Book:The devil’s new plaything Published:2025-2-9

The wind was blowing a little more than normal, it looks like rain is about to fall, the weather is little bit confused, it had been really sunny in the morning, very early in the morning then rain started to fall, then it got sunny again now its windy, it is like the weather feels the same way I do, confused, what does he want this time? Why did he apologize and then make his people literally kidnap me?
“Ma’am do you want me to put on some music? What do you like? Ariana grande? Beyonce?” He asked.
I shook my head.
“I’m fine.” I said. I quite like how quiet the car is, I like how empty the road is, I like the way the wind is whooshing in to the car through my opened window. I stretched my hand out the window and caught a droplet of rain, I did what Sydney and I used to do when we were younger, I closed my palm over the rain drop and made a wish then kissed my closed fist and opened my fist and watched the water fall down from my palm.
Diego and I used to do that every time at the mansion when we were younger, I wonder what he wished for, I always wished that we would be together forever, I guess wishes do really come true, maybe I shouldn’t have wished for that. Sigh.
“Do you need something to eat or drink ma’am.” The driver, Greg, Diego’s right hand man said again. I don’t really understand why he is being nice to me, none of them ever tried to be nice or even the least bit hospitable to me and now he is calling me ma’am?
“I am fine.” I replied still looking out the window.
“Okay,” he said.
“I am sorry to bother you ma’am but can you please tell me if and when you need anything…Anything at all. It is just that master Diego threatened to slit my throat if I don’t make you as comfortable as possible and I quite like my head sitting comfortably on my neck.” Greg said and then chuckled.
I smiled. Can I get a flight ticket to an unknown country with a key to a safe house there please Greg? I thought but said nothing.
The drive continued, I continued looking out the car window wondering about the lives of the few other people on the road, how does it feel like living your life without a mafia king as your owner? A mafia king like Diego Fernandez.
Weird Dumb fuck boy Andrew walked into the space between Katie and I.
“Hey baby” he said in that weird voice that is only used for either pets or kids, I rolled my eyes. He noticed.
“Didn’t see you there little miss grumpy.” He said, you see we have this ‘I hate you, you hate me’ thing going on, he knows I don’t like me but for some crazy reason he keeps trying to hit on me every time Katie is away and it’s just us to.
“Oh you should probably get your glasses checked.” I replied and walked forward leaving the both of them behind.
“Hey Zara stop being mean to my cutey petunie.” Katie yelled after me also using that weird pet/kid voice Andrew used. I skipped forward with my hands wrapped around by bag strap, I must not have been looking because I bumped into someone. My styrofoam cup containing coffee fell to the ground spilling its contents on the person I had just hit. A part of his trouser was covered in coffee.
“I’m really sorry.” I apologized, he looked anything but pleased, he had a slight frown on his face and d…d…deng he is fineeee. I am sure that I was drooling, that face, those hazel eyes, that blonde hair, him towering over me in that over 6’5 height.
“I…I can get you a new one” I said with a stutter gesturing to the trouser. Get him a new one? Zara what? You are like really broke! That pretty allowance money from Diego Fernandez no longer comes in after he decided to let Yara and I go and my stupid brother is as stupid as ever, I’m literally living on charity and now I just made an offer to buy this man another trouser and judging from the feel and look of the trouser it probably costs all my life savings plus a little loan from the bank and a deposit from my kidney that I would have to sell to pay up for the trouser.
“Hmmm, forget it, you can afford it even if you sell your whole self.” He replied rudely with the frown still on his face before turning to the guy by himself.
“Are you going to follow me into the lecture hall too?” He asked the hefty guy.
“I’m sorry master, I have to follow your father’s rules.” The hefty man said.
“Arrgh!” The insanely handsome but rude stranger who I stupidly dropped my coffee on yelled in frustration.
“I know what you put those girls through and I’m going to expose you if you dare hurt me.” I said to Raphael, my heart is beating so fast it would probably escape my chest anytime soon.
I have known for a long time and yet I kept quiet, I know it is cowardly of me but other choice did I have? Expose Raphael to the police department which was probably under his payroll? I can’t trust anyone, I couldn’t trust anyone not even my father.
He was the one that sold me to Raphael in the first place, he knew what Raphael was doing to me, I was underaged yet he said nothing he let him groom me, he let him destroy me.
“Yara oh my dear Yara you are just as naive as your stupid father was and we both know what happened to him.” Raphael said with a wicked chuckle, his laugh reverberated through the room, his laugh made me realize that I had made a huge mistake coming here. Alone.