It was nightfall when I opened my eyes.
I was sprawled on top of Issa whose eyes were also open. He had a calm look in his eye as he gazed at me.
“How long have you been watching me?” I asked as I suppressed a yawn.
“Since you fell asleep,” He answered. “I was afraid to move lest I wake you up. I enjoyed watching you sleep.”
A smile played on my lips. “That’s… creepy.”
“I am creepy,” He said as a smile tugged at his lips.
His lips were enticing to look at and I knew that I could not help myself. I brushed my lips against his and sucked on them. I felt his cock stiffen in my pussy.
I loved the way his body responded to my touches.
He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me harder. I moaned into his mouth. He broke away from the kiss and corked his head to one side as if he was listening to something.
Alarmed, I did the same, thinking that someone was at the door. All I heard was a slight vibration from afar. It was very faint.
“It’s your phone,” I said to him as I realized that the vibrations were coming from the garage.
His lips sought mine instead and I pulled away.
“It could be urgent,” I told him.
“I have something of importance right on top of me at the moment,” He replied, pulling me closer.
I chuckled and we resumed kissing. He turned me over on my back so that I was under and he was above me. Then he began to trail kisses on my neck. I giggled as I enjoyed every bit of what we were doing.
But alas, we were both werewolves and our hearing was extra sensitive. The faint buzz of Issa’s phone became persistent and it began to ruin the mood.
He sighed angrily.
“I think we should resume this after you answer your phone, the vibration is annoying.” I pushed him away gently.
“But I really like it here,” He complained. I laughed.
“Me too,” I replied. “But that sound is distracting.”
He sighed for the millionth time today before he reluctantly eased out of me and I hissed. My pussy throbbed in response and my need for him to fill me back up rebelled in my core.
“Whoever it is better have a good reason for blowing up my phone,” He muttered angrily as he walked out of the room, toward the garage.
I licked my lips hungrily as I watched his ass move.
In his absence, I realised that I was thirsty who wouldn’t be after our little sinful escapade. I was thirsty and I was craving orange juice.
I rose from the sofa and walked to the big kitchen. Luckily, no one was in the house so I had no problem with going around the house naked. I stopped at the fridge and took out an orange juicebox. Any child could have killed to have it right now.
I had just opened it whenI heard Issa’s agitated voice as he came into the kitchen. He had a bundle of clothes in his arm. Our clothes with the shoes hanging from the tips of his fingers, while the other hand held his phone to right ear.
He had a scowl on his face.
“Yeah tell him to wait,” Issa said to whomever was on the other side of the phone.
He ended the call and dropped it on the kitchen counter. He dropped the clothes on the floor and came to me. He grabbed the orange juice box from me and gulped it down.
“I was drinking that,” I said with a raised eyebrow.
“There is more in the fridge, quit your whining,” He replied.
I rolled my eyes and shook my head before I turned to the fridge and opened it to get another orange juice box.
“Who was it?” I asked after I drank from the box.
“Pete’s father,” He said as he leaned on the kitchen counter.
Suddenly, I remembered that he had brutally snapped Pete’s arm in school today. He saw the worried look on my face and shook his head.
“You have nothing to worry, Yulia, nothing is going to happen,” He said.
“But he is demanding to see you,” I said to him.
“He can wait,” He replied with a nonchalant shrug.
I frowned in response. There were some things that I did not understand about Issa.
“What is it?” He asked with slight concern on his face.
“You are a Lycan,” I said.
“Okay,” He said, waiting for me to go on.
“So I do not understand why people do not fear or respect you,” I told him. “Or am I missing something?”
He smiled. “Is it because of the way Pete behaved when I told him to back off?” He asked.
I nodded as I remembered how fearless Pete was when Issa let him know that I was under his care.
“And now his father is demanding,” I said. “Not even requesting to see you but demanding. Nobody does that to a Lycan.”
Issa downed the last drop of the juice from the box and tossed it into the waste bin.
“It’s all part of my plan,” He replied.
I frowned in confusion.
“I love to be underestimated,” He said. “People make mistakes and overplay their hands when they believe that you are weak. That’s when I make them realize their mistakes. I love to see the terror on their faces when they realize just how fucked they are.”
“Wow… that’s…”
“Evil.” He finished for me with a dark smile. “Would you like a demonstration?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, the father of your ex wants me to pay for what I did to his precious son,” He said. “How would you like to see first hand how I put him in his place?”
I widened my eyes in surprise. “Do you think that’s a good idea?” I asked him. “You know that I am the reason his son has a broken arm.”
“No, Yulia, his son got a broken arm because he underestimated me.” He replied with a smile and a wink.
I could not lie, it was tempting. I wanted to see Issa in action.
“Alright, let’s do it.” I said with a nervous excitement. I bent down to get the clothes.
“Leave it, the maids will take care of it, let’s go put on something else,” He said.
And I wondered at that moment why he even bothered to bring our clothes in from the garage in the first place. He could have just left it there from the start.
I shook it away and watched as he took the lead up the stairs. Yara stirred with lust as I drank in his nakedness with my eyes and I was instantly filled with the need for him all over again.
“Can we have a quick one in the shower before we go?” I asked abruptly, surprising myself that I even summoned the courage to ask..
“Thought you’d never ask.” He replied with a knowing smile.