I feel so helpless right now, I feel so… tired so drained.
I cannot do anything about the situation, i cannot help, make it better, nothing I do will make Ava better now. Most times, in most situations money solves the problem, I have a lot of that but now even that cannot help. We just have to watch and see what happens like what the doctor said.
It is a horrible feeling being helpless, not knowing what would happen next, being uncertain, feeling this lump of grief and sadness in the pit of your stomach.
She lost a lot of blood, the bullet might have damaged some vital organs in her chest area, the bullet is still in her, it might be completely shattered now making it difficult to find all its pieces. The doctors just keep giving us information that makes the situation worse than it already is and now we haven’t heard from them… the doctors for a while now, they have been in that room with Ava for sometime now, we don’t know what is happening, we don’t know what to do, is she fine? Will she be fine? Nobody is saying anything!
I pace the hallway, my eyebrows arch in a worried frown, I stay in that hallway, I don’t know if I can face Valentina now, I don’t know if I can bear to see the sadness in her eyes, I don’t know if I can bear the helplessness that that would bring, the sense that I cannot do anything to take her pain away.
I stopped pacing and instead walk to the private room where Valentina is. I walked in, deep in my own thoughts, swallowed by my own sadness, enveloped in my own uncertainty.
“Diego what if she doesn’t survive.” Valentina said, her face is red, swallowed and puffy from crying continuously, her eyes completely tainted by sadness, her hair is in a messy bun on her head, her voice now blank, now robotic and monotonous, like all the energy in it has been pulled out.
I looked at the absolute love of my life, this isn’t right, fate cannot do this to us, I only just found her, she and Ava only just became my family and now fate wants to take them away?!
I reflected on her question, it seemed blasphemous for me to think that Ava would not survive, she will have to survive, she has no other choice, death has nothing on her, death has nothing on my little fighter.
“She will survive, she is our Ava after all, our strong resilient Ava.” I replied as I enveloped Valentina in my hug. Her body trembled as she cried, she seems small and frail and my hug, I did my best to hold my own tears back in.
“I can’t live without her Diego… I just can’t.” Valentina said repeatedly, bawling her eyes out in my hug. I consoled her, I tried to sound confident, I tried to be strong for her but lord knows that I am
trembling on the inside. What if Ava doesn’t survive?
I was still pondering on this though when the doctor walked in, her face did not give anything away, it was blank. No cheers no sadness, just blank.
“How is Ava doing.” I asked the doctor immediately she entered into the room.
“It’s too early to tell for now Mr. Fernandez but she needs blood and seeing that her blood type AB neg is very rare we would need blood donation from her family.” The doctor said looking from me to Valentina.
“Yeah sure, can we start the donation process now. I have AB negative blood type.” I said. I know Valentina is O positive. My blood type has always been another thing that set me apart from the rest of them, I am the only AB neg person I know, I don’t know why but sharing the same blood type as Ava makes me feel like there is more things we have in common. I somehow feel like she is my daughter…
The police raided the island so we are all in the station now, they are trying to get us to talk about Raphael and all the allegations they have against him, most people are calling their lawyers or requesting for one, I’m just in the corner in shock.
Everything just happened so suddenly, it was morning, we had all just woken up then suddenly helicopter sound, we all got sent out the building, they tore the whole place apart searching.
I was still in the corner wondering about the entire day when I saw someone coming towards me, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw my sister Zara, I couldn’t stop myself I ran to her, I couldn’t say anything, I just hugged her and cried my eyes out.
Everything that has happened seems a bit unreal, when I think of everything, about what is my life it just seems like I am an actor acting a script I do not quite get and then the pain and sadness hit and everything becomes real.
“I came as soon as I saw the news. Are you okay.” Zara asked, she looks so different from the last time I saw her, I cannot explain how but she does.
“I’m trying to be fine.” I replied and it felt true.
“We will get through this… I promise.” She said as she handed me a bottle of water. I did not know how thirsty I was until the first gulp of water reached my throat.
“We’ll get through this.” I replied…
“I am sorry Ms. Sanchez but your daughter is not responding to any of the treatments. We are trying all we can but things do not look good right now.” The doctor said. My world started to spin out of control, everything stopped making sense, I cannot live without my daughter!