Book:The devil’s new plaything Published:2025-2-9

I have to meet that jerk Giovanni today, I have a feeling that I wouldn’t like him, that he would be spoilt and stupid, that he would be an idiot who I totally undeserving of Leilani.
Leilani, I really need to stay away from her, she is too precious too innocent and somehow I can’t stop thinking about her in a way that is not so family oriented, she is my little cousin I shouldn’t be thinking of her naked body next to me. I have been avoiding Leilani and Isla for a while now, I have been in my chamber for a long time since yesterday afternoon after the parade.
I need to go into town this night, I have to get some willing bitch to let out some steam maybe that would stop me from thinking of Isla and Leilani, I hope its stops me from thinking about that Valentina, thinking of every unholy things I want to do to her body.
I threw on a black polo and a carton colored trouser, I came out of my room got into my car and drove to the stadium. We are all supposed to go together but I cannot bear to be near them today or any other day to be frank, I’ll just have to leave here after today’s meeting. I’ll leave after I make certain that this Giovanni of a guy would not hurt my cousin, I might have to threaten him a little to get my message across. Nothing really big, I’ll just get my guys to kidnap him, put him through a small degree of pain and suffering and then tell him there is more pain in store for him if he even thinks of hurting Leilani, he will survive, he is a man after all he should start get used to being in pain because he would have to protect my baby cousin always or else no one will protect him from my wrath.
The drove with the roof of my car off, the cool breeze came in front the top and also the wound down windows, the car stereo was on full bast, Eminem’s rap filled the car I rapped along with him.
I was enjoying the drive, enjoying the wind, the scenery, i like how lonely the road is, I like that my car is the only one on the street. I can finally relax, I can finally be myself without thinking about what everyone would think, without thinking about if I am being strong enough for people to fear me.
I tapped along to Eminem’s songs, moved my head from side to side, doing various gestures and driving with one hand.
“Oh my God! It’s Diego Fernandez!” I looked to my side and noticed two ladies in the car by my side. I did not notice the car before.
I smiled awkwardly.
“He is such a hottie.” The other lady in the car said further adding to my awkwardness.
“Can we have a selfie please.” One of them said again, I nodded, I can’t wait for this to be over.
They leaned in and took the picture then I drove off. I am running a little late about thirty minutes late already, I got back to the stadium parked at the underground parking lot and took the lift to the VVIP section. I was already seated at the other side opposite my cousin Leilani and Queen Isla. That rude prick Giovanni was still no where in sight, i knew it he is everything I knew he would be; rude, selfish and cocky, a stupid self centered braggart.
We all sat there saying nothing just watching the game in silence when my phone rang.
The call was from Brynn white the woman I pay to watch over Ava right there in the boarding school. She has strict orders to make sure that Ava is never bullied and that Ava gets the best school experience, anyone that tries to bother my daught… Ava would have to answer to Brynn and if anything happens to Ava Brynn would answer to me, a call that she would probably not come alive from, she knows to keep that little girl safe.
“Hello Master Diego..” Brynn said her voice was shaken. I panicked and stood up immediately, I hope nothing is wrong with Ava.
“Speak now, how is Ava? Is she hurt? Did something happen to her? Did you do something to her?” I asked all at once. Leilani and Isla now stared at me with rapt attention.
“Who is Ava?” Leilani mouthed, I ignored her as I waited for Brynn’s answer.
“Ava…Ava… she is very sick, I’m sorry master Diego but I don’t know what to do she isn’t getting any better, it has been three days now.” Brynn sobbed.
“Three day and you did not think to inform me?!” I asked completely furious. I paced up and down with my hand on my head. The line was silent.
“Bring her back home now!” I said.
“Yes master Diego.” Brynn replied and then ended the call.
“I have to leave, my daughter needs me.” I said quickly to Leilani and Isla before storming off.
I heard Isla say ‘you have a daughter?” but I completely ignored her and walked out, I bumped into someone on my way out but I did not even bother to look at the person or apologize, I was just in my head, I need to get home back to the U. S, I have to be with Ava… damn it my daughter, I don’t care that I am not her biological father, I have promised myself that I would be there for her always and that is what I plan to do.
I got into my car and drove back to the palace so that I can get my thing and leave this place as soon as possible. So that I can go back and take care of my daughter…
That stranger just bumped into me, he did not even bother to apologize, so rude! I was ready to yell at him but then he literally bolted away into his car. I walked into the VVIP section of the stadium, I sat down next to the princess, Giovanni was yet to show up.
“Hi, I am Leilani but you can call me Lani, I hate it when people call me Leila though so just call Leilani or Lani.” The princess said kindly, she seems like a really nice person, it is such a pity that I would have to get her betrothed husband kidnapped.
I smiled at her “Hi princess Leilani, it is really nice to meet you, I am Sofia by the way.” I said in a formal tone, I don’t want to get too close to her, we are not supposed to be friends, I am just supposed to accomplish my mission and go back.
Sofia is the name I chose to go by, I obviously cannot use my real name, I chose Sophia because of Ava, Sofia the first is her favorite cartoon in the world, I don’t know but whenever I am reminded of my daughter I somehow feel like she is close.
Giovanni walked in, he looked… regular nothing really special about him but yet again you should probably not believe me when I say that because for some reason I am unable to see anything special in any guy except Diego for some reason I cannot stop thinking about him.
I looked at Giovanni, great this is the boring snub that I would be stuck with for the next two days!
“Hey baby girl, have we met before?” Giovanni said in a flirty way, he was not even trying to hide his play boy attitude even with his future wife sitting very close to him. I felt really sad for Leilani, why does she want to marry this idiot anyway?
“Her name is Sofia, she would be your personal assistant through out your stay here.” The man next to him said. I know that man he works for Leanor.
“That is so great! I am looking forward to you assisting me in a very personal manner.” Giovanni said and picked my hand to kiss. The queen shot him a very slicing glare, he immediately dropped my hand, cleared his throat and started acting like the gentle man that this kind princess Leilani deserves.
“It’s really lovely to see you princess Leilani.” Giovanni said. The event continued, we watched the game but all the while I could not stop thinking about Diego, I could not stop thinking about how good it feels whenever he is with me, whenever his cock is inside me, his naked body stayed glued to my head, his voice echoed in my ear.
I want him but I cannot have so, I might as well just go to the club downtown, get really drunk and go with any stranger I find handsome…