Cara’s POV
With my jaw still dropped open, I watched my husband pull off his cap and hoodie, leaving him in just his sweats and a tight tank top.
He dumped them on my lap, “Hold on for a minute.” Then he was moving towards the ring.
My hand darted out to stop him.
He looked back, and I glanced around, sinking under the peering eyes of the crowd around us.
“Are you for real? You’d die out there! Didn’t you see how he crushed the other guys?” My voice dropping to a whisper, “I am not ready to be a widow, Adonis.”
This was exactly why I remained adamant about coming. Why didn’t he always think these things through? He didn’t even discuss this with me.
The corners of his lips tilted up, triggering an unexpected rage within me.
“You’re smiling? Really? Is this something to smile about? Get that smirk off your face this instant, and let’s get out of h-hmph!” Adonis’s lips landing on mine silenced every other word I had to say.
He pulled away.
“I’ll be back.” And he was off.
My face flushed beet red as I remembered we were still an object of attraction to the people around.
It’s official. My husband has gone mental.
What else could explain his sudden changes since he woke up? I was dressed up as a man, yet he dared to kiss me? If anything should happen to me, then it’ll be his fault!
Summoning courage, I raised my head, ready to take in their reactions and any comments they might have.
There was none.
Not a single word because no one cared. They didn’t care about anything or one that wasn’t the handsome Greek god look-alike who was marching down the stairs towards the ring.
Despite the situation, pride filled my heart as I watched him go. Only Adonis could make a simple walk look so graceful.
“Well… ” The announcer began as he entered the ring, eyeing him carefully. “Let’s give it up for the man who has shown bravery in the face of danger…”
The silence stretched on, various wide eyes gazing like this was the first time someone from the audience would accept the challenge.
“This is practically the first time…” A small voice whispered by my side, and every last confidence I had in me evaporated.
My heart thumped rapidly against my chest. Was this the route he and my father wanted to take? When they said ‘fighting’, I would’ve never guessed it’d mean this.
“Let’s not be a spoiler. I said Give. It. Up!!!”
Slowly, they began to clap, one after the other, until the room became as lively as it could get again. When the jamboree died down, the announcer turned towards Adonis.
“Can we have your name?”
I snorted. This shouldn’t be funny to me. My husband was seeking his death. I should be calling home for help in case things went awry.
For heaven’s sake, why would Adonis do this?
The announcer cleared his throat, “Excuse me, sir. Your name?”
More awkward silence.
My man stood with his hands crossed over his chest and eyes stuck on his opponent.
“Oh, okay. It seems like we have a silent fighter. Let’s go with the name Mr. Qui-
Adonis whipped his head towards him in a deadly glare and he gulped.
“-or not.” Giving a forced laugh to diffuse the tension. “Now, Death Eater, it seems you have a first-time challenger. How do you feel about this?”
Death Eater chortled, “I guess I’ll easily get this over with then.”
Fear gripped me.
Whatever Adonis had planned, I hoped he was 100% sure about it because evidence had made me believe Death Eater was capable of doing just that.
“Okay! The fight isn’t over yet. Ladies and gentlemen, hold your breaths; let the rogue challenge begin!”
The loud bell rang to signal its commencement, and I moved closer to the edge of my seat, my heart racing faster than ever before.
This was it. I hope there has never been a case of miscarriage from cardiac arrest, or else I was in trouble.
My mind drifted back to the words I said to him after our intense make-out session two days ago.
“You’ll be the death of me.”
Was that why he was doing this? I did not mean for it to happen literally.
My face scrunched up as I watched the two men in the ring engage in a stare-off battle. I already knew who would win as Adonis was the god of stare-offs; if only I was this sure about the match, too.
Death Eater bounced several times, taunting words spilling from his lips, trying to get under his skin, but Adonis’s face did not for a millisecond crack.
He stood in the same nonchalant posture, his eyes following even the littlest movement of his opponent.
My husband was a big and tall man; I’d always known that, yet next to Death Eater, he was the smaller one.
That must’ve been the thought in the man’s head as he suddenly lunged for Adonis. Even I noticed it was a bit faster than necessary. Before his fist could reach home, Adonis dodged. He tried again, and the same thing happened.
The next few minutes were spent with my husband narrowly missing all his attacks in his laid-back position and his opponent growing madder and feral with every passing minute.
The crowd’s engaging ‘Ouus’ and ‘ahhs’ made it satisfying to watch, but I couldn’t stop my breath from getting caught in my throat each time the man lunged.
Adonis was like a psychic would could predict every move his opponent was going to make. I thought back to his stance during the main match.
Could that be the reason for his attentiveness?
My hands clenched into fists as I thought of a way to punish him when this was all over…. if he made it alive.
Maybe no sex for the next month? We hadn’t done the main deed yet so I know he’s bound to go crazy at some point.
“Ouuuu….” The crowd drew out, bringing my attention back to the match at hand. 70% of my expectation was to see Death Eater hurt or, worse, on the ground, but he wasn’t the one injured.
My legs automatically stretched to their full height, a sharp inhale flowing through me.
Adonis’s head was to the side, right hand on his cheek as he rubbed at something. As soon as the hand was away, instant tears formed in my eyes. I helplessly watched him wipe away the blood that was gushing out from a cut on his cheeks.
Death Eater laughed maniacally, feeling on top of the world, “Can’t protect yourself anymore? Don’t be a p*ssy and hit back, man.”
The entire room joined in on the laughter.
“Enough of being on the defence.” I shouted at the top of my lungs, “If you’re going down, do so with a fight, or I’ll divorce you!”
There was no way he could hear me from where I was, but I couldn’t help myself. My shoulders were stiff from being too tense, and I didn’t know what to do anymore.
Suddenly, Adonis stance changed.
It’s impossible that he heard my voice amongst the multitude, right?
“It seems like our challenger has moved away from the defence.” The announcer dramatised, “The look in his eyes is terrifying. Can we say Death Eater is safe? Oh, he’s taking a step forward-
The hall became silent again in curiosity.
-He’s advancing. Oh, he’s not stopping; this is going to be one hell of a move-he stopped.”
The heat rose. I couldn’t take it anymore, my eyes snapped shut; whatever Adonis was going to do, I knew it’d end the match, but with whom as the winner?
I wasn’t that I couldn’t watch, I didn’t want to.
“Ah!!!!!” Soft gasps filled my ears, followed by a loud echo,
What was that? No. I refuse to look. The tears in my eyes were threatening to spill out. Why was no one saying a thing?
Isn’t this the part where the announcer is supposed to do his job and get talking?
As though she read my mind, the same person had commented before spoke up again.
“Did he just break his neck with a punch?”
They’re two sisters. Which of the ‘he’?
“Forget the punch,” someone else chimed in. “Did you see how he paralysed Death Eater’s movement with one jab in between the neck? Who the hell is he?”
Curiosity and excitement in their voices. It only meant one thing:
Adonis won.
At that precise moment, loud cheers tore through the room.
“Impossible!” The announcer was back on track. “Impossible. We’ve never seen a thing like this before. He took out the Death Eater in just two moves. Never, has an outsider won the ‘Lord of Axe’ title. GIVE. IT. UP!!!!!!!”
My fear was instantly alleviated. He was safe. Forget punishing him, being alive was all that mattered.
Grinning widely, I rose to my feet, clapping and hooting like the supportive wife I am for my husband.
Turning to the ladies by my side, I stated proudly, “Don’t mind my disguise. He’s my husband.”
“We all know.” They returned.
“You do?” A bright smile on my face. “You do. Oh well, excuse me. I’m going to see him now. Give him a well-deserved kiss and all that.”
Then I was skipping down the stairs-in my mind, I was sure it looked exactly like a waddle-with his clothes in my hand, trying to navigate through the crowded room.
“Excuse me… Sorry… Coming through…” I called, pushing through until I got to a tall man, “Sorry, I’d like to move.”
Six pairs of eyes turned round to look at me.
“You mean us?”
“No.” I denied, “Just you.” Shrinking back in fear.
“Well, we come in a pack. Now be quiet, and come with us.”