“Miles!” I screamed as I raced down the stairs.
The speed at which I moved was deadly, I was literally flying down the stairs rather than running down them. Such that, if anything or anyone were to appear on my path, then they would be knocked down instantly.
“Miles!” I called out again the moment my feet touched the bottom of the stairs.
Silence. No movement. Only emptiness.
My heart was thumping hard against my chest now. I feared that harm had befallen my Beta and friend.
Or was this just another prank of his?
Yes, Miles was sometimes overly playful but he knew when to stop and he would never joke about something like this.
I shook my head at the thought and walked back to the lobby. I stood at its center and just stared around closely, hoping to catch something-anything that I might have missed.
“Miles!” I tried again but the response was the same as before.
The eerie feeling from earlier still hung above the house, almost as if it was waiting for the perfect time to descend upon us.
I was about to enter a random room when something caught my attention. It was Miles’ scent. It was faint, almost nonexistent and I would have missed it had I not been a Lycan.
“I’m coming, Miles. Just hang in there,” I whispered as I started following it despite the faintness.
The scent led me into an old room which I feared would give way- because of how the boards kept creaking as I moved upon them. I soon came face to face with a wall and the trail ended there.
It was a dead end.
I frowned. “This makes no sense. How can his scent just end here?”
I approached it and lifted my finger to touch it. It felt hard and rough. The dust particles stained my fingertips and the wall smelt old- older than I could imagine.
Which felt wrong. Why did this wall smell so old? It was almost as if the scent was exaggerated to lead me astray.
So I did the only thing that made sense to me. I stepped back a few steps and rammed myself into the wall.
Behold! My body went right through without crashing into anything. It was almost as if there had never been a wall in existence in the first place.
That was when it began to make sense. The wall had just been an illusion.
“Witches were truly here,” I whispered.
It revealed a dimly lit room that had numerous pillars. These pillars had ancient markings and symbols engraved unto them. All I could do was stare in awe.
How had something like this been in my pack this entire time and I was unable to notice it?
I took a step forward, and that was when I was hit with an even stronger wave of Miles’ scent.
He was here.
I scanned the space quietly as I made my way forward. For some reason, Iran warned me to be quiet as I had no idea what lay within this place.
Witches were dangerous creatures. I could deal with one on my own but an army would finish me off.
I activated my wolf’s night vision and it pointed the way for me. I came to a stop before three bodies that looked inhumanely pale and dried out.
It was almost as if someone had drained the lives out of them. Iran stirred angrily within me. It made me feel incompetent that I had been unable to protect these people.
Yet I was supposed to be the King of this pack.
I bent over and slowly shut their eyes which had been wide open. That was when I heard soft murmuring sounds.
I knew that voice too well. It was Miles.
I shot to my feet instantly and charged forward only for me to see him pinned against a wall while a black strong vine wrapped around him and the pillar.
This automatically left him imprisoned to the pillar so that he could not break free. The black vine covered up his mouth as well and all he could do was widened his eyes at me.
“I got you,” I whispered as I began to fight with the vine.
It was insanely strong as I struggled to break it off. Yet Miles kept screaming muffled sounds at me and I frowned at him.
“Just relax! I’m setting you free, Miles!” I snapped as I felt my wolf begin to toss and turn within me.
Yet Miles resumed screaming at me and that was when I realised that he was trying to tell me something. That something had to be dangerous.
I turned to notice that the shadow in the space had grown larger. The temperature in the atmosphere dropped and I exhaled a shaky breath.
“Shit,” I cursed when I realised that we were not alone.
Something moved fast to my left just as another jumped past my side.
I resumed pulling the vine and it finally broke free. Miles fell face flat on the floor before staggering to his feet.
“It’s a fucking trap. It’s Yulia they want and this is just a distraction!” Miles roared.
As if on cue, they shot those dark vines at me and I dodged immediately. I looked up at Miles and made quick calculations in my brain.
“I’m going to hold them off. The moment you see the opportunity, take it and run out of here to Yulia. I’ll handle them myself!”
He nodded. Then I shot my eyes and searched within me.
‘Take full control of me,’ I ordered Iran.
It was almost as if he had been waiting for this command his entire life. He pushed forward and I felt my bones begin to twist and turn. Fur shot out of my skin and my clothes fell off to reveal a massive black wolf.
Miles used this opportunity to dash out of the room. Once I was sure that Miles had made it out, I let Iran proceed.
He released a low and menacing growl before charging toward the witches in the shadows.
A loud shriek resonated through the space and my vision turned red.