica chuckled.
“Truth or dare”
“Anyone here, you wanna have sex with?” The purple girl asked.
Morticia scrunched her nose. What kind of question is that?!
“No.. sadly he’s not here. I would have make my move” Nica replied and they all wowed.
They spun the bottle again and it stopped between Klaus and the tattooed guy beside Jamie.
“Alright, Klaus. I’m asking you the question” the guys said.
“I’m not playing” he mumbled. Eyes still fixed on his phone.
“C’mon it’s just for fun”
Knowing they’ll push him to the edge, he gave in. “Fine. Truth”
“Is there any girl you like?” The guy asked.
“Nonsense, Klaus don’t do that shit. He doesn’t date, how would he like a girl” the purple haired girl said.
Moticia knew but still wanted to know the answer, her heart dropped when Klaus said carelessly…
“See… I told ya” the girl scoffed while Morticia felt her heart clenching.
What’s the point? She knew Klaus doesn’t like her and she had promised to shut her feelings down. Her eyes met with Dimitri and they exchanged and unreadable look.
The bottle was spun again, stopping between Dimitri and Jamie.
“Wow, our newbie” Nica chuckled.
“Truth or dare, Jamie?” Dimitri asked and Jamie sighed nervously.
“Uhm… Dare” he shrugged and cleared his throat.
Dimitri smirked. “Well I dare you to kiss Morticia”
Klaus a abruptly froze, his eyes snapped up to Dimitri. The fuck is wrong with her? He looked at Morticia who blinked nervously.
“Can’t you be simple?” Nica asked.
“What? It’s just a kiss. On my first time of playing this game. I was asked to give a motherfucking stranger a lap dance. They seems to be cool with each other” Dimitri shrugged.
Morticia pressed her lips as Jamie whispered.
“Uhm.. are you fine with this? I.. I can drink if you don’t want to.” With Jamie asking, it means he wanted to kiss her. Also, he doesn’t drink.
She glanced over Klaus, who seems to be interested in her answer. If she doesn’t want it, it would hurt Jamie. Beside, Klaus had been fucking around.. now is her turn.
“I’m fine with it.”
Klaus’ face seems to drop. Other also didn’t expect it.
She faced Jamie with a smile.
“Alright,” Jamie said softly, his hand reaching for her cheek, caressing it gently… Before, pressing his lips against hers. Her eyes closed.
It was her first kiss. The one she dreamt of having with Klaus, but she was having it with Jamie instead. His lips were soft, tender, and laced with care.
Meanwhile…. Klaus’s breath was beginning to get uneven as he watched their lips glued.
Something within him snapped out–His primal instinct!
One moment, he was sitting across them and another…
His hand was strongly wrapped around Jamie’s neck, choking him as he slammed him hard to the dirty floor.
Klaus raised his fist to the air and bought it down on Jamie’s face, breaking his jaw….
“Holy shit!!!! Klaus!!!!”