Perched on the edge of the bed, my mind drifted to Alan. How he had shown up for me today at the Central Precinct.
“Here I was thinking I was doing a great job suppressing my feelings but why did I feel that way then? And why do I feel this way now?” I bit my lower lip as I placed my hand on my chest, bearing the sporadic rhythm of my heartbeat.
The tingly sensation made me happy yet made me nervous.
I shook my head as if to shake off the thought of him, but his thoughts continued to fill my mind.
I laid my back against the bed, hoping to get some sleep and stop thinking about him but even sleep was far away from my eyes.
My eyes squeezed shut but opened with frustration written over my face. It didn’t work.
The worried look on his face when he came to the Central Precinct to bail me was all I could see when I closed my eyes and all I could think of.
“Perhaps you should go see him rather than sitting here doing nothing.” A voice whispered in my thoughts.
I shook my head in response to the thought. “No, I can’t do that. I can’t let his worried looks confuse me.”
I’m certain it was just one of his numerous tricks to get me in his arms but his gaze stirred something in me, I thought I had buried. “Could it be that I have fallen completely for him?”
“No!” I snapped as though I were responding a physical person. “Why would I still be in love with him after we wanted us to end things that way? That can’t be possible.” I had no idea why I was saying it. Whether it was to lie to myself to try to convince the thoughts lingering in my head.
The butterflies I felt confirmed I wasn’t being honest with myself. “I need to talk to him.” I made up my mind and sat up once again.
My eyes landed on the alarm clock on the bedside table, and it warned me to sit back. It was past midnight.
“Argh… Tomorrow it is, then.” I muttered and laid back in bed.
Thought I tried to push away the thought, Alan was the last thing on my mind before I drifted to sleep.
The next morning, I woke up earlier than usual. I got dressed and went to the dining for breakfast.
“Good morning, everyone.” I greeted in a raspy tone and took my seat. The response to my greetings came as a solemn reply from the corners of the room.
I noticed the table was unusually quiet and gloomy, grandma was barely touching her food. Well I found out the reason. Ian was nowhere to be found.
Like Mary could read my thoughts and leaned towards me. “Ian left yesterday.” She said in a whisper. “Be careful not to irritate your grandmother.”
I nodded, I had come in very late last night and had headed directly to my room so I wasn’t aware of his absence, my eyes met with my grandmother and I could tell she has plenty of questions for me but I choose to glue my face to the plate of meal in front of me.
My grandmother cleared her throat, “what do you intend to do about the plummeting shares caused by your actions?” She asked.
“Mother!” My father cut in.
“I’m not talking to you but Saraya.” She countered. Turning her gaze back at me. “I’m yet to hear your answer.”
I swallowed hard, the clinking of silverware against plates had ceased, and the room was shrouded in an uncomfortable silence. My appetite vanished. “Grandma, you know the allegations are not true.”
“Whether or not, they’re true. Your reputation is tied to the company.” She answered in a no nonsense tone. “As the CEO of the company, I’m asking you how you intend to clear up this mess.”
“I…” I hesitated, searching for the right words to address my grandmother. The truth was, I didn’t have an answer. I had no idea how to fix the mess. “I’m working on it.” When I finally found my voice.
My grandmother scoffed. “Working on it?” She asked as though she couldn’t believe her ears. “All I see is you stuffing food into your mouth. Do you even understand the magnitude of the situation? This is not a matter to be taken lightly, Saraya.”
“I know that, Grandma,” I snapped, surprising even myself. The room froze. “I’m doing my best to fix it, but it’s not as easy as waving a magic wand and making everything better.”
“Perhaps you step…”
“Enough,” my father interrupted, his tone firm. “Mother, Saraya just took over and still have a lot to learn. She needs guidance, not criticism.”
My grandmother rolled her eyes but said nothing further. Instead, she picked up her teacup and took a sip, then stood up. “You can’t always cover up for her.”
I watched her disappeared into the hallway before I also stood up to take my leave.
“You should have some more food, you’ve barely touched your plate.” Mary pointed out.
“Thanks for your concern but I have no appetite.” I left the dinning room and went to my bedroom.
I took out my phone and dialled Arlan’s number but it was switched off. “Strange!” I thought to myself. “It’s almost 9a. m and his phone is not turned on yet.”
I dialled my secretary’s number. “Hello, peter.”
“Hi, ma’am!” Came his response.
“Do you by chance know where Mr Arlan’s Reef lives? I have something urgent to discuss with him but can’t get to him.”
“I’ll check the files with me and get back to you in five minutes.”
“Perfect, I will be expecting your message.” And with that, I ended the call.
In less than two minutes, the message notification of my phone popped up and it was a peter from Peter. “Finally, I have his home address with me, it’s time to pay him a visit.”
I dressed up and got into my car and began the drive to Alan’s apartment.
He would be surprised to see me, but I feel it was better that way. I alighted from the car, my bag hung on my hand and made my way to his apartment.
Luckily for me, I met a lady at the door whom I presumed to be his maid.
“Excuse me,” I called out in a hushed tone from afar, not to attract Alan’s attention.
He might be awake.
She turned to me, her hand on the knob and I quickened my steps.
“How may I help you?”
“Is this Alan’s apartment?” I questioned with a flashy smile.
She glared at me with a concerning look. “Yes, who are you?”
“I’m Saraya and I’m here to see him.”
“Oh!” She nodded with a sly smile, like she knew something about me.
It was unlikely of Alan to talk about me, at least, not to his maid but I pushed my thoughts aside. “Do you know me?”
“I’ve seen you on paper,” She grinned, opened the door and invited me in. “Please, come in.”
I stepped into the apartment and stood by the door.
“Please, take a seat while I tell him you’re around.” She said and turned to leave, but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.
“Please, I don’t want him to know I’m here to see him. This is a surprise visit.” I said in a hushed, low voice below a whisper.
Her brows raised as though I had said something impossible. “So what do you want me to do?”
“I’d like to follow you in so we can see him together. I don’t want my visit to be announced.” My voice came as a desperate plea and I almost hated myself for it.
“That won’t be possible, ma’am. It’s my duty to inform him first and let you know if he is available to attend to you.” Her voice was clear, leaving no room for option.
I had no option too than to plead with her.
“Please, this is really important to me.” I took her hands, patting it with me. “Can we go see him already?”
She let out a deep and confusing sigh. “We will, only on one condition.” She uttered.
“What’s that?” My voice rang sharp and fast.
“I’ll take the lead.” She said in a low voice and I nodded.
What more could I possibly ask for?
We walked to Alan’s door and she knocked, grabbing the door knob.
“Mr. Alan?” She called, her hand on the knob and ready to open it.
“Who’s that?” A female voice asked from the room.
Bridget’s hand slipped from the knob as our eyes met, both confused.
I wanted to give it time to process what was happening, but I couldn’t. I pushed opened the door and there they were.
The man I thought I had fallen for… again, deeply asleep and a woman who had nothing on except her panties.
“Matilda…” I muttered but couldn’t say any more words. “Didn’t he say they were good friends?”
Matilda rolled her eyes at me, telling me it was her territory and I had no power there.
“This… No…” I shook my head as I stuttered unable to find the right words.
But he was there, stirring in his sleep while I struggled with my heart shredded into pieces.