As Cynthia set her glass down, her eyes were drawn to two young black men heading their way, both dressed in plush white robes with the resort’s logo on the left breast. Each carried one of the formed cushions.
“Time to assume the position,” June said as she got out of the lounger and stood before it. Unsure of what to do, Cynthia followed suit.
The two gentlemen placed the cushions on the pool deck in front of the chairs and sat down, but not before undoing the sashes on their robes and draping them open to each side.
“Enjoy your cocktail,” June said as she gave Cynthia a wink before dropping to her knees in front of one of the men.
Cynthia watched in awe as June leaned forward and lifted the black man’s sizable cock to her mouth. Her ovaled lips slid over the dark purple knob and Cynthia heard the older woman start to purr once she had the flared cockhead safely trapped within her mouth. Cynthia felt herself salivating as she turned to the young man in front of her, his cock just as big as the ones she’d sucked last night.
“Here you go, Miss, a nice big straw for you to suck on,” the man in front of her said as he wrapped his hand around his cock and started stroking it towards her, the veiny shaft quickly stiffening before her eyes. “I can guarantee you’ll get a nice creamy drink when you’re done.”
Those words alone had Cynthia kneeling on the cushion in seconds flat. She stared at the mushroom-shaped knob as if hypnotized as the guy slowly stroked it, the cockhead puffing up and growing right towards her. As if drawn in by a magnet, she found herself leaning forward, her mouth opening further and further as she got closer, until her lips slid smoothly over the flared head, following the contours of the enormous knob until she had it engulfed in her hot drooling mouth, her lips continuing to slide further down the stiffening shaft.
“Mmm…” Cynthia found herself purring just as June had, her salivary glands working like crazy as she pushed a big wad of hot spit to the front of her mouth, her tongue rolling all over the beautiful cock in her mouth. She glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw June’s head bobbing rhythmically up and down as she sucked off the other young man. Not to be outdone, Cynthia started moving her head up and down as well, slick gobs of saliva leaking out of the corners of her mouth and running obscenely down the man’s thrusting black cock.
“Oh, that’s it, Miss, you certainly are good at that,” her young man said as her hand came forward and circled the throbbing shaft, her fingers coming nowhere near to closing around the impressive girth. Cynthia pumped her hand as she sucked, loving the taste of precum sluicing out onto her tongue. She loved what she was doing, servicing this huge black cock, just as she’d dreamed of doing while she’d been watching all those pornos. She couldn’t believe her dream had come true, thanks to Jim. Even though she was here on her knees, sucking the cock of a total stranger, she felt like she loved Jim more than ever before for giving her this wonderful anniversary gift.
“Ahh… yes, Miss… here you go,” the young man said as Cynthia felt his cock give a little twitch just before he started to ejaculate. The size of the first milky rope surprised her, the massive glob of semen spewing forcefully into her mouth like he’d turned on a fire hose. She found she had to swallow right away, and what felt like a pint of sperm went right into her belly. She felt her pussy creaming like mad as he continued to shoot, gobs and gobs of warm creamy cum filling her mouth. And still he kept coming, pumping her mouth full time and again with his viscous seed. Cynthia swallowed every drop, loving the intense masculine flavor as the thick wads of cum slid luxuriously down her throat.
When he was finally done and she continued to nurse at his drooling cock-tip, Cynthia looked out from the corner of her eye and saw June swallowing a mouthful as well, both men coming with seconds of each other. She and June gave their respective cocks a loving kiss on the tip as the men stood up, pulled their robes around them, and walked back to the wooden hut without a single word being spoken.
June took her spot on the lounger, taking a long sip of her lemonade. “Mmm, that hits the spot before lunch, doesn’t it?”
“I’ll say,” Cynthia concurred, downing some of her drink as well. “Man, I love this place.”
“So I take it you enjoyed your cocktail?”
“Mmm, it was wonderful. But you know, I was just thinking… we never even knew their names.”
“Does it really matter?” June asked, shrugging her shoulders.
Cynthia thought about what June had just said. “You know, you’re right, it doesn’t matter at all. It was still incredible.”
“I knew you’d enjoy a nice aperitif before lunch. What do you say we make it a double, okay?”
Cynthia paused as she looked over a June, a broad smile on the woman’s face. “Wha–” Cynthia started before June interrupted her.
“ANDRE!” June called out, turning towards the bar and holding up two fingers. “Two more, please.”
“Yes, Miss,” Cynthia heard Andre answer as he turned and signalled to his helper once more.
“Do you really think we should…?”
“I can see it written all over your face, Cyn. You’d love to suck more black cock, wouldn’t you?”
Cynthia felt herself turning red. “Am I really that obvious?”
“Don’t sweat it, girl. We’re all like that here. Ah, here we go.”
Cynthia looked up to see two different young black men approaching, just as handsome as the last two.
Ten minutes later, both she and June were wiping their mouths, their bellies full of a second load of cum.
“Well, now you know all about the Black Swallow Bar,” June said as she took Cynthia’s arm as they made their way back to join their husbands.
“Do you think we can come again?” Cynthia asked wistfully as she looked over her shoulder at the towering hedge and the metal sculpture adorning the entrance, the two black swallows seeming to call out to her to return.
“We can come as often as you like, but let’s get some real food inside us. I think you’re going to need your strength to get through the rest of the day. You know what they say, ‘Women can’t live on cum alone’, or can they?”
Both women chuckled as they rejoined their husbands, the two men sitting poolside with glasses of beer beside them.
“Did you have a good time, dear?” Jim asked.
“A very good time. That Black Swallow Bar is the perfect place for a quick cocktail.”
“Excellent. I’m glad you liked it.” The smile on her husband’s face told Cynthia that Robert had filled him in on what that bar was all about. Again, she loved Jim even more for his understanding of what she needed.
“Great, are you girls ready for some lunch?” Robert asked. “I’m starving.”
“I could do with a little more in my belly,” June said, absentmindedly rubbing her cum-filled stomach. “What about you, Cynthia?”
“Yes. Like you said, I might need to keep my strength up.”
Lunch in the buffet was an interesting affair, at least as far as Cynthia was concerned. The place was bright and cheery, with most tables filled with couples much like themselves. Cynthia was quick to notice that all staff working in the Dining Room were black males of various ages, all in excellent physical condition. But it was the level of service that she found most intriguing. At a few of the tables, the waiters were standing next to women who were turned sideways in their seats, sucking their cocks right there in front of everyone.
Cynthia had been shocked at first, but was quickly getting used to the way things were here at the ‘Endless Bulls’ resort. While some women were orally pleasuring their servers, a number of others were sitting with their legs spread apart while their husbands were busy under the table, gratefully licking their wives’ pussies. Cynthia was quick to realize why many women were wearing bikinis or two-piece bathing suits instead of one-pieces; it was much easier to whip off a pair of bikini bottoms when you were in a hurry to get your pussy licked. She even saw one woman jerk her waiter off right onto her pasta, just as Carnell had done into her coffee earlier that morning. Another woman at a nearby table was so inspired by what she’d just seen that she summoned four of the waiters over and they each took turns frosting the piece of cake she’d ordered. Cynthia was blown away by it all as she watched the woman eagerly devour her cake, and vowed to enjoy everything the facilities had to offer.