Cyn’s husband orders the ‘Deep Tissue Massage’ for her
Cynthia awoke the next morning feeling better than she had in months. She felt like a bear who’d been in hibernation all winter and was now ready to face the world and, like that bear, she was hungry, hungry for more black cock. Her movement caused Jim to wake up as well. He rolled over and snuggled up against her, his hand slipping around her body to cup one of her massive breasts.
“Sweetie, look at how late it is,” Cynthia said after glancing over at the clock radio next to the bed. “I can’t believe we slept this long.”
“I think we both needed it after last night,” Jim replied. “Do you regret any of it?”
“Not one second,” Cynthia said as she extended her arms and stretched like a cat. “But I’m feeling pretty hungry.”
“Even after all that cum you swallowed last night?”
“Me, what about you?” Cynthia responded playfully. “You swallowed almost as much as me.”
“Well, I guess we can’t live on cum alone. At this time though, I think we’re going to have to rush if we want to get to the buffet while they’re still serving breakfast.”
“Oh honey, do you think we could just order room service instead? I really want to take a nice long shower first.”
“Sure, no problem. I’ll take care of that if you want to go into the shower first.”
“Thanks, dear. I love you so much,” Cynthia said as she gave Jim a quick peck before bounding out of bed, anxious to get on with the day.
“Do you want anything special?”
“You know what I like,” Cynthia said as she made her way across the room, “just as long as I get a big cup of coffee, I’ll be fine.” She drew back the black-out curtains and almost gasped at the view before her. “Jim, come and look at this. It’s incredible.”
Seconds later, Jim stood next to her as they gazed out of the patio doors. Arriving late at night, they’d been able to see next to nothing of the resort, but now, that had changed. With the mid-morning sun pouring down, the resort lay before them in a vivid kaleidoscope of colors. Swaying palm trees, a brilliant blue sky, the glittering sparkle of numerous pools, the soothing sand of the beach, the inviting turquoise waters of the ocean, the shocking multitude of brightly-colored flowers in every landscaped garden, and lush green grass and verdant bushes and trees that made winter in the northwest seem like a bad dream. Cynthia drew open the patio door and let the warm tropical air caress her body like a velvety feather. She let her eyes roam over every detail of the view before her, feeling her body tingle at the thought that they were really here. The resort was stunningly beautiful, and better than she had ever imagined. “Oh honey, it’s just… it’s just…”
“It is beautiful, isn’t it?” Jim said as he stood beside her, both of them beaming.
“It’s like a dream come true,” Cynthia said as Jim reached up and caressed her shoulder.
“Kind of like last night?”
She turned to him, happy to see the coy smile on his face. She leaned over and gave him another peck on the lips. “Yes, just like last night. Now, make that call to room service. I’m starving but I want to get out there soon.”
While Cynthia went into the shower, Jim looked through the binder next to the phone and made a call to room service. After placing their order, he also looked through the section of some of the amenities the resort had to offer. He was blown away by just the initial listings:
All black staff
Discretion assured
Clothing optional for wives
No condoms needed
Gloryhole Tuesdays are open to locals
Filming facilities available upon request
Gangbang team on standby 24/7
Please no intercourse with white men in public areas
Black Swallow Bar open to female guests only
Special requests are complied with whenever possible
He couldn’t believe what he was seeing, but everything he saw reinforced the thought that he had definitely picked the right place for Cynthia’s ‘Coming Out’ party, as he thought of it, or ‘Cumming Out’ party, as Jim knew some people would spell it.
He reread all the listings again, many of them catching his eye and making his mind race, especially that one about the ‘Gangbang team on standby 24/7’. As he scanned through the more detailed descriptions of what the resort had to offer, he couldn’t keep the smile off his face. Yes, this was definitely going to be an interesting vacation.
Cynthia came out of the shower wrapped in one of the resort’s big fluffy robes, towel drying her hair as Jim went in for his morning routine. She made her way out onto the patio, loving the feel of the soft air on her as she leaned against the glass guardrail, watching people move about on the meandering pathways below. Privacy barriers on each side of the large outdoor patio made their space intimately their own, with the only view forward, towards the ocean. Cynthia gazed out at all the splendour before her, pinching herself to make sure it was real. She saw couples making their way here and there, with many already lounging by the pools or relaxing at the beach. Even from their third-floor vantage point, she could tell that most of them were about the same age as her and Jim. She found comfort in that, knowing that there were so many other women like her that were here for a very specific reason–to get fucked by big black cock. With those libidinous thoughts swirling through her brain, she looked down and spotted a few workers tending to the beautifully landscaped gardens. Young black men in tight golf shirts and khaki pants, their arms and faces glistening with sweat as they worked. Cynthia felt herself shiver, thinking about the idea of those young men working on her instead. A few minutes later Jim joined her, wearing one of the plush robes as well. A rap on the door made them both turn.
“Ah, that’ll be room service,” Jim said as he turned and walked back into the room.
“Do you think we could have it here, sweetheart?” Cynthia said as she pointed to the small table close to where she was standing. “It’s so beautiful out here.”
“I don’t see why not,” Jim called back before opening the suite door.
Cynthia sat down at the small table for two on the deck while the room service attendant wheeled a cart right up to the patio doors. As Jim took his spot next to Cynthia, the attendant carried some covered dishes out to the table and placed them down in front of them, followed by cups and saucers with a personal carafe of coffee, which Cynthia was happy to see. He followed that up with utensils and everything else necessary for a perfect breakfast.
Cynthia couldn’t help but let her eyes roam over the young man’s form. Like the others the night before, he was dressed in the standard uniform of a white golf shirt and khaki shorts. He was well-built, just as the others were last night, his ebony skin shining in the morning sun. She noticed the small gold name tag pinned to his shirt: CARNELL. He had a nice bulge beneath his shorts. Cynthia couldn’t help but stare at the bulge of a very big cock trapped beneath the confining fabric. She felt herself salivating just thinking about what he had in there.