Book:FATED TO MY UNCLE Published:2025-2-9

They shrieked as I came at them.
One of them sent a vine at Iran’s neck but he was fast. He dodged. He was like a blur, escaping all their attacks as he came at them in all his glory.
I felt like a spectator, watching everything happen from Iran’s eyes.
He revealed his claws and grabbed one of the witches. She was cloaked in black just like her companion and she screamed even louder than before.
This caught Iran off guard and he released her while trying to shield his ears from the sound. In his moment of weakness, the second witch took up the opportunity and sent a vine of darkness at his neck.
Iran groaned as the vine closed around him and I went down on my knees from within. I might have been an observer but I could feel every pain that he felt.
The witch pulled us into the darkness while Iran released a roar in an attempt to break free. But the first witch recovered and sent her own vine of darkness to Iran.
“Not so tough now. . .” They whispered in a sickening voice that echoed across the room.
This only pissed Iran off. He narrowed his eyes at them as he began to command the fog as he had done before. It soon floated into the temple-like space while the witches began to panic.
Their hold on Iran and I began to weaken as they tried to shy away from the fog. They were afraid of it.
The moment he got the chance, he released another roar as we finally broke free from their hold. This time, there was nothing to stop Iran and I from charging forward and attacking the witches.
He scratched one of them and she cried out in pain. The metallic scent of blood filled the air instantly and that was when the second witch screamed again like she had done before.
Iran tried to resist it but it rendered me weak and I went down on my knees for the second time. By the time Iran looked up, the witches were gone, leaving behind not even a single trace.
Iran gritted his teeth as he had wanted to sink his claws in them. We would have stayed there obsessing over the failed kill when an image of Yulia flashed through my mind.
Iran jerked up immediately and charged out of the house with all his force. If Miles had been right, then I needed to be there for Yulia. I had no idea what I was going to do if I went back to find that Yulia was already hurt.
Iran pushed himself forward, not stopping to catch his breath even once. He had never cared this much about anyone. In fact, I never thought that he could ever care for someone until today.
I made it to the estate just as Miles was pulling into the court. I came to an abrupt stop beside his car and he gasped.
“Did you teleport here?” He exclaimed as he got out of the car.
The house looked peaceful from where I stood and I did not see any reason to still have Iran in the front seat.
‘Give me back control,’ I muttered.
Iran was reluctant as my bones began to twist and reform. The thick black fur that had covered up my skin started receding into my soul until my skin was visible again.
I released a low growl after the transformation was completed. Yet Iran was still in control and he just stood there.
‘We don’t need to argue. It’s for Yulia’s sake,’ I reminded him.
He groaned before letting me come forward. That was when I turned back to face Miles. He was quick to throw me a pair of shorts. I always had spares in the car. I put it on quickly and nodded at him.
“Did you kill the witches?” He asked.
I shook my head. “They escaped before I could. I would have followed them but Yulia is my priority.”
We had just taken a step forward when the top floor suddenly exploded. Miles was quick to pull me down to the floor and I covered my ears in shock.
Iran stirred dangerously within me and I looked up at the room only for my heart to sink when I realised who it belonged to.
“Yulia. . .” I breathed heavily as my eyes went wide with shock.
“Shit,” Miles cursed.
I did not know it when my legs developed a mind of their own and they sent me racing into the house with all my might.
All my life, I had never been this scared before. My heart was pounding heavily as if it wanted to tear out of my chest. My body was trembling visibly and I felt as if my world was about to end.
In fact, it was only hanging on a tiny thread.
I got to the top of the stairs only to find the housekeeper lying on the floor due to the force of the explosion.
“Willow!” I yelled as I pulled her up but she was in tears, beyond panicked as she pointed at Yulia’s room.
“Yu- Yulia is inside! I’m s- sorry. She- she’s inside,” she stuttered before breaking into thick sobs.
Miles caught up at this moment as he looked from Willow to the burning room. Some servants were now running toward us with fire extinguishers.
Yet, all I could think about was Yulia.
Without hesitation, I shot to my feet and made to jump into the fire when Miles grabbed me.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, my Lord?” He roared while using formalities for the first time in a while to address me.
“What does it look like I’m doing? Let me go!” I roared and began to fight against him.
But Miles was smarter. He gestured at more men to grab me and they began to pull me back down the stairs.
Yet I wouldn’t give up.
My heart was aching. My world was falling apart. My wolf was on fire and I was so close to losing control.
The last time I had felt this way was when I lost my mother.
I felt my soul darken and my body went numb. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes and I did not care.
All I wanted was to save Yulia. To hope, to believe that she could have somehow survived it and she was fine.
I could not have her abandon me. Not her too. I needed her. I wanted her. I had already become addicted to her.
I soon stopped fighting and sat still on my couch, unsure of what was happening around me and lost in my head.
Had they stopped the fire? Was the entire house now on fire? Was I dead? Was I alive?
Suddenly, the voice of the one I longed to see reached my ears.
“You should have seen its face. It was hilarious come to think of it, how you struck it down,” she said and broke into laughter.
My eyes went wide with shock as I looked up only to see Yulia, alive and well, laughing with a man I could not remember.
I shot up to my feet instantly as my mouth came wide open.