If one entered the house and made one’s way up to my room, the scene would have been a bit bizarre.
First thing one would see was a broken door on the floor with the hinges severely damaged. Torn clothes with the buttons askew all over the place and two naked people snuggled on the floor covered in sweat and sex and seed.
It was late in the night when we both woke up. Issa woke up first and I found him gazing at me.
“Hey,” He said in a well-rested tone.
I caressed his face and kissed him softly on the lips. I was so satisfied.
“That was…mind blowing,” I told him, unable to take my eyes off his eyes.
It was already dark inside.
“You are becoming so addictive, I want more of you, Yulia,” He said and I smiled.
“I feel very much the same about you,” I told him.
His hands softly grazed my cheeks. “How do you do it?” He asked. “Why do I obey you so easily, what spell have you cast on me to follow your every command?”
I snuggled closer to him, feeling his steady heart beat on my back.
“Is this the first time you have experienced something like this?” I asked curiously.
“Yes, it is the first time I have ever been at the mercy of a woman, sexually,” he said.
“It is a first for me to take control of any man too,” I told him. “I gave you my virginity.”
He smiled. “Not even with Pete?” he asked.
I scoffed. “I never saw Pete that way, I never have.”
There was no way that Pete could ever amount to this.
“Then why does taking control come so easy to you?” He asked.
“The same way obeying comes easy to you,” I told him.
“That is such a vague answer,” He said as he twirled my hair absent-mindedly with his fingers.
I thought deeply before I tried to answer again.
“Iran…he called to me,” I told him. “And he is a big part of you. Underneath him, is a wolf that wants to be tamed, take away his love for pain, rage and destruction, there is another side of him, another side of you that wants to give control, just for a while,” I told him.
He nodded thoughtfully as he looked at me. “Through Iran’s eyes, I see you as a goddess…” His eyes became dreamy. “Iran thrives in the dark, his gift is of the shadows, and he bows to the light…your light.”
The butterflies in my stomach fluttered upon hearing those words. His darkness was mine alone to command.
His phone broke the tranquillity in the room and I groaned in annoyance. Why did the world refuse to leave us alone?
“I can ignore it, for you,” He offered.
“No, it is definitely important, it is after dark and I have a feeling that it is very urgent,” I told him. With what he told me at school about the coming storm, I knew that it was trouble.
He got up from the floor and walked to where I had put his trousers in the heat of passion and picked it up to get his phone. I had a good view of his back and butt as he looked through his phone.
“Shit,” He muttered under his breath.
My heart skipped. I was right. It was bad.
“What is it?” I asked as I got close to him.
“Another body has been discovered,” He told me.
“Another werewolf?” I asked, already thinking of how horrible the body would look.
“No, it’s human this time,” He said as he ran a hand through his hair.
This was getting very confusing.
“Why a human being this time?” I asked. He turned to me. “Take a bath and get dressed,” He said, his features turning urgent. “We are going to meet Jamal.”
I raised my eyebrows in surprise. “You guys are friends now?” I asked.
“No, partners,” He replied.
“Since when?” I asked.
“Since today,” He said and walked naked out of the room, He stopped by the door and looked at the broken door on the floor. “I will get someone to get it fixed,” He said and left.
I had a quick shower and brushed my teeth. While cleaning off the water on my body, I thought about the bodies being discovered here and there.
Who was killing these innocent people and for what purpose? One thing I knew for sure was that I was connected to it in one way or another.
I put on black leather jeans and knee length soft leather boots. A mini-sized black t-shirt with a leather jacket. I walked out of my room and went downstairs to find Issa in a long coat that reached his calf. The collar was flipped up. He looked regal.
We hastily made our way to his Porsche that was parked outside. It was a two seater vehicle. We got in and Issa sped, ignoring all traffic signs and lights, and even illegally overtaking other car owners on the road. It was exhilarating the way he was swerving in and out of traffic.
We got to the crime scene where there was a plethora of activities. Ambulances and police cars filled the public park.
“Wow, so this is what a crime scene looks like,” I mused as I got down from the car.
There was a yellow tape with two men in police uniform standing in front of it. Issa walked to the tape with me behind him.
“Hey, this is a crime scene, cops only,” one of them said, raising his hand to stop our advances.
“I am Alpha of this territory and I know the lead investigator, he is expecting us,” Issa said firmly.
Before one of them could reply. Jamal showed up. “They are with me, let them in,”
We got to Jamal who led us to the crime scene. “Brace yourselves, It is really, ugly, try not to throw up on my crime scene.”
I was too afraid to even imagine what horror awaited.