Book:FATED TO MY UNCLE Published:2025-2-9

“I know that you are up to something, Issa,” Davina said as we walked side by side. I could feel her cold hostility towards me. “You and that niece of yours.”
She was right.
“What gave you that idea?” I asked, indulging her.
“You scorned my invitation the last time,” she replied. “It makes no sense that you would suddenly change your mind.”
“You are right, Davina but things have changed and I realize that your secret sanctum holds the answers, and Yulia’s life is in grave danger.” I revealed it to her.
She stopped and fully turned to me. “It is quite surprising to see you care about someone else besides yourself,” she said with a sad smile.
I knew that she was thinking about what could have happened between us.
“Why does everybody think I am selfish?” I mused.
“Because you don’t hide it.”
“Fair enough,” I said and. “Look, Davina, I know that something evil is about to rear its head and you can feel it too, even old Albus can feel it in his stubborn old bones, we need to stick together.”
Davina sighed wearily. “You are not wrong, even the whole Witch community is on edge, the omens are bad and everyone is afraid even if they are too stubborn to admit it.
“Then help Yulia with anything you can, she is at the centre of this somehow and I intend to get to the bottom of it,” I told her.
“May I interrupt?” Iris said as she joined us.
Davina suddenly stopped and her entire demeanour changed. She looked her over for a split second before giving a quick answer.
“We were done talking anyway, Ms. Craven, Issa is all yours.” And she left immediately.
“I do not think that she likes me,” Iris mused as we watched the Dean go.
“Maybe she has not gotten to you yet,” I replied. As I turned my attention to Iris, I noticed that people were beginning to go to the large dining area where the feast was about to take place.
“Father wants to talk to us in private,” she said.
“Is that why you have been secretly stalking me all night?” I asked.
“I wanted your niece out of the way but you two are suspiciously joined by the hips, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you two were more than uncle and niece,” Iris replied.
She was not wrong. There was more to Yulia and I but that was none of her business. At least for now.
“What does Duke want to talk about?” I asked.
“Follow me,” She said and turned away from me. I followed her up the long spiralling stairs to the inner private room where Deucalion had his home office.
I was curious about what was on Deucalion’s mind that he had to involve his eldest daughter and I.
“You mind giving me a heads up?” I asked.
But Iris only smiled and kept on walking which only made me a bit uneasy.
Iris pushed open the door to the home office and we found her father standing in the middle of the room with a glass cup of champagne in his right hand while his left hand was stuffed in his pocket.
I heard Iris lock the door and take a seat on one of the leather chairs in the room.
“Issa, please take a seat,” Deucalion said, sounding more serious than his usual self.
What was going on? He went to his large mahogany desk where a bottle of his expensive champagne was opened and poured me a drink. He handed it to me and went back to sit behind his desk.
“So, how is my daughter’s performance as the chief executive officer at Callion?” Deucalion asked.
I shrugged. “She is excellent,” I replied, frowning at the line of questioning. “Is there a problem?” I asked.
“Nothing serious, Issa,” Deucalion replied and sipped from his cup.
I looked at Iris whose eyes were intently fixed on me the whole time, unblinking.
“You know what I want Issa,” Deucalion continued. “You’ve always known of my desire to strengthen the Craven Grove bloodline.”
I sighed and leaned back on my chair. I understood what this was all about.
“The Craven Grove bloodline is fine, Duke, there is nothing wrong with it,” I said in a weary tone. We have had this discussion countless times and I have grown tired of it.
“I know but it could be more, Issa and that’s why I called you here tonight,” Deucalion replied.
“Do you remember our little chat back at the office?” Iris asked as she crossed her leg.
“Yeah, it was unexpected and I had no idea why you needed to bring it up,” I said.
“I meant every word,” Iris said.
“I do not doubt it but what does it have to do with me being here tonight?” I asked. I knew that I was not going to like whatever was going to come next.
“What do you think of you and Iris together,” Deucalion asked.
“I do not think about Iris in any way whatsoever,” I replied in a firm tone.
Iris smiled and I could see the light humour in her eyes.
“I know that you used to be intimate with my daughter, Issa, cut the bullshit,” Deucalion said in a dry tone.
“And she chose the company over me,” I replied with a shrug. “And that was a very long time ago.”
I looked at Iris with a slight frown. What was her game?
“And I have moved on, Duke, so I suggest we end whatever it is you are about to say because I am going to decline,” I added firmly and gently placed my cup on the small table in front of me..
“At least hear me out,” Deucalion said.
“I do not need to, Duke, there is nothing you can say to convince me to get with Iris,” I said as I gazed at his eldest daughter whose expression was still soft and smiling.
“I will give you the Moon key if you marry my daughter.”