“Damn You look so sexy in that, if this press conference wasn’t so important I would have ripped that cloth off of you and fucked you right now till you beg me to stop” Walter said looking at me like I am his favorite snack.
I looked away thanking the stars that I am not pale skinned if not he would have been able to see how pink my cheeks were getting as a result of his words, he might be able to decipher how much I want him, maybe he would be able to tell ever unspeakable thing I have ever done including how I had fucked myself right there in the bathroom with the thought of his body in my head.
I hate how those thoughts make me feel like a whore, I hate how much I hate myself for moving on from Raphael that quickly, does that mean I never really loved him? Does wanting Walter mean that I love him? I don’t know, I’m just a lot confused.
Raphael was the first man I have ever been with, his dick was the first I sucked and fucked, he thought me everything I know, made me the slut I am now, I loved…liked…lusted after… I don’t know but I he was special to me, he was my first after all how could he not be. But Walter, he is just so different from Raphael, he was so different from Raphael yesterday, he was so gentle with each stroke, he cared to ask how I felt, he did not just assume that I liked everything he was doing to me. That was the first time I ever felt… delicate not just like a tool to fulfill a person’s desire.
And now with him looking at me the way he is I almost feel the need to throw caution in to the air and make him feel just as much pleasure as he made me feel last night, with the way his staring at me, with the way his eyes are burning holes through my cloth and stripping me naked I almost feel like not caring what he would think about me and begging him to put that dick insi6of me.
I bit my lips as I tried to regain my composure and finally turned to him.
“Let’s go, we are running late.” I said even though I do not know where we are going or what time we are supposed to be there, I just need him to stop looking at me like that, I just need him to stop making me all wet and horny.
“Okay Angel but this night you are all mine.” He whispered into my ear as he hugged me and softly caressed my ass. He will soon learn that I’m no angel. I thought as I resisted the urge to push me to the chair nearby and ride his dick until I am satisfied while whispering into his ear all the sluty things I want to do to him, all the ways I want to touch him, all the ways I want him to touch me.
Oh my Gosh I’m so fucking horny! I need a dildo or something! I need to think about something else; butterflies in a beautiful garden, butterflies in a beautiful garden, butterflies in a beautiful garden.
Walter stretched out his hand, I took it and he led me out of the suite we had been staying in. I did not know that there was a shit ton of bodyguards outside the door, I wonder if they heard all the noise we were making last night, all the moaning and groaning and nonsensical sounds, I wonder if they heard, for some reason the thought of them hearing us turns me on even more, I pressed Walter’s hand a little bit more into mine, he turned to look at me with question mark on his face but quickly masked it up with a smile, I did not smile back but kept walking.
If he thinks I would give him my heart then he must be joking, I just want his body just like he wants mine. I’m done giving men my heart, it took just one betrayal to make me realize that men don’t deserve my heart, they keep you around under they no longer want you and then they sell you out, sometimes literally, just like Raphael had done to me.
Raphael, I held back tears as I remembered his betrayal. I don’t think I can ever get over how easily and quickly he had betrayed me, like I did not mean anything to him. I breathed in sniffled the tears back in, I am never going to make that mistake again, I am never going to break down these walls I have built around my heart, I am never going to let any man hurt me… never again.
“After you my love.” Walter said opening the door of the limousine for me. I walked in and sat down, he sat next to me caressing my hand into his as the car drove off.
“Where the actual fuck have you been Walt!” A lady who I assume to be THE Audrey said. She looked so beautiful, blonde hair, emerald eyes, petite body with flawless skin. Unconscious I held Walter closer to me.
“And who the fuck is she?” Audrey said again. She looked at me like I was the dirt under her feet, like me being there just ruined her whole day, like me being there reminded her of something she would much rather forget. I looked down, she has this level of bitchiness that i don’t think i can match.
“She is… someone special. Audrey meet Yara or as I like to call her Angel.” Walter said with a smile. I stretched out my hand to shake Audrey but she completely ignored my hand.
“Whatever she would be gone by tomorrow, they always are… your one night stand bitches.” Audrey said more to me than Walter, she looked at me like she was trying hard to hurt me with her word and they did, her words stung. I am disposable… I should never forget that.
“I have a feeling she is different.” Walter said. I smiled even though I told myself not to. Audrey looked like someone had just ruined her favorite pair of shoes, she looked like she wanted more than anything to strangle me, she immediately covered that look with a small smile which looked completely fake.
“whatever you say Walt bear, we have to hurry.” Audrey said as she walked quickly in front of us. We walked behind her.
“Audrey can be a bit intense at first but I promise you will grow to love her.” Walter whispered to me. I highly doubt that I will start liking this Audrey-girl but I nodded and we walked into the conference room.
There were a truckload of cameras flashing in front of us, reporters with microphones and tripods surrounded the whole place. I placed my hand over my face, trying to hide from the flashing and clicking cameras.
‘Walter Davis here!’ ‘Walter Davis one moment please’ the reporters said.
‘Who is she Walter?’ One of the reporters said pointing at me.
‘Is she your girlfriend?’ The other reporter asked.
‘Is she the one you were with at the Beverly Hilton hotel yesterday?’ another reporter asked. Walter looked like he was going to say something when Audrey interrupted.
“All your questions will be answered soon.” She said and then shot Walter a look when said ‘let me do all the talking!’.
We arrived in Panama in the evening, very late in the evening. The air felt a bit different from New York, it felt relaxed and slow and sleepy, it looked like somewhere you would go on for a vacation, somewhere a little bit separate from the crazy unfeeling world.
I looked at Diego wondering what he was thinking as he had his hand on his chin, looking all serious, was he still upset from the trust thing? I turned away from him and instead watched from the window as the jet descended on to the runway, it landed at a space that was empty, the only empty space really, the other spaces were completely filled with jets and planes of different designs and sizes.
We had bodyguard on every side as we (Diego and I) walked into what looked like a car park, it had every (or almost every) car ever invented, mainly luxurious ones like Ferraris, Bugattis, Lamborghinis and others whose names I do not know.
“Which one should we take?” Diego asked me.
“The black one.” I replied and we drove into town when we got to the villa that was when it hit me… this is the one place in the world I shouldn’t be… this Is where it all happened. Oh my God I have to leave right the fuck now!