152. Crooked

Book:Sleeping With My Step Uncle Published:2025-2-18

“Welcome, welcome.. wine?” Mr Alexander said merrily.
Wine was poured, Kylee took my cup and downed the entire thing and she handed me back the empty glass. Josef laughed and smiled at me sympathy cally.
“Have you heard from him yet?” I asked her inching closer.
The men were discussing about something to do with sports, Mrs Alexander had gone to fetch the cook, Regalia had finally been taken to her roomm and she was not down yet.
“Yes, it was short and cryptic ”
“He asked of you”
“Is he still angry at me?”
“I don’t think so. He says I should tell you he’s fine”
“You don’t really know how to share information, do you?”
She giggled.
I rolled my eyes.
“He loves you, Jenna. Just remember ”
She moved away from me and went to Josef, she whispered something in his ear and his eyes became bright with mischief.
He stood up and murmured an excuse, I watched as he and Kylee walked away with sexual energy brimming between them.
“Are you alright?” My mother asked me.
I tried to smile at her and I failed.
“Mind your own fucking business” I snapped at her instead.
“Where is Christian, what country?” Alexander asked.
“He stopped travelling for some reason, he’s still in one place” Marcellino turned to me and I knew that Christian stopped traveling because of me, but Jeandre followed his father’s line of vision and his eyes fell on me.
His stare lasted for some seconds before he turned away.
His stare lasted for some seconds before he turned away.
“I’m leaving now”
“But, we’re about to have supper” Mrs Alexander said.
“Oh, I’m not hungry, I’ll just go to ed”
“Nonsense, you’re eating supper with us… Can I have a word with you?”
Alarm bells went off in my head.
“Of course”
I followed her through a big gray hallway and she led me outside, to a beautiful garden.
“Please have a seat”
She gestured to the stool that was made from marble. I sat on it and looked around, the place looked enchanted, I felt beautiful. Looking at Mrs Alexander, I saw a little bit of Christian.
He had his father’s lips but his mother’s smile, the curve of his ears were exactly like hers.
“I see you’re studying me” she said.
“I’m sorry” I said instantly feeling embarrassed.
“It’s fine… Were you looking for similarities between me and my sons?”
She said sons.
“Uhm, yes”
“Which one?”
“Christian ” his name felt like a wish on my lips, I missed him. There was a hole in my chest that was slowly tearing open.
“You must have studied every inch of him” she said.
It was not a question.
I swallowed hard, did she guess it already?
“You look flustered ” she said and I tried to sit properly and square my shoulders, she laughed softly.
“Don’t worry Jenna.. he told me everything ”
“He to-told you? Who told you, told you what exactly?”
She looked at the door that was far away, to make sure someone wasn’t watching.
She stood from her stool and came to mine and she hugged me.
She smelled like Channel No. 5.
Her touch was warm, it had came leaning in.
“My dear, thank you”
She pulled away and I found her eyes welled with tears. She stood up and sat on her stool again.
“You saved him”
“I saved who?”
“I don’t know where to begin. Three years ago, my son called me, his voice was so high I thought something bad had happened. And, he told me he found someone. It was great news because I thought… He never seemed to want to settle down and it scared me. But, he told me about a young woman he met and told me it couldn’t work. He made me promise not to mention any of it. We didn’t speak about if for years, until some days ago, he called me and told me everything, he told me it’s you and explained everything ” she cleaned her tears and sniffed. “He told me you’re carrying his child, my grandchild ”
I didn’t know I would be having this conversation with her. I didn’t know why I didn’t feel any tension.
“Yes, I am”
She smile grew wide and yet she was crying.
“Forgive me for… Being so emotional, you’ve changed my son a lot and you’re… Thank you”
Kylee came bursting through the door.
“Jenna!” She yelled and started searching frantically.
I raised my hand and waved at her.
Her hands flew to her chest and she placed her palm flat on it as if she was trying to check her heart beat and also contain her heart as if it was planning to escape.
“You scared me” she said and she came to sit at the stool beside mine.
“She’s beautiful isn’t she, she’s also as stubborn as a mule, she knows he to contain and control Christian, like no one else”
I looked between them, turns out Kylee also knew about this.
“How long are you?” She asked me.
“With the Baby”
“Oh” o looked at Kylee. “Some weeks, it’s not up to a month yet”
Mrs Alexander was jittery, she stood up.
“Let’s go and have supper, you must be hungry”
I wasn’t.
Kylee smelled like sex and Josef. She was wearing his shirt.
“Christian called” Kylee said.
“He did, why didn’t he called me, he’s not picking my calls”
“Give him time. He asked of you and asked me if I could see you, I jumped from the bed and ran as fast as I could”
She stood up and stretched outta hand to me.
“Come, let’s eat. You’ve got to feed my boss Baby”
I rolled my eyes at her and followed her inside. The food made me feel alive, but when I was done eating and I had to go to my room, the quietness reminded me that Christian was really the greatest company I ever had.
I started reminiscing about all the fun we’ve had, all the times we’ve cried together and laughed together. I could still remember that day I walked into the house, wet and cold and he was there.
The door creaked open, bright light from the hallway sneaked into the room.
“It’s me, Jeandre I come in?”