“What are you playing at?” Aiden all but growled out the words at the sight of his mate in another guy’s arms.
He and Karen were back to Fort Myers. They resumed school, leaving behind everything that pertained to the werewolves, the witches, and the vampires. Aiden knew his parents were still young enough to be able to solve it all without his help. And even if he did want to give them a hand, Karen had expressed her desire to continue school, and that brought them back to the town.
“I’m hugging my best friend?” She asked rather than stated.
Mason glared at him. “Where did you take her? You both disappeared completely off the radar.”
“I kidnapped her. What is it to you?” He deadpanned almost angrily.
“Aiden,” she groaned her displeasure. “Play nice.”
“Aye captain,” he mock-saluted.
And her best friend laughed at his expense.
“You too, Mason,” she said addressing him.
“Seriously though, where did you both go?” He insisted.
“Aiden had to visit some family, and I wanted to tag along,” Karen decided to step in before he did something he shouldn’t to her nosy best friend.
“I hope you had a good time,” he then said, seemingly believing the half-lie she had uttered.
Karen knew the rules. Even though Blake the Troublemaker, and soon to be crowned vampire king, had come out to the human world with the truth, that didn’t necessarily mean everyone at school needed to know he was a werewolf.
There was one girl who had insisted on befriending Aiden despite his obvious disinterest in all of the female population save for his mate of course and right then, she was tugging at his sleeve, bothering him beyond comprehension.
“But Aiden, you promised you’d go out with me,” she whined.
“When did I ever make you such a promise?” He raised an eyebrow at her.
“Well, you said we could hang out some time,” she went on, pushing her breasts up.
“I only said that to have you off my back,” he deadpanned, uncaring of her feelings.
“But Aiden…” she said whiningly in obvious displeasure.
“Aiden, are you ready to go yet?” His mate stood in front of him, eyes hard on him.
What did he do now?
“Go where?” The girl asked in curiosity. “Can I join?”
“We are going back to his place so I can fuck him senseless,” Karen explained matter-of-factly. “I don’t share. Back off.”
Then, she grabbed his hand and dragged him out of there.
She was obviously not in the mood to fuck his brains out as she had said, but he was still happy about her jealousy outburst.
He had feared for so long that she was indifferent to him, but she ended up warming up to him.
All is well that ends well, he thought to himself.
.. .. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. ..
Karen was baking or more like stress-baking when Aiden whined for what seemed like the umpteenth time that evening, “You said you’d fuck me senseless.”
She was starting to get annoyed with him, and could no longer hold in her desire to snap at him. And so, she did.
“I can’t even hug my best friend, and yet you get to do what you wish perhaps?” She fired at him.
“If I truly had my way, you’d already be under me, writhing and screaming in pleasure, my dear Karen. So no, I sadly do not get to do what I wish,” was his sugar-coated reply.
There was a dark promise behind his words. And god did she want him to make good on that promise!
A few questions made her head spin.
How was she to tell him that she only snapped that way because she was becoming absurdly jealous? But the more pressing question was how was she going to go through with what she originally had in mind?
Sure, she did not plan to just fuck him senseless just yet, but she did have a few other ideas that could make their time together enjoyable.
She gave herself some pep talk, and then just flung the words at him in an almost careless manner to hide her nervousness, “Would you like to go out with me?”
“Go where?” He asked her from he was seated at the kitchen table.
She rolled her eyes at him. “Nowhere. You can be such an idiot sometimes…”
What was so wrong with her that she couldn’t make her intention clear for him to decipher?
“Well, forgive my ignorant ways,” he said sarcastically as his eyes darkened slightly.
She sighed and braced herself for a rejection.
She whipped the cream with more force and asked matter-of-factly, “Would you be my boyfriend?”
She had been asked out on dates before, but never had she gotten a boyfriend. And so, for the first time, she got to experience the nervousness that came with asking such a question.
“What?” He exclaimed as a frown marred his face.
Okay, that didn’t bode well.
She turned around and tried to keep herself busy with the cake. “I just… I just don’t wish to see girls hanging on your every word anymore.”
She didn’t know he had left his seat until he was right behind her, his breath fanning her neck. She stilled at once, feeling like she just might have triggered something she couldn’t possibly control.
He trapped her between his powerful arms, molded her back with his front, and then told her softly, “I don’t mind being your boyfriend, so long as you agree to be my mate.”
“I…” she dampened her lips, at a loss for words, while her panties got ruined. “Aren’t I your mate already?”
“You are,” he said, possessively while he pressed more firmly into her. “But I sadly have yet to claim you as mine.”
She inhaled deeply. He did the same.
She did so to try to come up with an answer. He probably only wanted to revel in her arousal for him.
To the hell with caution, she finally decided.
“And just when are you planning to do that?” She asked breathlessly.
“If the occasion presents itself, I wouldn’t think twice about it,” he told her in a mesmerizingly husky voice before nibbling on her earlobe.
Damn, he was overwhelming her senses.
“Aiden,” she moaned his name.
“Yes, Karen?” He let out on a growl.
She wanted to tell him she ought to finish baking or something, and yet found herself saying something else entirely, “Take me to the bedroom.”
He stood motionless behind her for a moment, and it was only when she called his name again, almost in a desperate tone, that he regained his senses.
“Are you sure?” He asked.
No, she wanted to say, but I want you so much I ache.
She gulped down her dread, turned into his embrace, and then looking into his rapidly darkening eyes, she demanded resolutely, “Make love to me, Aiden.”