Book:FATED TO MY UNCLE Published:2025-2-13

I paced back and forth at the hospital hall as I waited for news from the doctors about Lana.
I was not bothered about Iris because I knew that she would heal but with what the doctors said, it might take a while. Third degree burns.
“You need to relax, Yulia, you have been pacing for a while now,” Jamal said with a health magazine in his hands. He sat crossed leg and occasionally flipped through the pages of the catalogue.
“Lana could be dead for all I know,” I said.
“She is fine, you should worry about Iris instead,” Jamal said.
“Does it make me a bad person if I don’t really care?” I asked in a low voice.
Jamal shrugged. “She attacked your human friend and threatened to kill her right in front of you, I’d say she got what she deserved.”
I was glad Jamal was on my team.
A mature doctor with thinning white hair approached me. He was in an open white coat with a stethoscope hanging snugly around his neck.
“Ms. Yulia?” He asked as he got near to me.
“How is she?” I asked.
“Which one?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
“The human,” I replied.
“Oh, Ms. Lana will be fine, although she will have some difficulty speaking because her larynx had been affected by the strangulation, but a few weeks of proper rest and medication and she would be good as new,” He said.
“Can I go and see her?” I asked.
“Not yet, she is still under medication and not conscious,” He shook his head as he spoke.
“What of the werewolf?” Jamal asked as he dropped the magazine and stood up to meet the doctor.
“Yes, Iris Craven, her healing factors are kicking in but it is very slow, I believe it will take months before she is fully healed,” the doctor replied.
“Will there be permanent scar burns?” Jamal asked.
“It is too early to say, but whatever she was burnt with packed a lot of heat, I mean it burnt her clothes to ashes in a matter of seconds, I have never seen anything like it before in my life,” The doctor said with amazement. “And I have seen a lot.”
I swallowed nervously. I was still trying to make sense of what happened myself. I could still remember the loud ringing in my ears after I had unleashed the light on Iris. It was like someone was whispering words…ancient words into my ears.
“Yulia?” I heard Issa call to me and I turned around.
His face was wracked with worry and confusion.
I ran into his arms and he held me close to his body without question. I could feel our hearts unify in one harmonious rhythm. I sighed in deep relief as all began to make sense in his arms.
“Are you okay?” He asked in a husky voice.
“Not really, but I will be,” I answered honestly.
“Can you tell me what happened?” He asked.
I took a deep breath and moved away from him to sit down on one of the chairs at the reception. He followed and joined me.
“Iris was asking about where you went because she did not see you at the office,” I began. “But before that I revealed that I knew about her marriage proposal to you and she began to demand why you would tell me about it. I think she was shocked that you would tell me anything concerning you and her. She got all demanding and began to ask questions but after I got your text, I ignored her. She did not like that.”
“The Cravens do not like being ignored,” Issa said with a smile.
“Yeah, I learnt that the hard way,” I said. “Anyway, I took Lana with me to get some snacks so we could go upstairs and leave Iris alone to wait for you. When we got out of the kitchen, she just jumped at me, but Jamal pushed me out of the way. It turned out that Lana was who she wanted all along.” I looked at Jamal who was also listening with rapt attention.
“She held Lana by the neck and demanded to know where you had gone to and why you would tell me anything, or she would kill Lana. Issa, I do not know how to explain what happened next in clear words but what I can say is I felt this blinding rage and ringing in my ears, I felt this tightening in my chest and a warm burning sensation behind my eyes. Then Iris caught fire and crashed against the wall.” I finished.
Issa sighed and held my hands. “I think I know how your power works now,” He said. I was confused. Even I had no idea how and when they worked.
“They respond to rage,” He replied. “Your powers are triggered only when you are angry, that is dangerous.”
“I don’t understand why it is dangerous; it came in handy when she needed it the most,” Jamal said.
“I know what I am saying, Jamal,” Issa said forcefully. “I know because my own powers are triggered by rage too,” he added with a pained tone. “And unless you learn how to master your emotions, you may end up hurting a lot of people.”
I saw Iris’s father approach us but I could not get a reading on the expression on his face. He did not seem angry nor worried but he gazed at me with a curiosity that made me uncomfortable.
Issa followed my eyes and a silent scoff escaped his lips.
“How is my daughter?” He asked in a plain voice.
“She is healing…slowly,” Jamal answered.
“Anyone care to tell me what happened?” He asked.
Issa took me by the hand and gently pulled me up to my feet as he stood.
“The detective will tell you everything you need to know,” He said in a cold manner and pulled me towards the exit.
“We need to talk, Issa, you should wait for me,” Deucalion said.
“I do not have to do anything for you, Duke, your daughter needs you, I don’t,” Issa replied and kept walking with me until we were outside.
It was already night outside. Issa’s phone buzzed and he checked it. A deep frown appeared on his face.
“What is it?” I asked. He turned to me.
“I just found out the moths drawn to your flames.”