Hearing the Lycan that I was mated to telling me that he saved my life when I was a baby had to be one of the most unexpected things to hear.
The sound of chattering and spoons clinking on coffee mugs were drowned out by the panic that went through me.
I heard echoes of my name as I went lost in thought.
“Yulia!” Issa’s concerned voice snapped me out of my trance.
“You are not taking this news well,” He said to me.
I abruptly stood up and the chair scraped on the floor, almost toppling over.
“I need some air,” I said and headed for the exit. The people in the cafe suddenly felt too much and I was feeling quite a bit suffocated.
Issa followed me outside but Jamal remained sitting, drinking his free coffee.
Once outside, I leaned forward, putting my hands on my knees as I breathed in and out. I was shaking with anxiety. I did not know if I had the ability to hear any more of my unknown origin.
“We can call it a night if you want,” Issa offered, his voice filled with concern.
“No, I want to know everything,” I said and turned to look at him.
“You are making me worried, Yulia,” He said to me. “I hate being worried.”
I walked towards him and embraced him. He smelled like the forest, his scent drove me wild.
“I am fine, I promise,” I said and led him back inside the shop.
“Are we good?” Jamal asked and raised his cup as he looked at the direction of the counter. He pointed to his cup and placed it gently on the table between us.
“Yes, I was just a bit flustered, that’s all,” I said.
“Let us continue from where we stopped,” Jamal said.
“Why thirty-nine people?” I asked Issa. He leaned back on the chair as his face grew thoughtful.
“Thirteen is a number that represents the darkness, it also represents the total number of the coven of witches,” He said.
“So, the witches are behind the murders,” Jamal said.
“But why do they call themselves the Cult of The Black Rose?” I asked Issa.
“What is the universal symbol of love?” Issa asked.
“A rose, especially the Red one,” Jamal answered.
“Some roses have various meanings, depending on colour,” Issa said. “White rose represents Purity, Innocence and new beginnings, Pink rose means joy, gratitude and admiration, you get the idea,” He continued. “Now the black rose it represents mystery, farewell and rebirth.”
“So the witches are trying to revive an ancient dead god of the dark,” Jamal said.
“Rebirth,” I said with sudden realization.
“Does this god have a name?” Jamal asked.
“I do not know, my sister and I interrupted the ceremony before he could be summoned,” Issa replied.
“Mystery,” Jamal said.
“You still have not explained why thirty-nine people have to be killed,” I said.
Martha, the wife of the coffee shop owner came with a refill and we all went silent for a while until she was done.
“Thank you, Martha,” I said, giving her a polite smile.
“Any time, sweetie,” She replied and left us.
“Three times thirteen?” Issa asked.
“Thirty-nine,” I answered.
“The first thirteen to be sacrificed are powerful werewolves, the second thirteen are humans, virgins to be precise and the last twelve are willing sacrifices, witches and the thirteenth person is…,”
“Me,” I said in a low tone.
An uneasy silence filled the air around us.
“Why me? What is so special about me that I must be sacrificed?” I asked.
“Apart from that, two werewolves have been killed, one human we just saw now, we need to stop them from increasing the body counts,” Jamal said.
“Yes, that is the only way to prevent them from getting to you,” Issa said as he looked at me. “You are the last on the list.”
“But why me?” I demanded in a tight voice.
“I am still working on that angle, I am still looking for answers,” He said.
I sighed and leaned back on my seat.
“I have to see the board of the academy tomorrow,” I said thoughtfully.
“That is a very bad idea,” Issa said with a deep frown. “You will make an enemy of them if you refuse their offer.”
“Then I will not refuse their offer,” I said with a shrug.
“Wait, What?” He replied as he gave me a look of pure disbelief. He almost looked like I had betrayed him.
“I am going to accept their offer to join their secretive inner circle,” I clarified.
“And why the fuck would you even do that?” He growled.
“To get answers, she is going undercover,” Jamal answered.
“No, you are not, do you even know how dangerous it is? Have you any idea the things they might ask of you to do?” He asked in a tight, concerned voice.
“Issa, think about it,” I said in a placating tone. “You said it yourself that Canis Academy holds a lot of secrets, like Jamal said, I can infiltrate their ranks and get the answers we need to save my life and even prevent more people from being killed.”
“She is right, Issa,” Jamal said.
Issa scoffed at the detective slash professor. “That is easy for you to say, Khan, you are not mated yet, so you do not know how worried this makes me,”
Jamal frowned. “The two of you are Mated?” He asked.
Issa cursed under his breath. “You were not supposed to know that,” He said,
Jamal looked at me and I saw a hint of sadness in his eyes. “I guess it is to be expected,” He said in a low solemn tone.
“You seem disappointed,” Issa smirked. “You will get over it.”
“So have we agreed that I accept the board’s offer?” I asked.
“I will be the handler,” Jamal said. “Since I work in the academy, I will watch her back while you keep searching on the outside.”
I looked closely at Issa as he deeply ruminated on this. He knew that I was right.
He turned to me. “You will tell me everything and anything you find out, and please promise me to be very careful,” He said.
“I promise,” I said with a grateful smile as I tried to curb my excitement.
“And you work for me now, Detective Khan, if you fail to protect her, I will rip out your heart and make you watch it beat as life leaves your body,” Issa said as he glared coldly at Jamal.
At least they were getting along.
Jamal smirked. “You know that you just threatened an officer of the law.”