This was my favorite part.
The part where they believed that they were in control. The part where they believed that they were in the position to make demands. I was glad that Yulia had remained calm. It made me proud that she was confident in my ability to protect her.
It also made me glad that she trusted me to see this through without fear in her eyes.
I turned to look at the grin on the face of the man that brandished the small sledge hammer. He believed that he was going to use it on me. Tonight, his belief in this pot bellied bastard would change.
“That’s it?” I asked The Swine.
“Yes, that would all,” The Swine replied. Although, I could see the tension in his eyes and the way he carried himself. He was confused.
Any other person in his presence would be pissing themselves in terror of the notorious Swine but I was not just any one. He had no idea who I was and tonight, he would get a taste.
He was confused because I was calm. He was confused because I was not shaking in fear because I was about to have my arm smashed to pieces by a hammer. He was right to be confused. He had no idea what was coming.
I turned to Pete, his bastard spawn and I could see the eager look he had in his eyes. I knew that he could not wait to get his hands on Yulia. I could vividly see the things that he planned to do to her after my arm had been broken.
I smiled to myself as I imagined how much I was going to enjoy ruining his fantasy tonight.
“Indulge me,” I said as I reached for the wine. “How do we go about this?” I asked as I poured myself and Yulia a drink.
I saw The Swine hesitate for a split second before he relaxed and believed he had control again.
“It is quite simple, really,” The Swine replied. “Just put your hands on the table and Nikolai here,” he paused, jerking a thumb at the grinning Russian with the hammer. “Would do the honors.”
I sipped from my cup. “And my niece? What exactly will your son do to her, I hope you do not mind me asking?”
The Swine smiled. “Whatever he wants,” He said with a shrug.
Iran growled and I mentally cautioned him. It was not yet time for him to come out. I was biding my time.
I slightly turned to Yulia. “What did you ever see him?” I asked, referring to her past with Pete.
Yulia played along, even though I knew she was nervous. She shrugged and took a sip of her drink, imitating me.
“Honestly, I dated him out of pity, I felt sorry for him.” Yulia spat maliciously.
That’s my girl!
Pete glared at her and whispered in a deranged voice. “When I am alone with you,” He said. “I will make you regret those words, Yulia.”
I felt Yulia shudder and I knew that it was time to up the game. Pete would understand what fear was tonight.
“You know,” The Swine replied. “I am amazed that you are taking all these very calmly, Mr. Frostwood. Others would have shat themselves by now. I admire your resolve but I must say that I do not like it. I see no fear in your eyes. But breaking your arm will be enough for now.”
I dropped my drink gently on the table and placed my arm on the table. I knew that before they would take Yulia away, Pete would want to witness the breaking of my bones.
Too bad he would not see it.
“I am ready,” I said.
Nikolai stepped forward and raised the hammer. I turned to Yulia whose eyes were wide with a mixture of fear and apprehension. Her cup of wine was shaking in her hands. I gave her a wink and smiled.
Before Nikolai could bring the hammer down, I made my first move.
“Harbor, three nine one.”
“Wait!” The Swine yelled in a terrified voice and Nikolai the henchman froze with the hammer still raised. “What did you say?” He asked.
“Harbour three nine one.” I repeated. “That’s the location of where you keep your drug shipments.”
“How did you get that information?”He asked in a desperate but calm voice.
“As we speak, the authorities are on their way over there,” I said. “I have friends in very important places, Thaddeus.”
Thaddeus was a drug dealing werewolf, who supplied the Russians. It was drug money he used to send Pete to Canis Academy. Harbor three nine one was where his shipments of drugs were delivered.
I looked at Pete. “Imagine if the board of the Academy finds out that you pay your school fees with drug money, would you still be a student?”
Pete swallowed nervously.
“If Nikolai here drops that hammer on my arm, The Drug Enforcement Agency will come for you with everything they’ve got. Your wife, your money, your friends, your customers and don’t even get me started on the people supplying you.”
His phone rang and he jerked. He reached into his pocket and brought it out. Sweats were already forming on his face. His bodyguards were shifting nervously from one foot to the other.
“You should answer that,” I told him and my arm was still stretched across the table.
The Swine put the phone to his ears and gulped in terror. Whatever news he was given on the other end of the line was bad.
“I can make it all go away,” I said and he sharply looked at me. He sighed and dropped his phone on the table with a tired resignation.
“What do you want?” He asked, shaking with fear but still trying to maintain his composure.
“Father! Seriously?” Pete protested.
“Shut! The fuck! Up!” The Swine exploded.
Infighting. I love it! I raised my arm from the table and picked up my drink. This was going to be fun.
Pete looked at me in confusion and then looked back at his father. He had realized that the table had turned.
“You know, Thaddeus, I was having a great time when you interrupted me,” I told him with a smirk.
Yulia was also watching me with renewed interest as she wondered what I had done to turn the tide against Pete and his pot bellied father.
“Mr. Frostwood,” The Swine pleaded. “I am willing to do anything to let us forget this ever happened.”
“Anything? Thaddeus do not make promises that you cannot keep, your reputation is at stake here.” I said with mock concern.
“Try me,” The Swine replied. “I am a desperate man who has just chewed on more than he can swallow.”
“Very well,” I said with a shrug. “If you say so.” I added with a smile.
“Re up?” I asked Yulia, who had just finished her drink. She nodded happily and I poured her a drink.
I poured myself some. “Dismiss your men.” I ordered. “I do not like crowds.”
“Leave!” The Swine gutturally yelled at the men who excused us.
“Wait, tell Nikolai to leave his hammer behind,” I said to The Swine.
Confused, Nikolai dropped the hammer on the table and left.
“What else do you want?” The Swine asked, his voice a desperate whisper.
“You said you would do anything to make your problems go away,” I said.
“Yes, yes, anything,” He replied with controlled impatience.
“Pick up the hammer and break your son’s other arm.”