I got down from the plane, it’s sunny now, not scorching hot though, just the right temperature like the sky decided to finally smile after the long period of snows. It is January now, December and the holidays is over.
December, Christmas was really nice, I spent it with my sister, we watched cheesy Christmas movies while drinking hot cocoa and eating cookies. It was the best time in a long long time, i am getting a little bit homesick just thinking about it.
I am in Seoul now, I smile to myself I take in the environment, it’s a little bit busy here at the airport, there are people going and people arriving, there are families welcoming back their loved ones and people saying goodbye.
I got my luggage and walked down, I got a taxi and headed to the University. The Taxi stopped in front of the large university accommodation. It looked happy, beautiful, the grasses, trees, the statues, the architecture, everything sat right with me. I stood in front as I checked my purse for the paper with my room number on it. 360 A, i mouthed. I climbed up the stairs, about three flight of stairs before I realized that I was lost.
I walked to the guy at the other side.
“Annyeong haseyo”. I said to him, my Korean is horrible, i kinda feel like I didn’t think this through. Moving to a new country with just a little understanding of the language! Zara what were you thinking! But anyway, it’s fine, I have a private tutor for Korean, I hope I get better at it.
I am not sure, the guy heard me so I moved a little bit closer, tapped him on the shoulder and said Annyeong haseyo again.
“Ever heard of personal space?! And you can just speak English. Jeez you Americans are so clueless.” He said rudely. I just walked away without asking for directions, I asked someone else and soon enough I was in front of 360 A.
I knocked, my new roommate answered.
“Hi i am Zara, your new roommate.” I said into my phone and Siri translated it to Korean.
“Whatever.” My new roommate said with an eye roll.
“What’s your name.” I said again, I have to try again, I have to get her to like me! I want to have a great time in Korea and how can I do that if my own roommate does not like me?!
She ignored me and went back inside the room. I pushed the door wider and rolled in my suitcase, i started arranging my clothes into the closet while my new roommate said absolutely nothing to me and instead continued to type on her laptop.
I saw a beautiful ceramic ballet figurine on the table, it was so beautiful, I picked it up.
“Do not touch me stuff!” My roommate said with venom in her voice.
I kinda feel a bit homesick, I picked up my phone. Delvin, I searched for his name.
“Hi” I typed. I can see that he is typing then it stops, I sighed. Then the typing started again.
“Hey.” He replied…
I never knew I had any talent to be honest, I never really tried many things growing up, I was… busy doing things that a minor should have no business doing .
I always wanted to join the cheerleading team but I was too shy to tryout, theater was never really my thing so I never tried, math wasn’t my strong suit so I couldn’t do mathlete, I did not have impeccable posture so no ballet, the real truth is I did not tryout for anything because I knew I wouldn’t get to do it anyway, dad wouldn’t let me.
I never thought painting would be my thing, I guess it is now.
I spent my’recuperating’ time just painting. I would see a blank canvas and an idea would pop in, at my worst moment, I’d just paint, I’d just paint what I feel, I’d just paint. I could not explain some of the things I was feeling but somehow the brush knew.
I am launching some of my paintings today and it feels great, I am a little bit anxious but I now know how to contain the anxiety, it would not get the better of me, I know better now.
“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the face behind the art. Yara Adeyemi.” My agent said. Susanne, she is really one of the best person I know, she supports me and I am so grateful for it. I am in a white silky gown, I have faux locs in a ponytail on my head, the whole look is giving Earth girlie- bohemian aesthetic, I walk to the podium. I give a little speech and the the main painting, the one I did not let anyone see not even my agent, that special painting was unveiled.
I held my breath, waited for their reaction, do they like it? Do they not like it? I hope they like it. The gasped and smiled from the people in attendance confirmed that they liked it. I excused myself, I went outside for a bit of air, I just feel grateful for everything.
Then like a weird vision I see Desmond Sandals standing at the far end of the lawn, I look again and he wasn’t there. My eyes are just playing tricks on me, I really have to learn to relax…
We took a trip to Ibiza, all of us the whole family which includes me, Diego, Ava and the twins. Yeah we had our twins eighteen months ago and honestly Aiden and Kaiden are the cutest babies ever and Ava is the best big sister.
I am just lounging on a beach mat on the sand close to the water, I am just here watching the waves go up and down. The kids are playing around, their nannies and I are watching them so they don’t go to the deep part of the ocean or scrap their knees or something.
Diego had some business to take care of, his new holiday resort is opening here in Ibiza so I guess he had to go sign some papers or something. I swear that man never rests! The next vacation we take I have to have him put his phone away.
I was still wondering about Diego and his continuous need to work hard when I saw him coming to me with a banquet of roses in his hand. I smiled to myself.
I moved to meet him, he was gone for an hour and I missed him so much, too much, I cannot bear to be away from my dear husband.
We hugged and he leaned in closer.
“Enough family time, I need some alone time with you my dear wife.” He whispered into my ear, i blushed and pulled him down for a long steamy kiss.
“Eww, stop it already.” Ava said, we both chuckled…