I grabbed the lamp stand beside my bed and threw it hard against the wall. “Fuck!” I screamed. I couldn’t believe he had the guts to turn me down despite threatening him with the child.
I paced around, “I have to do something and do it fast.”
“I can’t let him have his way, he either be with me or I’ll make the rest of his life miserable.” I said angrily.
“Its time to stop beating round the beat and find a way of getting Saraya out of the way, once she is out of the way, Arlan would have no other choice than to crawl back to me on his feet.”
Just then, an idea hit me, making me smile broadly. “Let’s do everything we can, Matilda.”
The next morning, I stood outside the Newman’s mansion, my pulse racing as I smoothed down my tailored coat.
The biting December snow couldn’t compare to the chill in my heart. “I’ll retrieve what is rightfully mine and render you totally defenceless, Saraya Newman.”
I pressed the doorbell and the door opened within the twinkle of an eye, and there he was – Alex Newman, his eyes widened slightly in surprise when he saw me.
“Matilda,” he said, stepping aside. “What a surprise to have you come over without a notice.” Alex said.
“Good morning, Alex,” I replied with a polite smile. “I’m sorry for intruding, I just needed to speak with you.”
His brows furrowed briefly, but then he gestured for me to come in. “We were just sitting down for breakfast. Come join us, we will discuss over breakfast.”
Before I could refuse the breakfast offer, Mary’s cheerful voice interrupted usfrom the dining room. “Matilda! Is that you?” She asked peeping from the dinner.
“Yes, it’s me.” I affirmed and stepped in.
“It’s so good to have you around!” Mary’s voice came again from the dinning room. She was arranging the cutleries.
I followed Alex into the dining room, Mary enveloped me in a quick hug.
“Good to see you too, Mary,” I said, a little stiffly as I patted her back.
“Good morning, Ms Newman.” I wrapped my arms around Isla for a very brief moment before she patted my hair.
Isla gave me a small smile. “Good to see you.”
“Thanks ma’am.”
“Hi there,” I waved at Evan and kisses his forehead. “Look at you, boy.” I ruffled his hair.
“Hi ma’am.” He said slowly.
Mary looked at my face and gasped. “Oh my, you look so pale. Haven’t you been eating and sleeping well? You need to eat well for your baby.” She closed her mouth like she shouldn’t have been so direct. “I heard you’re pregnant, congratulations.”
“Thank you.” I muffled.
Alex cleared his throat. “Sit, please,” He said, pulling out a chair for me. “You’ve caught us at the perfect time.
I slowly took the seat he offered, my eyes took a tour to the neatly set table. Toast, eggs, sausages, and steaming cups of tea.
“I’m sorry to intrude on y’all like this.” I apologized.
Mary gently patted my shoulder, “and who said you intruded? We are more than happy to have you eat with us.”
I tilted my head and sprouted my lips. “That’s so kind of you, Mary.”
Mary pointed to the food. “You should help yourself.”
Looking around, “where is Saraya?”
Isla threw her hand in the air. “She makes it to the table late, she should be here anytime soon.”
“So, what brings you here?” Alex asked as he poured me a cup of tea.
“You should let her eat, first.” Mary intruded. “Can’t you let her catch her breath before talking?” She rolled her eyes at Alex.
Alex looked at Mary in disbelief. “You’ve been talking to her since she came in, why can’t I do the same?”
“You have plenty of time to talk to her and why do you sound so jealous like I’m going to steak your friend away from you?”
Alex chuckled. “My bad, I apologize.” He said drawing a small smile from everyone. “She sounded like it couldn’t wait.”
I opened my mouth to respond, but before I could, Saraya walked in. She stopped mid-step, her eyes locked into me and I held her gaze. I loved the look of shock on her face
“Saraya…” I smiled at her but my eyes were filled with rage.
She quickly recovered from the shock. “Matilda,” she said flatly. Her voice was cold, distant but who cares.
“Good morning, Saraya,” I said, forcing myself to be calm. I was going to need her help anyways.
She didn’t reply. Instead, she crossed the room and picked up her tea cup. She took a slow sip, then set it down with a loud thud “I’ll pass on breakfast,” she said. “I’ll go dress up for work.”
“Saraya,” Alex interjected. “We have a guest, you should eat with us, even if it’s for few minutes.”
“I’m not hungry,” she said, her eyes never leaving mine.
I cleared my throat, determined not to let her throw me off balance. “I have an announcement to make,” I said slowly, my mouth was shivering and I blinked my eyes severally gaining everyone’s attention. “And I’d like for you to be here, Saraya.”
Her lips curled into a humorless smile. “I don’t think we have any business, Matilda.”
“Sara…” Mary cuts in.
I returned her gaze, unflinching. “I know we aren’t close,” I feigned and said in a broken tone. “And I’m ashamed to say this but I really need your help. I mean I need all the help I can get.” I looked at everyone at the table in the faces.
“Seeing how I’m struggling myself, I don’t think I’m in the right position to help anyone with anything.” Saraya replied with a spiteful tone only I could sense.
“You haven’t heard me out yet.”
The room went quiet, save for the faint clinking of Mary’s spoon as she stirred her tea.
“Fine,” Saraya said after a moment, crossing her arms. “Go ahead. Let’s hear it.”
“Good job, Matilda.” I told myself, I honestly would have patted my hair if I was alone. “Now let’s get into the act and make it real and convincing.”
I suddenly broke down in tears, wiping my face with my handkerchief.
Mary gasped, stood up and came over to my side. “Oh dear.” She held me to herself. “What is going on?” She asked.
“It’s Arlan,” I said amidst sobs. “I don’t understand him anymore and I need your help.”
“Oh dear.” Mary whispered.
“Alex, could you help me talk to him?” My tone was shaky and I was very close to tears.
“Matilda,” Alex began. “I really wish I could help you with this but I’m sorry I can’t. I don’t want to intrude in Arlan’s private affairs.”
“Why?” I asked coldly. “Am I not your friend? The affair we are talking has a lot to do with me and I’m telling you to interfere. Would you just stand by and watch us drift apart?”
“I think you should be having this conversation with Arlan, you know him?” Alex shook his head. “He rarely listens to anyone.”
“Believe me, I’ve tried but he won’t budge and even know he wouldn’t meet with me.” I allowed her tears to roll down my cheeks. “Y’all are the only ones who can help me of this ditch I’ve found myself.”
“Look at you lot, having breakfast together like a family, don’t this child I’m carrying deserve this much?” I asked, emotionally blackmailing Alex who simply looked away.
Mary wrapped her hands around me. “You’re right about that Matilda, every child deserves that much.”
“Thank you Mary, that is why I need all the help I can get especially from Saraya.” Her eyes landed on mine once again. “She seems to be meeting with him a lot these days and I can tell he treats her well. What about she arrange a meeting with Arlan and help me talk to him?” I suggested. “That would work.”
I watched Saraya shift uncomfortably on her seat. “And why should I do that , Matilda?”
I took a deep breath, composing myself as best I could while keeping the tears flowing. “You already know Arlan doesn’t want anything to do with me… or the baby,” I said, my voice trembling just enough to make it believable. “He has cut me off completely, and I don’t know what to do. I feel so lost.”
I glanced around the table, catching the mixed reactions on everyone’s face. Mary’s expression was one of concern, while Alex’s face was unreadable. Isla listened without saying a word, Saraya, on the other hand, remained cold and distant, her arms crossed over her chest while Evan was just stuffing his stomach with food from the table.
“That’s… unfortunate,” Alex said, finally breaking the silence and choosing his words carefully. “But Saraya isn’t the best person for this job. I don’t want her caught up in your …”
I turned to Alex, cutting him midway. “And what will you have me do since you’re unwilling to help me talk to him?” I asked. “The foetus in me is growing day by day, I have to do everything I can, even if it means bowing my head. I’ll do anything for my child, you are a father, aren’t you? Imagine Saraya and Evan on a table without you when you’re hale and hearty?” I asked and Alex went mute.
I turned to Saraya. “I know you’re his business partner,” I said, leaning forward slightly. “But not only business partner, I think he consider you …” I paused making the atmosphere tensed as I watched Saraya stiffened. “His friend,” I finally landed. “I’d be forever grateful, if you could find time to talk to him for me .”
Saraya gave a small chuckle, clearly irritated by my stunts. “Matilda, I’m sorry but Arlan is my father’s friend. His private affairs have nothing to do with me. Whatever is happening between you and Arlan is your business, not mine.”
“I know,” I said quickly, my voice cracking. “I know that, and that’s why I’m here-on my knees, begging you.”
Gasps erupted around the room as I suddenly dropped to the floor.
“Matilda, stop this!” Mary exclaimed, rushing over to me. She tried to pull me up, but I resisted, gripping the edge of the table for support.
“No,” I said, shaking my head. “I won’t get up until Saraya agrees to help me. Please, Saraya, I’m desperate. Arlan considers you family. I think you’re the only one who can reach him.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mary roll her eyes at Alex, who gave her a subtle shake of his head.
Saraya sighed, clearly exasperated. “Matilda, this isn’t appropriate.”
“Neither is abandoning a woman who’s carrying his child,” I snapped, letting my anger slip for just a moment before softening my tone again. “I’m not asking for much, Saraya. Just help me arrange one meeting.”
Mary glanced at Saraya, her expression now stern. “Saraya, don’t be rude. Matilda is clearly going through a lot.”
Saraya’s jaw tightened, and for a moment, I thought she might refuse. But then she sighed, pushing back her chair.
“Fine,” she said, her voice clipped. “I’ll try talk to him. If that’s all, then, I will take my leave.”
I nodded quickly, clutching her words like a lifeline. “Thank you. That’s all I ask.”
She didn’t respond, instead she hastily walked out of the room without another word.
“Run, Saraya, run until you’re out of Arlan’s life and mine.” I thought to myself with a big smirk on my face.
Mary helped me back into my chair. “There, there,” she said, patting my hand. “Things will work out, you’ll see.”
But as I sat there, sipping the tea Alex poured for me waiting for what Saraya’s reaction would be. “I would so suffocate you, Saraya.” I vowed.