Chapter 391: It Left A Significant Change

In his current situation, there was no point in hiding the truth.
The man gave a firm nod, his expression growing serious. He looked directly at Dave and said, “If I help you escape, you need to promise me one thing.”
“And what is that?” Dave asked.
“Use your influence in the Evans Group to clear my name and secure my release. I believe you have the power to make it happen.”
Dave’s face grew cold. “Who exactly are you?”
The man offered a cryptic smile, stood, and looked down at Dave. “I’m just someone fate keeps rejecting, forced to live in the shadows, longing for a normal life.”
“And how do you plan to help me?” Dave asked, deciding not to push further. He figured the man would reveal more if he wanted to.
Right now, Dave needed to know if the plan was realistic and if this man could really help him.
The man smirked and said, “Meet me in the backyard at two in the morning. Make sure no one sees you. I’ll explain everything then.”
That dawn, as planned, Dave met the man in the backyard.
The man revealed a weak spot in the asylum. It was in the area used for training attack dogs. He explained that he had once wandered into the compound by accident and found a small crack in the furthest wall.
The gap was just wide enough for a young boy to squeeze through.
Dave felt a chill run through him at the mention of the dogs.
During one of his earlier escape attempts, he had slipped past the guards and raced toward freedom. But an attack dog was released, ambushing him before he could get far.
The dog bit him, and when the guards arrived, they beat him and dragged him back.
The punishment that followed was even worse. He had come so close to dying that day. The hospital staff, wanting to keep him alive, managed to save him at the last moment.
The dogs played a key role in keeping order at the mental hospital, stopping anyone from trying to escape.
The guards and medical staff avoided dealing with the dangerous patients, depending entirely on the dogs to control them.
Dave had once seen a patient attacked and killed by the dogs. The victim’s face was so mangled it was unrecognizable.
That horrifying image was buried in Dave’s mind.
Nightmares of the incident plagued him, leaving him in a constant state of fear.
In his dreams, the dead patient appeared before him, whispering that escape was impossible.
Dave wondered how the staff had managed to cover up the incident. He wondered if someone had been tasked with making it disappear.
All he knew was that after the attack, the patient vanished without a trace.
No one mentioned him again.
Maybe deaths like that were common.
The staff showed no emotion; their faces were cold and empty as if they were already dead inside.
As days went by, Dave found himself forgetting what it felt like to be happy.
Even fear began to lose its grip on him. His emotions froze over, leaving his gaze cold and empty.
It left a significant change in him.
He became withdrawn and distant. Still, the sound of barking dogs made his heart race uncontrollably.
“There’s only one guard here,” the man said with a slow smile, his lips curling. “I might be able to distract him. But the real issue is the dogs.” He leaned closer. “I know a few tricks to deal with them. I can teach you, no strings attached. But tell me, do you have the guts to face those beasts and run away from them?”
Dave’s pupils narrowed at the question.
Though he had learned to bury his fear-or perhaps had forgotten how to feel it-there was still a flicker of anxiety in him.
In the short two weeks he had spent at the mental hospital, he had come to one conclusion: survival depended on taking every opportunity, no matter how dangerous.
If he didn’t fight back, his fate was already decided.
That was the harsh reality of survival in this cruel world.
As this truth sank in, a fierce strength lit up Dave’s eyes like a single spark ready to set a field ablaze.
Dave decided to trust his instincts.
A few days of training with the man would be enough to see if he really had the skills he claimed.
“Okay,” Dave said firmly. “I’ll train with you. If I escape, I’ll make sure your wish is granted.”
The man watched the boy in front of him. Dave’s clenched fists and determined expression brought a satisfied smile to his face.
He was rarely wrong about people.
From that day, Dave began sneaking into the backyard in the early hours to train with the man.
Once he confirmed the man’s skills were real and that he hadn’t been lied to, his focus on learning grew stronger.
Even though his body ached and his legs felt weak, Dave didn’t stop.
He had made impressive progress in just two weeks, pushing himself relentlessly.
“Even though your training was rushed, it should be enough to handle the dogs,” the man said, satisfied with Dave’s progress. “There’s heavy rain expected tomorrow. It’s a rare and perfect opportunity. I’ll cause a distraction to draw the guard away. After that, it’s up to you.”
Dave rose into a fierce young boy, far different from his usual manner before. Clenching his teeth, he knew this could be his final chance.
The day Dave escaped, a storm raged, just like the one on the day he was brought to the mental hospital.
Rain poured down his body, soaking him from head to toe. Yet, he stood firm in the downpour, waiting for the right moment.
The man acted quickly, distracting the guard and allowing Dave to enter the base without trouble.
When the fierce dogs caught Dave’s scent, they barked wildly and charged at him.
Dave moved quickly, as swift as a cheetah. He clenched his small but strong fists and fought off the dogs one by one. His clothes were torn to shreds, and his body was covered in scratches and bite marks, but he didn’t stop.
In the rain, his dark eyes burned with intensity.
The storm drowned out the dogs’ barks, keeping Dave’s fight hidden from those inside the asylum.
By the time he slipped through the jagged crack in the wall, his clothes were barely holding together.
Blood dripped from his face, neck, arms, and hands. Standing in the rain, he let out a low, chilling laugh.
The sound echoed through the night like the laugh of a ghost rising from the depths.