Book:The devil’s new plaything Published:2025-2-9

“You can tell me anything” Diego said, his hand was on my arm trying to calm me down. He looked so worried, a bit anxious and a lot confused. We are sitting in a cafe a few streets away from the villa, a small cafe with painted wooden chairs that were laid out side by side and at each opposite sides of the coffee table, the walls had beautiful graffiti style art on them, there was one of a woman on a beautiful beach and another of what looks like an Afro-Latina with her beautiful full 4B hair on display.
I looked away from Diego and turned my gaze to the art on the wall close to me, it was one of a hollow black hole, empty, turbulent, lonely. A little like how I would be after Diego finds out, this piece of art looked very out of place amongst the other cheerful, happy paintings.
“Valentina I am here for you, always, I promise. You can tell me anything.” Diego said again, his voice was thick with emotions, his face looked like it used to before the accident, like the face of my Diego. It looked kind, concerned, not scared to feel not the Cold, emotionless stare I am used to getting from the new Diego. The Diego after the accident. The accident which was not really an accident, that incident that is better off forgotten, that memory that would definitely ruin everything.
I looked at Diego, contemplating if I should tell him this secret that haunts me, this secret that might destroy whatever chance we have at rekindling our love, I looked at him and I knew that I would have to tell him, he has to know. And when I tell him, it would be his decision if he still wants the enemy’s daughter, if he still wants me, a girl who he should resent.
For most of my life everything has always gone my way, nobody opposed me, nobody dared to oppose me and now I am not even the second in the chain of command! Now a tiny little slut has the audacity to threaten me! I used to be known as the beast! I slayed everything and anyone that stayed in my way but somehow I was slayed by the one person I never considered to be a traitor!
I reign was ended by that pathetic spineless wimp who I can never see as my son! That Diego! A traitor who I harbored under my roof since he was nothing but an infant, I should have killed him then! I should have killed him the first time I suspected that he wasn’t mine, I should have killed him like I did his mother!
I am still not sure what to do with that Zara yet, punish her? Let her walk free? I don’t know.
I might let her go if she helps me, that is a joke, I would not she has to pay for het sister’s potential betrayal with her blood, Yara somehow escaped death by my hands so her sister would have to meet Hades on her behalf, it’s how the world works, one betrayal (or one intended betrayal equal one lifeless body somewhere in a ditch or the river or the woods or just a lifeless body lying there cut and bruised on the street, this body might serve as a deterrent, a warning for no one to ever think of betraying me or the mafia)
Zara’s body will be that deterrent, bruised, cut and lifeless on the street for anyone to find.
We don’t still have the flash drive that holds all my secrets, that flash drive that will definitely put me behind bars, that flash drive that will definitely be my destruction. I don’t know how that bitch Yara got it, I hope she is the only one that has it. I have to find it and destroy it before the cops do.
I sent my people to raid Yara’s apartment more than five times but it somehow the flash drive is not there, I have to get its location out of Zara, they are sisters I am sure Yara would have confided in her at some point.
I have to get that information out of Zara before I slit her throat and leave her body for the vultures to feed on.
“I used to love a boy.” I started with a smile.
“He was kind, thoughtful and so damn sexy. Everything about him made me smile, everything about him turned me on. He had the most beautiful green eyes, whenever he smiled they glittered, he was perfect. I met him again recently, for some reason I couldn’t recognize him at first, I guess it’s because he changed completely, he wasn’t my Di… my love anymore…my love died five years ago and was replaced by someone unrecognizable…” I said all this looking deep into his eyes, wondering if he knew he is the one I am talking about.
“I’m not going to lie, I kinda wish you would stop talking about this guy. You know I am really possessive of you, I might just be tempted to find him and kill him just so I can have you all to my self.” Diego replied with a grin that was definitely there to mask just how serious he was being.
“You are right there is no reason to cry over spilled milk. I guess I just have to get over him.” I said.
I am a coward, I cannot bear the thought of him hating me, I don’t want him to hate me even though I am pretty sure I should hate him because of all the things he has done to me, because of all the things his family did to mine.
“Valentina, tell me something, did this guy hurt you? If he did What is his name? I will have my people haunt him down and bring him here, you can decide what will be done to him.” He said his eyes staring into mine.
My eyes started to water. You have no idea Diego, you have no idea how much this man… you have hurt me. You have no idea how much I want to stop loving you, how much I have tried to stop loving you, you have no idea how terribly I have failed at that.
“No…no he didn’t.” I said with a sad chuckle with wiping my eyes of the tears that had managed to stray out of them.
“He did not hurt me.” I said again.
“I am going to find him and when I do he would wish that he was never born.” Diego said through gritted teeth.
Maybe some secrets are better kept secret.