Cyn’s Crazy Resort:>>Ep3

Book:Horny Wives Revenge (erotica) Published:2025-2-13

Accentuated by her stupendous pair of tits, she’d always had a curvy hourglass figure, with wide flared hips and a trim waist. Like her breasts, her naturally-chubby backside had become a bit more plump and curvy over the years, but she figured most men wouldn’t have a problem with that either. Her ash blonde hair was starting to show the occasional gray wisp every now and then, but her hairdresser took care of that in a hurry. She had to admit she was happy with the way she looked, a voluptuous mature woman who could pass for years younger than she actually was. She’d seen the looks of men, and women, on the street often enough to know that what Jim was saying was true. Still, what he was saying about this resort seemed too good to be true. “Do you, do you really mean that, Jim? You’d like to see me… see me, make love to a black man?”
Jim twisted his lips to the side as he shook his head slightly. “Not really make love to them, but to fuck them, absolutely. I’d like to see them fuck you as hard and as long as you want–but that’s what it would be–fucking. A good hard fucking to scratch that itch I know you’ve got way up inside you. And yes, I’d love to see that. I know you need this, sweetheart. I know you need cock. Big hard thick cock, pounding deep into the gorgeous body of yours.” Jim paused for a second as his words sunk in.
“And we both know how much you love sucking cock. How much you love the taste of cum. I feel embarrassed that I can’t give you that like I used to. At this place I’m talking about, you can suck as much cock and swallow as much cum as you want. I know that you want that, that you need that, even if you say you don’t. We’ve known each other too long and I know your mouth is just aching for a cock to stretch it wide open, and to fill your belly with cum.” Jim stopped for a second and gave her a knowing smile. “And based on what I’ve been reading about this place, the cocksucker inside you is going to love it.” Jim paused again as he saw Cynthia flush, showing that he knew her better than she knew herself. “I know that, deep down, neither of us will be happy until you can get a cock like that inside you again, inside you anywhere you want it. You won’t be satisfied again, truly satisfied, until that happens. And that’s what I want for both of us, for you to be happy.”
Cynthia felt a swell of emotion come over her that she couldn’t explain. Jim was exactly right, she loved sucking cock. She loved the feel of a steely-hard prick sliding deep into her mouth, of pressing in on the hot poker with her caved-in cheeks, creating a buttery-soft sheath for a thick rigid cock to slide back and forth against. And to feel that sinfully luxurious sensation as that cock exploded, splashing her tonsils with a deluge of thick silky cum. She loved the feeling of ropes of manly seed sluicing across her tongue and down her throat, filling her belly with gushes of thick rich semen. There was nothing like it, and she loved it. She always had.
With her heart swelling with love for her husband, she reached up and hugged him tightly, her huge tits mashed against his chest. “Oh Jim, I love you so much. I can’t believe you’ve already looked into this, and that you’d actually do this for us, for me.”
“I’d do anything for you. I love you more than you know.”
“Oh, honey, I love you so much too.” Cynthia gave him a tender kiss on the lips and then leaned back, propping herself up on a stack of pillows against the headboard, a broad smile on her face. “Okay, sweetheart, tell me more about this place we’re going to.”
Cynthia listened in rapturous attention for the next hour as Jim told her everything he knew about the ‘Toros Infinitos’ resort. When he was done, Cynthia was wetter than she could ever remember. Knowing he loved worshipping her tits as much as anything, she put him on his back and dragged her heavy melons over his face, the velvety soft flesh feeling luxuriously sinful against his skin.
Ever since she was very young, her breasts had always been super-sensitive. She loved to have them groped, to have her bullet-like nipples licked and sucked on. She was often able to come that way, just from having her sensitive tits worshipped. And right from when they’d started dating, Jim had been an eager student to learn just how she liked them serviced. He’d probably spent years’ worth of time with his mouth adhered to those massive beauties, making sure she got as much pleasure from it as he could give her.
This time, Jim was quick to latch on to one of her big rubbery nipples, sucking and nipping as his fingers slid between her legs to find her pussy absolutely dripping. He switched between her pendulous breasts as she leaned over him and moaned, his fingers sluicing back and forth vigorously within her sloshy cunt. She’d become so aroused by their talk that it wasn’t long until she came, groaning deeply and mashing her heavy tits against his face as she sprayed his thrusting hand with her warm juices. Jim could barely breathe as those huge mounds enveloped his face, but he kept working on her with his mouth and fingers as she shook and spasmed through another climax.
When she was finally done, but still excited as she thought about their future trip, she flopped over onto her back and pulled Jim with her before pushing him down between her thick creamy thighs. She asked Jim to use his mouth on her one more time. That one more time turned into three more times before she was able to finally drift off into a restless sleep, her mind aswirl with salacious thoughts of what might happen during that week at the resort. She couldn’t wait…