“What do you think you’re doing?” I screamed at Saraya.
Saraya stared at me and sighed. “Grandma, can you please not do this tonight?” She pleaded. “I’m exhausted as it is.”
“Then you should gotten your acts together instead of ruining your date your Toby.” I snapped.
“Trust me when I say I did the right thing walking out on him.” Saraya replied defiantly. “I’m already mad at myself for tolerating his respect in the first place when I should walked out earlier.”
“Of course, not only did you walk out of him. You got your friend to threaten him as well.” I clapped my hands. “Good job, Saraya.”
Saraya blinked her eyes severally. “Toby told you my friend threatened him?” She asked in an unbelievable tone.
“You heard me right.”
“Toby is lying, Dominic wasn’t even with us in the restaurant and even if by some sheer of coincidence he was, he wouldn’t have done that.” Saraya replied.
“So you’re saying Toby lied when you actually showed up with some sort of stranger.”
“That stranger saved me tonight, grandma.” Saraya didn’t flinch. “Besides Toby is not a good person. Like I said, I only meet with Dominic only when my car had broken down.”
I frowned. “Not a good person? What are you talking about? I have known that boy and he is nothing but polite.”
Saraya shook her head. “Then you should have seen the way he treated the waiter. He was rude and condescending, like the guy didn’t even matter. And the things he said about other people? It is disgusting to see how he thinks the world revolves around him.”
I took my seat and leaned back. “So you decided to just leave?”
She nodded. “Why would I waste my time explaining myself to someone like that? He doesn’t deserve it.”
“And this man you brought with you-what’s his name again?” I asked.
“Dominic,” she said, her voice softening a little. “He’s just someone I just met.”
I gave her a long look. “Saraya, I’m not saying Toby is perfect, but you need to learn how to handle things better. Walking away like that on a first date is all shades of wrong.”
“I knew you’d say that,” Saraya muttered, avoiding my eyes like she was disappointed in me. “I think your Toby is all shades of wrong.”
“Even If you’re not interested in Toby anymore, fine. But there’s a way to end things that doesn’t leave a mess behind.”
Saraya sighed, running a hand through her hair. “I don’t know what he told you, Grandma but trust me, I handled it the best way I could. I just couldn’t sit there pretending I was fine.”
“Oh, I know you, Saraya.” I snapped, having none of her excuses. “You were never interested in him anyways, you’re decided to walk out the moment you saw an air of his flaw.”
“I did gave him a chance like you wanted but unfortunately, he doesn’t not have the qualities I look out for.”
“Qualities like being way older than you.” I asked.
“Grandma!” Saraya looked at me with disgust in her eyes.
“Fine, let’s say you don’t like him. What about your friend, Dominic?” I asked.
“What are you insinuating?” Saraya asked in shock. “We just met.”
“You fell for Arlan, the moment you meet. Stop acting like an hypocrite.” I reminded her.
“Where is everyone?” Saraya asked in a bid to change the subject. “The house seems too quiet.”
“Don’t you dare change the subject at hand.”
“I don’t want to have anything to do with Toby and that’s it, grandma.” Looking around. “Dad!” I called out.
“Alex and Mary flew to Brisbane, Mary’s dad is in his final moments.” I revealed and watched her gasped.
“Oh my goodness!” Saraya had her mouth covered with her hand. “Mary must be very shocked.” Looking around. “Where is Evan?”
“He is in his room.”
“I should go check on him.” Saraya said while I watched her raced towards the flight of stairs.
“If only she listens to me.”
I knocked on Evan’s door but there was no response. I slowly opened the door and saw him saw lost while looking at the window.
I tip toed and followed his eyes, he was watching the stars. “You miss mom and dad?”
Jolting out of his reverie. “Sara.. ya” He said before fixing his eyes on the stars again, more like he was avoiding my gaze.
“Would you miss me, if one day, I’m gone?” I asking, trying to indulge him in a conversation. “I doubt you will, I’m pretty bad at keeping my words and I haven’t been the best sister, I know.” Nodding my head.
Evan shifted his position, throwing me a quick glance. “I never said so,” he replied.
I paused, waiting for him to say more, but he didn’t. Instead, he looked back out the window, his gaze still lingering on the stars.
I could feel like there was more he wanted to say but couldn’t find the words.
I stepped closer and placed a hand on his back. “I know I haven’t been there for you, Evan. I get lost in my own world sometimes, but I promise to always be here for you so you don’t miss mom and dad too much when they’re away.”
He placed his hand on my back too. “You seems to be struggling too, Saraya. I promise to be there for you.”
I couldn’t hold back the tears as I fell into his embrace. Even Evan could sense my struggles. It was overwhelming for me.
He patted my back. “You should stay away from him, Saraya.” He added.
I nodded while sobbing. “Look at you, all grown.” I pulled out of the hug and smiled at him while he wiped the tears off my cheeks.
“It’s late, we should get you to bed.” I pointed out.
“Would you read me a story like mom’ and dad does?” Evan asked.
“Hmmm,” I pretended like I was thinking about it. “Of course, anything for my little brother.”
I quietly stepped out of Evan’s room after tucking him in. My eyes were heavy and I wanted nothing than to close my eyes and sleep as well.
But as soon as I reached the hallway, My grandmother was standing by my door, arms crossed, looking at me with that knowing expression.
“Why is she still awake?” I mutter under my breath. “Feels like she is after my life tonight.”
“You should be sleeping by now, grandma.” I said trying to sound concerned though I was more concerned about myself.
“We are not done with our conversation.”
“Not again, please.” I pleaded, blinking my eyes. “I had a very long day and I’m at the verge of collapsing.”
“Since you don’t want Toby, we should talk about Dominic.” My grandmother began. “I see the way he looks at you.”
I looked up at her, already sensing what was coming and our conversation wasn’t over yet. “What are you trying to say, Grandma?”
She didn’t hesitate. “I’m certain for the life of me that you know what I’m talking about. Tell me what you think about him.”
I felt a knot tighten in my stomach. “Not again, grandma. I’m not having this conversation with you. Myself and Dominic are just mere friends.”
“You could start from there.”
My patience was wearing out. “Do you really want me out of your sight that much, that you would rather I jump at every tom and dick that comes my way?”
“Don’t you dare talk to me like that, young woman.” My grandmother rolled her eyes. “I’m doing this for you, you should find yourself a man to get your mind over Arlan. That is what is best for everyone, else, you would have more of Matilda’s visit and the only person who would suffer is you.”
I sighed deeply, trying to process her words. “Give me some time to think about it.”
“Of course, you don’t have to figure it all out in one night.” She said. “Take your time.”
I stared at the floor for a moment, “I will but for now, I really need to catch up on some sleep.”
“You do that.” My grandmother said and walked away leaving me to let out a sigh of relief I don’t know I was holding.