As Lamont paused, Cynthia looked at the attractive young man again. He was fairly tall and slender, but trim and nicely-built. Listening to him speak, like she’d listened to the other young man at the front desk, Cynthia wondered if the staff here had been given specific lessons on how to speak to customers. Although both of these men carried that easily identifiable Jamaican accent, there was none of the stereotypical, “Ya, mahn,” or “No, mahn,” in his dialect. Again, she chastised herself, wondering if everyone her age pictured those same stereotypes.
Setting those thoughts aside, she found it charming that these young men would make the effort to make their guests feel welcome and comfortable in the time they were here. That last sentence Lamont had said definitely got Cynthia’s attention, his comment about the staff being available at any time to ‘serve at your pleasure’. Based on what Jim had told her about this resort, she certainly hoped so. She’d been dreaming about nothing else these last two months.
“Now, here are your two room keys,” Lamont continued, handing the cards to Jim. “And one more thing before I leave you for the night.”
Cynthia watched as Lamont stepped over to one of the closets and reached onto a shelf at the top. He drew down some type of object about the size of a large pillow, but covered in some type of shiny black material. She watched as Lamont stepped over and placed the object on the floor a short distance in front of the foot of the bed. Cynthia could see now that it was some kind of cushion, covered in what looked like black vinyl. It was about two feet square and the top was almost wavy in shape, with higher ridges at the two outside edges and one high ridge in the middle, with two pre-formed depressions on each side of the raised middle section, shaped almost like a wave.
“What’s that for?” Cynthia asked, quite bewildered by the strange object.
Lamont hesitated for a second as he glanced at Jim, who smiled slightly and gave the young man an understanding nod. As if on cue, Jim casually made his way towards the cuckold chair and sat down.
“What’s going on, Jim?” Cynthia asked again, totally confused at this point.
“I believe that after your difficult journey,” Lamont said before Jim even had a chance to speak, “your husband thought Miss might like some nourishment before bed. Something to fill Miss’s belly so you have a nice peaceful sleep.” As Lamont had been speaking, he reached down and started to undo his shorts. Within seconds he had his fly undone and reached inside, pulling his sizable prick out through the opening.
Cynthia gasped as she saw his long thick cock, finally realizing what that cushion was for. It was for ‘Miss’–her–to kneel on, the two depressions on each side perfectly shaped to accept someone’s knees. Her heart fluttered at the lurid thought of it, but she found the whole idea wickedly exciting at the same time. Lamont kept slowly stroking his long black cock, which to Cynthia looked like a beautiful licorice stick, one she wanted to suck on all night. They’d barely been at the hotel for fifteen minutes, and already she had a chance to live out one of her fantasies for real, to suck off a young black stud, to feel a black cock fill her mouth, to have a big load of silky black-man cum splash over her tonsils and fill her stomach.
“That’s it, Miss, just kneel right there and Lamont will give you a nice mouthful of what you want,” the porter said as his stroking hand moved insistently back and forth, the dark purple head of his rising cock pointed right at her at all times.
Cynthia hadn’t even noticed that she’d already started moving towards the foot of the bed. Her eyes were locked on that stiffening black cock, and she moved as if mesmerized, wanting nothing more than to see it up close. Without any further thought, she dropped to her kneels on the specialized pillow, her knees fitting perfectly into the pre-formed indentations. She felt herself breathing rapidly as Lamont stepped closer, continuing to stroke his big black cock towards her face. Cynthia’s massive chest was heaving beneath her tight sweater, her nipples now noticeably protruding forward, their impressive size visible right through both her bra and snug-fitting turtleneck. She flicked her gaze up as Lamont’s eyes focussed in on the imposing shelf of her tits, a nasty smile spreading over his handsome black face.
“Miss has beautiful breasts,” he said warmly as he closed the distance between them, still pointing the broad flared tip of his cock directly at her face.
Cynthia gasped when she looked back down at his midsection. He was still methodically stroking his stiffening prick, but he was now doing it with two hands! His cock was so big that he was actually able to use both hands, one above the other, to stroke the massive weapon. Cynthia had never even dreamed of such a thing, but here was this young man she’d met just minutes ago, the long slender fingers of both hands moving rhythmically back and forth along the rising shaft.
Cynthia felt herself salivating as she looked at the enflamed purple crown. The red eye at the tip was now glistening as a little bubble of precum oozed forth, filling the opening and then starting to drool downwards. Cynthia shivered with excitement as she looked at that tempting morsel of cock-sap, itching to let it settle on her tongue, wondering if the sinfully nasty fluid would tantalize her senses as much as she hoped. Past the seeping eye, the pebbly surface of his glans and the rope-like ridge of the thick corona seemed to beckon to her for attention, which was exactly what she wanted to do; give it her undivided attention. Right now, she wanted that beautiful black cock in her mouth more than she’d wanted anything in her life. She could feel her pussy dripping, soaking her panties as the illicit thought of what she was about to do overwhelmed her with giddiness. She was almost dizzy with anticipation as she noticed Jim shift a bit in his seat.
She instinctively looked over, hoping against hope that her husband hadn’t had a change of heart about the whole thing, especially now, at the last minute as she was about to suck her first black cock. The look she saw on Jim’s face eased her mind as she saw two things in his warm brown eyes; one was intense excitement, and the other, permission. That simple look of permission warmed her heart, and set her at ease emotionally. In that fleeting glimpse in his direction, she could see by the look in his eyes that he wanted her to suck it just much as she did. As she looked at that beautiful tempting cock waiting for her, her body was continuing to heat up with a desire that she didn’t think she’d be able to deny, even if Jim had changed his mind. She was happy to know that he hadn’t.
“Open wide, Miss,” Lamont said in a soft warm tone. “I’m going to fill that belly of yours with something I know you’re going to like.”