“Mam, Daisy Mam is asking for you to come downstairs for dinner,” the maid knocked on the door.
Priya, who was sitting on the bed, stood up with a deep sigh, Priyank’s words still revolving inside her head, making it difficult for her to think of anything.
The way he kissed her forehead, his touch, everything was just lingering on her body. It felt like it just happened a second ago, when it’s already been more than three hours, and stars are shining in the sky.
‘He hasn’t called yet,’ Priya thought to herself.
‘You want him to call?’ the voice in her head asked, more sarcastic than anything.
‘No.. I just want to sleep. How can I sleep when he told me to wait for his call?’ Priya panicked in her thoughts.
As she opened the door and saw the maid standing, waiting for her, she smiled. “Hello,” Priya greeted politely.
The maid kept her eyes low; it was a rule in the house that Priyank didn’t like anyone making direct eye contact with him or his mom, and now Priya was part of his family, so it was common for the maid to avoid meeting Priya’s eyes.
Even though the staff was all at ease with Daisy, that was only behind Priyank’s back. But Priya couldn’t say the same for herself, as she didn’t even know what kind of person Priyank was.
“What happened? Is something wrong?” Priya asked when she heard no answer from the lady standing in front of her.
Before, she didn’t get to talk to the people inside this house because Priyank was with her, but now she was alone, so maybe she could try talking and find a few things that might help her to escape. Though she doubted she would get any useful information.
Everyone here, all the staff, seemed to keep their eyes on the floor, as if they were afraid of picking a fight.
“It’s not like that, ma’am,” the maid stuttered, shocked by Priya’s words.
“Then why are your eyes glued to the floor? I’m standing right in front of you. Are you searching for my face down there?” Priya asked innocently.
The maid’s eyes widened; it was the first time she had heard something like this. To her, it didn’t sound innocent at all; it sounded rather dangerous, as if Priya were angry with her.
“Ma’am, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean… I mean, I wasn’t looking for your face,” the maid stuttered, flustered.
Priya sighed, realising she might have startled the maid. “Why are you scared? I am not even a monster,” she said, trying to ease the tension.
“I don’t mean to… I know…” the maid fumbled with her words, not understanding what she should do because she was terrified.
“Don’t say sorry, it’s not even your mistake. Why are you so scared? That’s the only question. I swear I don’t bite, I really don’t,” Priya said sadly, trying to soothe the maid, but it didn’t seem to be working.
She couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was off about this household, something beyond just Priyank’s peculiar rules.
She didn’t know why, but people here always looked scared, other than Daisy, everyone in this house seemed like they were walking on eggshells.
‘How can you forget the day you met Priya? The next time his mom mentioned him cutting a maid’s arm, and then him even being violent with his staff in his office,’ the voice in her head reminded her.
Priya gasped in shock as she realised what was happening. Everyone was walking on eggshells because they worked here and Priyank was like a volcano who could burst whenever he wanted, without any prior warning.
Priya’s heart raced as she connected the dots.
She remembered the subtle warnings from Daisy, the nervous glances from the staff, and now this maid’s trembling fear. It was all starting to make sense.
And how she won’t even trust when she already suffered from his anger, he literally made her walk on the glass, not like he leaves her unpunished.
He punishes everyone as he feels, and she now herself is scared of her.
The maid looked at Priya with fear-filled eyes as she heard her gasp loudly and now thinking things; she doesn’t know if her life today is going to end.
Because for sure if she told Priyank that she didn’t like her, no one would save her from his anger.
“Mam, please don’t tell anything to sir. If you feel I did anything offensive, you can beat me. Please don’t tell sir anything,” the maid started pleading.
Priya’s heart ached as she saw the desperation in the maid’s eyes. She realized that this poor woman was living in constant fear, just like she was.
“I won’t tell him anything, I promise,” Priya whispered, her voice filled with sympathy. “But you shouldn’t have to live like this. No one should.”
The maid’s eyes widened in disbelief. “But, ma’am, what can I do? I have nowhere else to go. This job is all I have.”
Priya snapped back from her thoughts at the maid’s words.
“Listen,” Priya said, her voice soft. “I won’t tell Priyank anything. You don’t have to be scared of me.”
The maid shook her head. “Thanks, Mam.”
“You don’t have to be thankful. I’m really sorry if I scared you, because I don’t mean to. I am nothing like your boss, so don’t worry,” Priya said, patting the maid’s shoulder as she smiled.
The maid looked at her and saw the truth and innocence in her eyes. She could totally see that Priya wasn’t lying.
“Mam, we need to go downstairs now. Daisy Mam has already been waiting for so long,” the maid politely smiled.
Priya wanted to talk more and tell her that she didn’t have to call her “Mam,” but she didn’t think it would be right because the maid already looked sad and scared, and Priya didn’t want to make it more awkward.
Priya nodded understandingly. “Of course, let’s go.”
As they made their way downstairs, Priya couldn’t shake off the feeling of guilt. She hated seeing someone so afraid, especially when she herself was caught in the same trap.
She can’t even help herself, so how is she even able to help anyone else? For now, she just has to focus on what she can do to escape from this place.