I feel like a free loader, just staying at Blake’s apartment without paying for anything, not paying for the rent or groceries or anything and on top of that he got beaten because of me, it feels awful to be the reason for a person’s misfortune.
I have been here for just a week and I already feel terrible, I should be doing something, I should be paying him back.
“Please? I promise I’ll be safe.” I said for the hundredth time.
“You can’t promise that Yara, he is dangerous, see what he did to me, I know him Yara a lot more than you think you do.” Blake said, his voice went sad when he said the last part.
“I just don’t think I can stay here without doing anything anymore… i am tired of being such a… a leech.” I said. That’s how I feel like a leech, who takes and takes without ever giving back. I need to give back, I need to pay back just so I can feel worthy.
Blake stopped arguing with me for a while, he went quiet like he understand where I was coming from like he was finally about to give him after our millions of arguments.
“Alright but I’m pulling you out at the sight of any form of danger.” He said, I flew in to arms and hugged him, it felt like a reflex action, I did not know I hugged him until I did, the hug took me by surprise the same way I’m sure it took him by surprise.
“Im sorry.” I said caught myself back from my reflexive spell, I tried to move away from the hug because I felt like it made him uncomfortable.
“Your hugs are warm.” He said as he pulled me back into the hug, even though his words sounded confident his heart was beating way too fast, I smiled at the thought that I made him nervous.
“Right, so you’ll work at the back office for now, we need someone to recruit newbies and that someone is going to be you.” He said. I smiled.
“You should go and get ready, I don’t really like late employees.” He said sternly but his stern frown soon morphed into a smile then a giggle, I joined in his laughter, I do not know what we are laughing at but laughing feels good. I’m finally getting a job! This would be my first ever ‘normal’ job! A job that normal people do! A job that does not involve alcohol and drugs and sexual favors, I have a feeling I would like working.
I looked through my closet, through the bunch of new clothes Blake got for me earlier this week. What is suitable for a normal job? This gown? Nah that slit is a bit too high, this shirt? Nope the cut at the neck is a bit too low, I spotted the plainest cropped top I have ever seen with a pale blue low waisted wide legged jeans, I pulled it out from the closet. “Perfect” I said with a wide smile.
I have a feeling I would enjoy working, I wonder how I would have been if I hadn’t been born into the mafia family that I was born into…
“Ready!” I heard Blake call from the living room.
I had already showered, my clothes were already on. I looked at the girl in the mirror in front of me, she looked… normal, like the kind of girl that rode bikes and had jello’s when she was younger, she looks nothing like me nothing like the girl that had stayed past her bedtime entertaining men twice her age just so her beloved father can move up in life, this girl looks like she had a happy childhood one devoid of the drugs, the fear and the island, I like this girl, I want to be this girl, no more mafia bullshit… please… I just want to be happy.
“Ready.” I whispered to myself, this could be the start of something new, something about the cool frosty December breeze made me believe this, something about the hanging Christmas lights and decorations makes me believe in miracles.
I walked out the door with Blake and together we walked into his small car he drives to the Pastery store in. I looked out the window as he drove, the snow is starting to thicken, Christmas is almost here.
I thought wistfully about the last happy Christmas we spent together, I wish we can have that again. Just Zara, Quincy, mom, dad and I.
I have to get a job to survive, I made a decision that requires that decision. The night Diego’s guard who I now know to be my brother took me out of there, he let me make a decision… to be free of everything. I took that decision, decided to leave free of Leanor and of Diego, to be free of my life of running and hiding, I will get my daughter back, I know I will, I will just have to find a way but first I have to find a job because my rent is due and basically every single thing is due.
I should have started looking for a job a while ago but I was too scared to live the house, I did not want to somehow run into the two people that probably want me dead for slipping away from them, I did not want to run into anybody that works for either Leanor or Diego.
It’s been a month since I escaped now, they probably would have forgotten about me, maybe they would have moved on with their lives? I have to take my chances to stay afloat, I’m tired of depending on my brother I have to get a job to be truly free.
I walked out my apartment door and immediately noticed a flier on the thickening layer of snow, the flier must have fallen from the wall or something, I studied it’s content.
It was about a job as a waitress/ waiter at a pastry store call Blake’s patries. This must be a Christmas miracle because did I not just say I really need a job! I literally sprinted back into the house to grab my purse, called a cab and headed for the place.
“Hi I saw your advertising on the flier, I understand that that you need a waitress?” I said to the lady at the front desk, she had a bored expression on her face, something close to a mean expression, she looks like she hates being bothered and I feel terrible for bothering her.
“Yara someone’s here for the job!” She yelled towards the back and then totally ignored me and continued reading her book.
“Hi, I’m Yara and I’m going to be interviewing you today.” The person the front desk girl call said. She had a wide smile on her face, she looked like a kid in a candy store like she liked what she her job which is weird because nobody I know likes their job!
“I am Valentina… Valentina Sanchez.” I replied. Her smile grew wider.