To say Karen was surprised to see Aiden showing up at her school would be the understatement of the year scratch that, of the century.
Although her high school wasn’t small enough that she’d know everybody, she was fairly sure, she would have noticed a senior who looked so good. Because let’s admit it, he looked dashing, panty-droppingly gorgeous… and she wasn’t blind enough or stupid enough to think otherwise.
The problem was he was taking interest in her. And she didn’t do relationships or flings for that matter. She was set on graduating with high colors and getting the hell out of this hellish town. That was her goal.
Her goal wasn’t to fall for some random guy’s charms just because he lusted after her somehow. It also wasn’t to suck faces with anyone in the hallways of the school like the couple to her right was doing and then be given a detention for it.
She wasn’t just a too goody two shoes. She was genuinely uninterested in getting tied down to anyone. She’d just have to resist the urge that overcame her each time he was near, and not lead him on.
Nobody liked being led on.
“Mason, I gotta go to class. See you at lunch?” She said, snapping out of her reveries at long last when her best friend nudged her discreetly.
“Sounds good,” he said, all smiles and dimples.
“What class do you have now?” Aiden who was still standing near them asked.
“Calculus,” she said, worrying her lip, afraid he would say he had the same.
“Oh? We’re on the same boat,” he flashed her a roguish smile that revealed pearly white teeth, and she almost swooned.
Then, getting her hormones back under control, she sighed and said sheepishly, “I’ll lead the way.”
This was going to be a long class.
Karen couldn’t believe her luck or was it Aiden’s? They had shared all classes together. He had even made it his mission to be protective and downright meddlesome each time a boy approached her.
She didn’t know what was wrong with him and didn’t bother to ask either. She did glare at him each time she could though.
“Falling for me already?” He teased her, the hint of a smirk on his face.
They had a free period seeing as the teacher didn’t show up for some unfathomable reason.
“You wish,” she said in return as she rolled her eyes at him, even as her heart tried to beat its way out of her chest.
“Don’t worry. You’ll come around,” he said rather confidently, eyes twinkling with mirth and something akin to mischief.
“I beg your pardon?” She let out, partly outraged at his cockiness, partly flattered he intended to pursue her.
He just winked at her and then asked matter-of-factly, “You’re into older men?”
“No,” she said, puzzled.
“Younger?” He probed.
“No,” she said on a tired sigh. “Well, I don’t know. I have never dated anyone.”
“Good to know,” he beamed at her openly.
She didn’t know why but his smile brought warmth to her insides like nothing ever did before.
** ** ** **
Karen hurried to the convenience store, knowing she badly needed a few grocery items. And then, she was on her way home.
When she got to her childhood home, she released a deep sigh upon seeing an ostentatious blue car parked in the open garage.
She fished out her keys from her jeans and opened the front door. She was not surprised to hear the loud sound of the TV from the living room.
She discreetly went to the kitchen and started to arrange what she had bought into the fridge. She didn’t have to check to know there was nothing to eat for dinner. She needed to make something quick before heading upstairs to study. She decided on making spaghetti since it was the easiest option for her, and started bringing out what she needed.
“Why are you home late?” Her dad asked in a drunken voice from the threshold of the kitchen.
She startled at the sound of his voice, and held at her shirt above where her heart was beating wildly.
“Sorry dad,” she said simply. She had learnt not to argue with him, not to explain either.
Karen’s mom had died four eyes ago in a car accident. And her father had never been the same since. He became an alcoholic, a violent man at times too. And that was her hell, the one she wanted to get away from so badly.
A girl could hope!