Taking a long, last glance at the cemetery, I waved my mother a final goodbye.
Me and her had never had the best mother to daughter relationship, but I’d be lying if I say I don’t miss her dearly already.
Before her death, she’d constantly nagged about my “excessive” partying, wide-eyed screen the friends I hung around and always shot a look of disapproval at the men I dated.
“I bet he’s just another dick head waiting to have a taste of your pussy and money, if he hasn’t already! No good!” She’d yelled in disgust with her thick Aussie accent.
And just as you’ve already guessed, she was always right about them.
Signalling to my chauffeur that I was ready to leave, I closed the car door.
The car pulled to a stop in front of the grand mansion my mother had left me alongside other valuable assets.
I’m home. The loneliness of an almost empty house greeted me.
After her death, I’d relieved a good number of her staff from duty- I am not cruel!
My mother is gone, what was the need to keep so many anyway? It was she who needed that many employees at her every beck and call-her own way of enjoying luxury.
Shutting the door to my dimly lit room, I jumped on the bed and let myself sink in the plush surface.
The tears I had been holding back slowly started to blur my vision. Hot fluid smeared my expensive make-up as it streaked down my face.
I reached for a pillow and pressed it hard against my mouth, screaming into it-It was therapeutic, so I heard.
I hear a knock on the door. I immediately sat up and reached for a box of face wipes to wipe off the tears and, now messy make-up.
There is no way I’d let anyone catch me looking like I was casted for the role of a widow in a horror movie.
The gentle knock came again. Looking at my reflection on the gigantic mirror and making sure I looked normal, I responded in my usual soft, cool tone.
“Come on in.”
The door opens and Gabby, my mother’s oldest housekeeper and my then nanny, walks in with two envelopes in hand.
“How are you feeling today, child?” She placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Do you want anything?”
“No, thanks, Gabby, I’m,” I sniffed in what was left of my courage. “I’m fine. Really, I am.”
“You know you could tell me”
“What is that?” I pointed to the envelopes in her hand, cutting her short.
Bless her good heart, but I wasn’t in the mood to talk about my feelings with Gabby.
She can be a little too much sometimes-Seriously, I’m not even trying to be rude.
One time I got my heart broken and was sulking, she’d tried to comfort me by wanting to carry me and sing me a lullaby to sleep like I was still six years old!.
She’d caught me stuffing up my mouth with ice cream in the middle of the night. So, yeah, I’m not sorry for changing the subject.
“Well, this one,” She sat beside me holding out a sparkly gold envelope. “Is a letter from your Father.”
My face fell.
My father was hardly ever in my life since he’d found out about me five years ago.
I couldn’t blame him though. He had tried to fit into my life, but it was just too hard for me to adjust my world to fix him in. Especially after I knew he had another family. I guess I have no choice now.
“He wants you to join him in Australia, darling ” Gabby comforted me, noticing my expression.
“He’d love for you to meet and get to know the rest of your family members” She adds.
I let out a deep sigh.
“What about the other one?” I point to the other envelope.
“Oh, this?” She hands it to me. “That is an invitation to an exclusive wedding party. Guess where?” Gabby grinned.
“No, Australia!” She chuckled. She seemed more excited for me than I was for myself.
“Laura’s wedding, remember?!” She playfully pushes me on the side with an elbow. “If you ask me, I’d say it is a sign for you to consider a change of environment and start afresh with a new family.”
She was right. I did need a change of environment for a start into making better choices in men. God knows I was done wasting my time with these men here!.
It hit me. “Wait, you’ve read my letters already?!”
She giggled.
“Oh dear! I’ve been reading your letters since you were fifteen!” She burst out laughing. “Your mother made me read to her first before handing you the ones she believed were necessary. ” She winked at me and got up to leave, dropping the envelopes on the bed.
“Ugh, what else did you do behind my back, Mom.” I rolled my eyes in disbelief.
How am I just finding out? No wonder the boys, back in highschool, thought I was snobbish and wouldn’t reply to their letters.
I had always thought they made that up to make me look bad as ‘The Rich Kid’.
But why would any reasonable boy send letters to my parent’s house? Whatever happened to getting my number and sending a text instead?
Boys! They’d cause trouble and leave us, ladies, to deal with the mess.
I picked up my father’s letter and read it for myself.
*My lovely daughter, how are you holding up? I know it’s been tough dealing with the death of your mother alone, but the truth is, you’re not alone. You have me.
If you’d agree, I hope you do, I’d love for you to come stay with me. I want you to meet the rest of our family.
Also, I’d love for you to pique interest in the family business, I have big plans for you.
Call 029******* whenever you make a decision.
Love you,
“Seriously?” I inhaled before I picked up the phone and dialled the number. “Maybe it was for the best.” I muffled under my breath while the phone rang.
“Hello?” My father’s deep voice came in.
“Hello, this is Saraya.” Was all I could think to say at the moment.
“Saraya, sweetheart,” I could hear the excitement in his voice. “I’m glad you called.”
“Yeah, I read your letter.” I paced nervously back and forth the room, contemplating my next words.
“I’d love to settle with you in Australia.” I let the weight off my chest.