Book:FATED TO MY UNCLE Published:2025-2-9

I just called the head of the Academy a dick. And he thought it was funny. Albus looked at Davina with a humorous twinkle in his eyes and winked.
“Well, she’s got a little fire in her, that’s for sure,” he said with a chuckle.
“I didn’t mean it,” I said in a small, embarrassed tone.
“Of course you did,” Albus said boisterously.
I was kind of shocked that he did not get offended.
“Let us have a seat, shall we?” He said and snapped his hand.
Some of the books closed shut and floated to their respective shelves. The chairs and tables arranged themselves. Some of the men and women exited the room to continue their reading elsewhere while Davina and Albus remained.
“Who are those people?” I asked, recalling that I had seen them at Issa’s Announcement.
“Members of the board,” Albus shrugged as sat down across from me.
Davina remained standing by his side with her arms crossed. I could see the tension in her shoulders.
“Do you know why we called you here?” Albus asked as he twirled his moustache.
“I punched a fellow student in the face?” I guessed.
“And knocked her out cold, do not forget that part,” Davina sternly added.
“It was an accident,” I said and rolled my eyes.
“A peculiar one, don’t you think so?” Albus asked as he regarded me with a curious glance.
“I guess so,” I replied, not sure of where this was going.
“There were reports that your hands glowed, could you describe how it happened in your own words?” Albus asked.
“All I know is that I got tired of getting my butt kicked and I got serious, then my hands lit up,” I said with a shrug.
“What emotions were you feeling when it happened?” Albus asked.
“I was kind of pissed off, to be honest,” I replied.
A look passed between the chancellor and the dean. What were they thinking?
“How close are you with Lycan Frostwood?” Albus asked.
“He is my uncle,” I replied.
“Adopted uncle, you mean,” Davina corrected.
That was not public record, so I wondered inwardly how she knew.
“It is alright, the historical lineage of every important werewolf family is being kept in this very sanctum, Ms. Yulia, you have nothing to worry about,” Albus said.
“It is important to keep written records of ourselves, so we may not forget who we are,” Davina said.
“Well, I have known Issa since I was child and he has been like a father to me,” I lied as I recalled that he told me the board would try to turn me against him.
“And he treats you well?” Albus asked curiously.
“Where are you going with this?” I asked as I began to get irritated.
“Issa Frostwood is bad news, Yulia, and to make matters worse, he is a Lycan, which makes him believe that he is above the rules that govern our kind,” Davina let out in a cold but firm tone. “We are not sure if he is capable of being a proper guardian to you,” She added.
“Now that is a bit too harsh, Davina dear, Issa may have his faults but we both cannot deny that he is a man of honour,” Albus said in a kind tone.
“What did he do to you that was so bad?” I asked Davina, looking at her deeply.
“What do you mean?” Davina asked in a clearly irritated tone.
“I am just asking a question, Dean Davina. You were the one that called him bad news,” I replied with a mocking shrug and an innocent smile.
“Do not pay much attention to Davina, Ms. Yulia, Issa was just her first heartbreak, that is all. And she is not over it yet,” Albus said as his eyes twinkled behind his round glasses in mischief.
“Albus!” Dean Davina sternly exclaimed. I stifled a laugh that threatened to escape my throat. “And what are you smiling at? Wipe that grin off your face at once!” She glared at me as her face turned red from embarrassment.
Albus chuckled and shook his head.
“Anyway,” Albus continued.. “We noticed that this might be the first time something like this has happened to you, due to how severe Ms. Leia’s burns were and we would like to prevent that from happening again.”
I suddenly felt warry and feared that they might actually expel me rather than let me into their circle.
“Do you have an idea of what is happening to me?” I asked eagerly.
“I have come across many peculiar abilities and yours is vastly different from my experience,” he said. “However, I have no idea what you are just yet”
“That is not encouraging,” I said almost in a sad tone.
“Ms. Yulia, do not be discouraged,” He said cheerfully and spread his arms wide. “You are in a place of eternal knowledge and untold discoveries.”
“Knowledge that can be yours only if you swear allegiance to the board, and Issa is not to be involved in any way whatsoever,” Davina added coldly.
“You want me to cut ties with my uncle?” I asked.
“If need be,” Davina said.
I stood up angrily. “I just lost my mom not too long ago and you are telling me to cut ties with the only family that I have left?” I asked in disbelief. “How much more cruel can you be?”
“Yulia, I didn’t mean it that way,” Davina said in a placating tone.
“I think that we should give Ms Moonshadow some time to think about our offer, Davina,” Albus said. “Our Order does not break families apart.”
“I need to get to class and do some more thinking about this,” I said. “Thank you, chancellor Albus.” I said and exited the reading chamber.
I made my way to the stairs all by myself, passing through the huge doors that seemed to sense my presence as I came close to it. After I was out in the sun, my phone vibrated.
It was Leia.