Book:One Night Stand with Mr CEO Published:2025-2-9

She opened her bag and quickly text Cathy saying they have to meet up for breakfast even though she’s still tired she could spare an hour or two for her friend. By the time she reached home her mother wasn’t up yet which she found strange she’ll check on her after her bath, in her room she undressed and carefully put the dress away she’s gonna have to get that dry cleaned and lord knows where she’s gonna get the money for it maybe Cathy can help her out this one time. Thirty minutes later she felt more like herself after her bath. She was wearing a yellow dress which had seen better days and her flat pumps as usual with her hair in a ponytail, she went to go make coffee and something to eat for her mother. She looked at the wall clock and saw it was six and her mother still wasn’t up her mother is an early bird. She was about to go and check when her cell rang. It must be Cathy she told herself and went to go and answer.
“I take it from your text so early that something juicy happened last night.”Her friend said. She still sounded half asleep.
“Morning to you too Cath. And to answer your question yes something happened. Can you make it for breakfast?”She asked
“For you always, what time should we meet up.”
“How about ten our usual spot.”
“Okay see you then.”After hanging up she went to go and check on her mother before entering she knocked softly when there was no response she entered.
“Mom.”She whispered softly. She sat down on the bed next to her mother.”Mom wake up. Are you okay?”She laid a hand on her mother’s arm and felt it was cold to the touch.
“Mom! mom!”She yelled. She checked her wrist for a pulse but couldn’t find one.”Mom! Wake up! Don’t do this me!”She started CPR but knew it would be in vain but there was no problem in trying after a few minutes with no success she picked up the phone and called an ambulance. Within minutes they were there and soon she was on her way to the hospital with her mother when they got there a doctor told Reina to wait outside in the waiting area. Two hours later she was on her way home… Alone. Her mother is no more apparently she had died in her sleep in the early morning hours, by the time she had gone to see her mother it had been too late. She couldn’t believe it, it seems unreal her mother had been fine last night she was healthy and well so how could she have just died without any serious illness or disease her mind was racing. The doctors had informed her it was heart failure her mother’s heart had just stopped beating while she was still asleep, it was common she had been told but she knew in her heart that her mother had been taking strain and that she was stressed so instead of talking to her she had kept quiet and bottled up everything inside. Her heart probably couldn’t take it anymore and now she was gone… she was all alone now she had no one except herself. When she got home the reality of the situation kicked in and she broke down and cried…..
Three weeks has passed since that fatal morning when she had found her mother and it’s been two weeks since she has buried her mom. It has been hard on her adjusting to be alone but she has been coping, she hasn’t been eating properly for these two weeks food doesn’t want to stay down and nothing else seems to go in. On a good day she might be able to get a apple and yogurt in other than that nothing does go in, losing her mother had been tough on her and not to mention the bank had repossessed the house and now she was staying in a cramped up one bedroom apartment where there’s barely space to move around. Atleast she still has a roof over her head besides that’s all her pockets can afford right now, Cathy had insisted she should come and stay with them but she had refused she had helped her enough with the funeral and all the arrangements, she couldn’t ask for more. Bella had also told her to take some time off and come back only when she was ready, but she couldn’t delay anymore she needs the money that’s why she had called Bella over the weekend and told her that she’s ready to get back to work they are gonna meet in an hour since Reina is on her way to the doctor to get the test results from her blood work that she has gotten done a few days back. The not eating and nauseousness had gotten to her that’s why she had consulted a doctor and they had done some blood work to see what was going on and now she’s on her way to get the results. She smoothed down her plain black pencil skirt with sweaty palms it sat loose on her since she hasn’t been eating she’s lost a few pounds. She was wearing her glasses today with her hair made up in her every day ponytail. She sometimes wonder if her mystery man has forgotten her because she hasn’t there are days when she can’t help but think about him and his handsome face. She heard her name being called and stood up.
“This way please.”The desk clerk told her. A few minutes after she had sat down in the doctors office he came in.
“Miss Cruise. How are you feeling today?”He asked her.
“Pretty much the same.”She answered.
“Well I have some good news for you.”He told her and sat down. Good news she is confused, what was good about not eating and if you do then it all comes back up. She gave him a puzzled look.
“Let me make this clear for you. You’re pregnant and from our calculations I would say about two and a half weeks.”
What! She’s pregnant. No that can’t be there has to be a mistake, she was under the impression that it was a stomach bug never in a million years would she have suspected that she was pregnant.”Are you sure? I mean isn’t it possible that you’ve made a mistake.”
“No.”He informed her.”Blood work doesn’t lie. Does the father know.”
She has no idea where to find the father and she doesn’t even know him, she got up and almost ran out of the doctor’s office. “Excuse me.”She said and left. Outside the building she sighed in and out. Pregnant? She laid a hand on her flat abdomen. A baby? She has a baby growing inside of her. A faint smile appeared on her lips she was expecting a baby of her own someone whom she will love and who will love her in return. She isn’t alone after all, the only problem now is letting him know and she doesn’t know anything about him except for his name Nicolas… but if it comes to that point where she’s gonna have to raise the baby alone then she would do it for now she’s gonna have to find a way to look for him and she doesn’t know where but she can start at the hotel where he stays but what will she say she has even forgot the floor he was on. One step at a time she told herself and left for Bella’s.
Nico hit his desk with a fist.”Find her dammit!”He yelled.”I don’t care what it takes. What the hell am I paying you for, I need results. Now get out and don’t come back here until you have something concrete to give me.”
It’s been three weeks and he’s heard nothing from her, the only thing he has is a damn note from her thanking him for a wonderful night and that she’ll never forget the time that she has spend with him. No number. Nothing. To make matters worse his best PI still hasn’t found her or anything about her, he had this idea that maybe she was a fraudster and by now she would’ve been in contact with him, but she hasn’t reached out or tried to contact him. Even at the hotel there wasn’t any messages for him maybe he had misunderstood her after all. He hasn’t been able to get her out of his mind and that night too… he still wants her more than before and the fact that he can’t find her is driving him crazy. He can’t concentrate on work anymore he’s been snapping at everyone who comes across his path, never before has he been this unfocused over a woman even his staff has picked up on his foul mood. His intercom buzzed.
“Sir there’s a call for you on line two.”He heard his personal assistant’s voice say on the other end of the line.
“Who is it? I thought I told you not to put any calls through unless if it’s urgent.”He snapped at her.
“Your sister sir.”She said.