Sofia hugged the wall of the alleyway, breathing in short, uneven gasps. The sound of footsteps in the distance confirmed to her that the man was still looking for her.
While waiting, Sofia’s mind was filled with various possibilities. She was aware that she couldn’t remain concealed indefinitely, and she had to figure out how to hand over the envelope safely.
All of a sudden, a voice she recognized came from the back.
“Sofia?” it inquired, with a touch of worry in its voice.
Sofia whirled around, her heart pounding, as she identified Luca’s voice, the Mafia lieutenant.
“Her voice shaking, she said to Luca.” I-I was assaulted. I do not possess the envelope.
Luca’s facial expression became stern as he gazed at Sofia, his eyes seeking the truth.
“Are you certain?” he inquired, speaking with a menacing tone and soft voice. If you deceive, Don Giovanni will not be pleased.
Sofia’s thoughts ran quickly as she looked for an escape route.
Sofia understood that she had to convince Luca of her story in order to avoid the anger of Don Giovanni.
“I promise,” she exclaimed, tears filling her eyes. I was assaulted in the back street. “He grabbed the envelope.”
Luca studied Sofia’s face, his expression stern and inscrutable. Sofia briefly believed he might accuse her of lying, but he ultimately nodded.
“Okay,” he spoke, his voice remaining stern. I’ll ensure that Don Giovanni is informed of what occurred.
Luca looked away from Sofia, his gaze searching through the shadows.
His voice, low and dangerous, reminded her to exercise more caution. This game we’re involved in is risky, and if you’re not cautious, you could meet your demise.
Sofia nodded as she looked at Luca, feeling her heart racing. She was aware that he was correct, and she was unable to risk making any further errors.
“My voice will be soft, I’ll take extra caution,” she promised. “I give you my word.”
Luca faced Sofia again, determination evident in his expression.
“You should be,” he stated firmly. Since next time, I won’t be able to keep you safe.
After that, Luca walked away and vanished into the shadows, leaving Sofia by herself in the alley.
While observing his departure, Sofia experienced a surge of relief. She was aware that she had narrowly escaped a terrible fate, yet she also understood that the threat was still looming.
As Sofia left the alley and started her long journey home, the freezing night air appeared to increase the cold she felt in her bones. Luca’s words continued to resonate in her thoughts, serving as a vivid warning of the potential peril that lay ahead.
As Sofia neared her apartment building, her thoughts were filled with various possibilities. Is it better for her to attempt an escape, or should she opt to keep cooperating with the Mafia? The idea of betraying Don Giovanni made her shudder, but she realized that if she didn’t act quickly, she might not have another opportunity.
Sofia wrestled with her keys while attempting to unlock the door to her apartment. Upon entering, she immediately slumped against the wall, overcome with exhaustion.
While taking a moment to recover, Sofia’s mind was filled with a whirlwind of thoughts. She needed to figure out how to leave this predicament, but each choice appeared to be risky.
Out of nowhere, she caught a sound in the corridor adjacent to her unit. Did she imagine it, or was there actually someone present?
Sofia stood completely still, her heart beating rapidly as she struggled to catch the sound once more. Following a brief period of time, she listened to footsteps, the gentle sound of leather shoes moving across the floor.
Inhaling deeply, she attempted to calm her nerves. Being discovered at this moment was not a risk she could take. Moving stealthily towards the window, her thoughts were filled with endless possibilities. Should she attempt to flee, or should she face whoever was waiting outside?
As the footsteps approached, Sofia made up her mind.
Sofia opened the window, the cold night air rushing in to welcome her, while silently praying. She didn’t hesitate at all before climbing onto the ledge, her feet slipping on the shiny metal.
Sofia’s heart raced as she swung her legs over the side of the building, holding onto the edge as she looked down at the street. She felt like the world was spinning below her, with a dazzling mix of lights and shadows.
She inhaled deeply, preparing herself for the task ahead. Without any further delay, she leaped.
While falling towards the ground, Sofia’s mind was filled with fear. She shut her eyes, preparing for the collision that never happened.
Sofia gasped, her eyes opening as she discovered she was being held by a mysterious stranger with dark hair, causing her breath to hitch in her throat.
“Careful,” he cautioned, his voice quiet and menacing. “You came very close to causing a major spill on the pavement.”
Sofia gazed at him with surprise, feeling her heart continue to beat rapidly in her chest. Who was this man, and what made him aware that she was about to leap?
While Sofia tried to comprehend the recent events, the man placed her on the pavement, his gaze locked on her visage.
“Looks like you’ve landed in a sticky situation, huh?” he stated, his voice remaining calm yet threatening. Crossing Luca can be risky.
Sofia’s heart raced when she discovered that this unfamiliar person was acquainted with Luca. Was he involved in the Mafia as well?
“Who are you?” she inquired, her voice trembling.
The man grinned, his eye twinkling dangerously.
“He introduced himself as Marco, reaching out his hand to Sofia.” “I believe I could potentially be your way out of this situation.”
Sofia paused, her hand floating over his. Could this be a set-up, or was he sincere?
“What do you desire in exchange?” she inquired, her tone quiet and doubtful.
Marco chuckled menacingly, sending a shiver down Sofia’s back.
“Only a small amount of information,” he stated, his gaze locked on her face.