“I have to get married to Maddie.” Delvin said, his words shocked me beyond anything. What?! We are in a relationship! We have been in a relationship for sometime now, he said he loves me that he was willing to spend the rest of his life with me so what changed?
I am fine being his secret girlfriend, I’m fine with no one knowing that we are dating, I held my end of the deal, I never spoke to him at the campus or whenever we were in public around people he knows, he said it had something with his father not wanting him to be with any girl that is not up to their social standing, he said he was going to find a way to convince his father that I am different, that he loves me and he is going to spend the rest of his life with me with or without his father’s permission and now he is here telling me that he is getting married to Maddie.
As in the girl I had thought to be just his best friend, the girl he had convinced me is just his best friend.
“I’m sorry Zara, if I don’t do this I will lose all of my inheritance.” Delvin said his voice and eyes pleading with me to understand but I do not understand, am I that worthless to him that he would pick him inheritance over me?!
“Zara…” he started and made to touch me.
“Don’t you dare touch me.” I said in a whisper, the hoarseness of my voice showed my pain and disgust at his words. I moved away from his reach.
“You’ve gotta understand Zara, it’s with I marry Maddie or lose my inheritance.” Delvin said, he said it like the situation is so clear and I am somehow being unreasonable.
“And you’ve clearly made your choice, you choose your inheritance over being with me.” I replied, I stared at him pleading with him with my eyes to counter my words to say that he would never pick anything over me, I pleaded with him silently to say he loves me, for him to say something… something but he didn’t, he instead looked away from me.
“I have made my decision I will marry Maddison Grey. If you don’t agree with my decision then you can Leave.” He said. My world shattered in front of me, does he not care at me even a little bit.
I stood up to leave.
“If you marry then just forget everything about me.” I said and then walked out.
I really hated that I had to turn my sister away but I had to do it for her own good, I saw him coming towards us, I had to get her to leave before he could get a chance to see her, I had to do what I had to do and now my sister hates me and she would probably hate me forever.
I stared at the side of the road, the part of the road that I had seen Walter, had I been imagining? Because somehow he seems to not be here anymore, he seems to somehow vanished into thin air but I am so sure that I saw him, how? How do I not see him anywhere anymore?
“Hey chaffs for brain, someone wants to order.” Hailey said in her usual mean way, I threw the last garbage into the bin and walked off, I still have that eery feeling of being watched, I looked around for the last time before just trying my best to shrug the feeling off and just move on with my life, to just try to focus on work…
With a bag of groceries in one of my hand, I fished for the key to my apartment with my other hand, i was however surprised to find out that I did not quite need the key to get in because the door was somehow already unlocked! Which is strange because I could have sworn that I had locked the door before leaving for work, I never go anywhere without locking my door, it’s a no brainer! And I’m usually more careful because of what has happened to me recently, recently being my entire life.
I don’t know maybe I somehow forgot to lock the door today? Maybe I was somehow too preoccupied to remember? That is very unlikely though… I shrugged trying my best to think nothing of the unlocked door, i really have to stop being so paranoid, the things that happened with Diego and the Mafia is over, I really have to learn to move on with out being so paranoid.
It’s all over Valentina, hopefully you never see him again, just breathe it’s all right…
I breathed in deeply and then out and then twisted the door knob to open it and walked in.
When I saw that the lights were on and the television was running was when I knew that there had indeed been a break in.
I began to panic, my heart was beating way faster than it should, my hands were starting to feel a bit shaky.
I was about to slowly back away and head for the door, to get into a cab or something, head for the police station to report when the office chair I had at the corner turned over.
“We meet again Valentina.” His dark ominous deep voice said. I ran for the door.
“Wait please, I just wanna talk, I need your help to remember everything.” Diego said, his usual cocky slightly arrogant face softened, he looked so small so vulnerably, those two words that I never ever thought I would use for Diego Fernandez… the Devil who had literally kidnapped with the intention of turning me to his sex slave.
“Everyone else lied to me, I know that now, you are the only one who did not, now please tell me Valentina who was I five years ago, before the accident?” Diego asked.
I am not even going to lie, this place looks a lot scary at night well not night… night since it still evening I guess but the fact that I am the only one here and that the sun has gone down makes here a bit scary.
I should have gone i while back, should have left when the others did but I just felt like I had to wait for Blake, Valentina said after they were done doing the home delivery he had insisted on going for an impromptu meeting that he was just notified about.
I can hardly focus on the movie I am trying to watch, it doesn’t help that it’s a horror movie, an old horror movie so I guess it’s more hilarious than scary. Something just feels a bit off, nah that’s it I’m leaving, for some reason I feel like I shouldn’t stay here any longer than I already have.
I picked up my bag, wore my coat over my dress, it’s been getting a lot chilly recently. I was about to walk out the store’s door and lock up when a car pulled up.
Maybe an evening customer?
I sat back down and waited, the person walked in slowly and when I could finally see his face, I knew that I should have left with the others, I shouldn’t have waited behind!
“If you wanted to run from me you should have found a better hiding spot.” The familiar voice of the man who groomed me said.
“Aren’t you going to give your first love a warm welcome?” He added.
I stood there terrified hoping that someone would save me…