Chapter Twelve: Sophia’s Next Step

Book:The Heart Of A Mafia Published:2025-2-18

“Locate Luca,” he said with irritation. “Inform him that I require him to reveal the identity of the resource that Don Salvatore intends to utilize.”
Sofia agreed, her heart pounding as she exited the Don’s office and set out to locate Luca.
“Luca,” she uttered, her tone deep and earnest. “The Don requires you to discover who Don Salvatore intends to use as a resource.”
Luca nodded, his look solemn and resolute.
Don Salvatore’s schemes, with his eyes and ears alert for any hints that could reveal the identity of the resource he intended to utilize.
While he searched through the city, inquiring and collecting information, he started to pick up rumors about an enigmatic individual known as Macro.
“Macro,” Luca repeated, his voice hushed and menacing as he spoke the name again.
At last, Luca managed to find Macro, a man recognized for his relationships and assets in the criminal underworld.
“Macro,” Luca said, his tone quiet and menacing as he neared the man. “I have a few inquiries for you.”
Macro grinned, his gaze icy and analytical as he stared at Luca.
Luca and Macro confronted each other in the dim alley, their gazes entangled in a wordless struggle of determination.
“I know what you’re about,” Luca stated, his tone deep and menacing. “I am aware of what you did to the diamond belonging to Don Giovanni.”
Macro grinned, his eyes sparkling with delight.
“So, you’ve come to inquire about Don Salvatore’s intentions, have you?” he remarked, his tone sleek and threatening. “I’m sorry, but I am unable to assist you with that.”
Luca moved nearer to Macro, his eyes burning with rage.
“Don’t be too hasty in underestimating me, Luca,” Macro warned, his tone low and threatening. “You might serve Don Giovanni, but I am not to be toyed with.” “I am contesting both of you for dominance over the city.”
Luca snickered, his gaze fierce and menacing.
“You believe you can confront Don Giovanni and his family?” he inquired, his tone deep and menacing. “You’re merely a petty criminal with inflated ideas of your significance.”
Macro grinned, his gaze icy and methodical.
“You’re correct, Luca,” Macro replied, his tone sleek and menacing. “I am a minor offender.” However, I am also a survivor. “And I am aware of how to form partnerships that will advantage me.”
Luca tightened his fists, his muscles rigid as he readied himself for a confrontation.
“You won’t make it through this, Macro,” he stated, his tone deep and threatening. “Don Giovanni will ruin you for your actions.”
Macro chuckled, his eyes sparkling with delight.
“Do you believe I’m scared of Don Giovanni?” Macro inquired, his tone deep and menacing. “While he might be strong, he is also proud.” “Arrogance is a vulnerability that I can take advantage of.”
Luca nodded negatively, his eyes glinting with fury.
“You’re committing a serious error, Macro,” he stated, his tone firm and threatening. “The Don will not pardon you for your actions.”
Macro grinned, his eyes sparkling with cleverness.
“He might not pardon me,” he stated, his tone soft yet menacing.
Luca spun around and strode away from Macro, his muscles tight with rage and annoyance.
Upon exiting the alleyway, he reflected on the details he had collected and the danger that Macro represented to the Don and his family.
“Don Giovanni must be informed about this,” he murmured to himself, his eyes gleaming with resolve.
As he returned to the mansion, his mind was consumed with visions of the Don’s fury and the blood that would be shed in the impending conflict.
Once he arrived at the mansion, he moved toward the Don, his body shaking with anxiety and excitement.
The Don gazed at Luca, his face stern and intense while he listened to the account.
“Macro intends to contest our authority over the city,” Luca remarked, his tone quiet and menacing. “He possesses ties and assets that may become hazardous.”
The Don acknowledged with a nod, his gaze focused as he contemplated the details.
“Macro is a perilous foe,” he stated, his tone deep and menacing. “We need to act fast to remove him before he inflicts further harm.”
Luca nodded, his eyes sparkling with resolve.
his tone hushed and menacing.
“She has demonstrated her worth as a significant asset, and I think she can assist us in dismantling Macro from within.”
Luca nodded, his heart pounding with anxiety and thrill.
“Sofia can collect information on Macro’s strategies and pinpoint his vulnerabilities,” he stated, his tone quiet and earnest.
The Don inclined his head, his gaze locked on Luca’s visage.
“Bring it to fruition,” he stated, his tone deep and threatening.
“I have another task for you,” he stated, his tone deep and earnest.
Sofia nodded, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.
“What is that?” she inquired.
Luca described the circumstances, his gaze focused on Sofia’s features.
“Macro is a perilous foe,” he stated, his tone ominous and threatening. “We require you to penetrate his group and collect information on his strategies.”
While Sofia heard Luca’s words, a memory surged into her thoughts.
She recalled Macro, the individual who had manipulated her into taking Don Giovanni’s diamond, the person who had menaced her life if she did not comply.
“Macro,” she replied, her tone soft yet menacing as the recollection returned to her. “I am familiar with him.” “He is perilous and merciless.”
Luca nodded, his gaze locked on Sofia’s expression.
“I understand,” he replied, his tone soft and earnest. “That’s the reason we require you to exercise caution.”
“You need to be careful,” Luca went on, his tone quiet and earnest. “One should not underestimate macro.” He possesses links and assets that we have not fully grasped yet.
Sofia nodded, her thoughts spiraling with anxiety and thrill.
“I get it,” she replied, her tone quiet and threatening. “I will exercise caution.”
As she got ready for her infiltration of Macro’s group, she realized that she must be clever and cautious if she hoped to succeed.