taboo Love 16

Book:DARK DESIRES: Forbidden Romance Stories Published:2025-2-13

Lila pov
When Mark comes back from whatever errand his father sent him, i am already cleaned and the room sprayed with his favourite freshener.
Mr Davin sets a barbecue grill outside near the pool where mark suggested we spend the day.
” You look, happy.” He comments, pulling me in his arms and giving me a chaste kiss on the lips. We are at the changing room by the pool. Today, I am wearing my red two piece bikini, while Mark is only in his trunks. His body is sculpted with six packs and muscles that look like they are carved in stone.
His dark eyes twinkle as he watches me. He has this mischievous look in his eyes that makes me feel like i am the prey and he is the predator.
” Well, why wouldn’t I be, you have made me very happy, I could never thank you enough.” I reply with a smile.
” I never imagined you would enjoy the life here. ” He casually comments and I want to scream that his father is the only reason I enjoy being here. I mean, with the amount of fucking he has been serving me with, as a horny bitch, how can I not enjoy being here.
” Well, you would not have known without me experiencing the life here. It’s cool and quiet here. I get to relax and not think about what awaits me. ” I reply, choosing my words carefully. The last thing I want is have my tongue slip and reveal the kind of stuff I have been doing with his father behind his back.
” I guess you are right.” Mark nods, pulling me in his arms and attempting to kiss me. I don’t allow it though and push him away, gently with a smile.
” Your father is few metres away. Don’t be naughty. ” I admonish him, turning around to give him the perfect view of my rounded ass.
” God, you have a really nice ass. ” He comments, making me giggle as i step out of the changing room.
” Thank you.” I say, winking at him before making my way to the swimming pool with mark trailing behind me. I can feel hus father’s lusty eyes following me and I smirk, loving the attention both father and son are giving me.
Mark’s father is in charge of the grill, while mark and i swim together and laugh about stupid stuff.
We then move to the garden where Mark’s father has prepared the food on a large wooden table. There is a large bowl of salad, a large plate of fried fish and sausages.
” At this rate, I’m going to be fat like a pig. ” I comment and mark and Davin laughs.
” If that’s the case, then you’ll be the cutest fat pig i have ever seen. ” Mark replies, taking a bite of the fried fish before feeding me.
“You do want me to get fat I can see that. ” I say after I finish swallowing.
” I don’t care how your body looks, Lila. I love you and that’s the basis of our relationship. No matter how you look, i’ll always love you. ” Mark replies, kissing mu forehead. His words offset my feelings and a sense of guilt stirs inside me. Here is a man devoted to me wholly. But what have I been doing? Sleeping with his father with every chance I get.
” I hope you enjoy the food. ” Mr Davin comments and I nod, taking a sip of the soda. My gaze doesn’t linger on him nor does his. I can tell just like me, his son’s words triggered something in him.
We settle to have our midday snacks as Mark starts narrating about his work.
” You seem to have a good relationship with your boss. ” I casually comment, trying to hide the boredom creeping in me as he talks nonstop about his work and how excellent his boss is.
” He is a nice man and believes that in few years, I can start my own company if I am serious. ” Mark replies and I nod. That’s something I can’t refute. Mark is one hardworking man, that’s probably one of the reasons I got drawn to him in the first place. He sets goals and works to achieve them.
It’s crazy how the the same thing that attracted me to him is also the cause of my disatsfaction with him.
Amidst our conversation, I notice that Davin is getting lost in thoughts.
” Dad, I have been meaning to ask you something. ” Mark suddenly says, making both of us shift our attention to him.
” Yes, son. What is it? ” Mr Davin asks.
” Do you have a girlfriend or something like that? ” Mark asks. His question shocks the both of us and I find myself wanting to know the answer too.
” No, not yet. Why do you ask? ” Mark’s father asks and the look in his eyes makes my pussy throb.
” I have realized you’ve been looking happy lately and those, ” Mark says, pointing at the hickeys I left earlier on Davin’s neck. ” Looks like the work of someone who likes you.”
I can tell Mark is fishing and I try to look uninterested in the whole ordeal.
” Well, that’s actually nothing. Just a woman who visited the bar last night and decided she needed me.” Mr Davin explains and I try not to burst out laughing at how absurd his explanation sounded. Is he openly confessing to having a one night stand to his son?
” Oh, ” Mark exhales, seemingly disappointed.
” I thought you finally decided to take my advice to find a woman for yourself. ” He comments and my ears perk up at his words.
” Son, i don’t know what’s so difficult with you wanting me to find a woman. I’ve been trying but it’s hard when all the women in the town are either married or younger than my child. ” His father says and I can tell he is exaggerating.
” There’s a lot of young women in town. You could have asked any one of them out.” Mark says, and I almost laugh.
” That’s true. Why don’t you try one of those? ” I suggest, trying not to laugh as he shoots me a glare.
” Yeah dad, why not? ” Mark repeats.
” You guys are just trying to embarrass me. ” Mr Davin huffs, making the both of us laugh.
” I am too old for these dating stuff. ” He adds.
” Then why not find a divorced aunt and settle? ” I suggest, hiding a smirk.
” What? No way. They are probably worse than single women. ” Mr Davin says, making the both of us laugh.
” See, you are not making sense. Why not just find a woman your age and settle. ” Mark says and his father sighs.
” Fine, I’ll try.” He replies, making the both of us smile.