“I’m sorry, Valentina.” I said, she looked a bit taken aback.
“I’m sorry for everything.” I said as I moved closer to her, I just was to hold her close, to tell her that everything will be better from now on that I would act better. I want to tell her that she means a lot more to me than she would ever know.
I reached out to hold her hand in mine.
“Don’t you dare touch me.” she said angrily. She had a nasty red mark on her wrist, the mark was where the cuffs had been. I really shouldn’t have! I don’t think I would ever forgive myself for hurting her like that but yet again why do I care so much? I never used to care about any of the other whores why is she different? Why do I care about the mark on her wrist? Or about the fact that she is hurt? Why did I get so jealous when I watched her with that man? Why did I have my people beat up that Desmond Sandals? Why do I care what she does with her life? I never used to care.
God this is so complicated!
“Give me a chance to prove to you that I am not the beast you think I am.” I said again not even minding that some of my people are hear, not minding that they would see me being weak.
“I don’t want you anyway close to me, please I just want to go home.” She replied, there was tears falling down from her eyes. I bit the inside of my lips, silently cursing myself for making her this sad.
“Can I please go home… master Diego.” She added. Her voice carried with it a tone of defeat and sadness, it broke me completely. I want my head strong, resilient, stubborn Valentina back, the Valentina who would rather die than call me master Diego.
I did this, I have to fix this. Fast.
I nodded.
“Take her home.” I said to one of the guys.
“Yes master Diego.” He replied.
Why is he being so nice to me? What does he want? I am not sure how much of this I can take anymore, I feel like my life isn’t mine anymore, nothing is in my control anymore, I can’t even see my own daughter, I literally do not have any control over anything, not even my body.
I’m tired, I’m so done with this life and everything in it, I can’t do this anymore but what about Ava? I can’t just leave her like this at his mercy but I don’t know how much of it I can take anymore.
I guess I am nothing but a coward because I am about to take the easy way out of all this, if he wouldn’t let me go, since he insists on taking everything away from me then I guess I’ll just give up, suicide is the only way out of this.
“I’m really sorry Ava you deserve someone better as a mom.” I said quietly to myself in tears.
I really wish I can be strong but I don’t feel so strong right now, I feel empty inside, I feel hollow like everything I once owned has been stripped away from me.
“Can you please drop me off at St. Catherine’s hospital?” I said to the man driving the car.
I have to see my sister Sidney for the last time.
I stared at the screen of my phone, he knows! But how does he know! I looked out the window, there was no one there, the street looked completely empty. How did he find out that I just cheated on him (kinda sorta) with Desmond? Does he have people watching my every move? Nah that would be crazy.
What am I going to do? Now that he knows, I am surely going to die! He is going to kill me! Raphael doesn’t take betrayal well I learnt that from what he did to his first wife, Susan, the one before Stephanie.
He has a recorded video of him torturing her before he finally ended her life, he made me watch that video the day after our first date.
I still remember that bone chilling smile he had on his face when he said to me ‘Nobody ever lives to tell the tale after they cheat on me Yara’, the exact words he just texted to me.
I have got to figure out a way out of this, I can’t let him kill me, I cannot just watched myself die but what will I do! He will kill me if he wants to, he is Raphael Fernandez, I am a nobody, just a girl at his mercy!
I just got back from the hospital, Sidney looks as frail and unresponsive as she has been for a long time now, same pale lips, same closed eyes, it’s difficult to remember when she was not like that.
I really miss her she would know what to do, Sidney always knew what to do.
I sat the letter I had written to Ava aside, I have made arrangements for it to be taken to Diego by someone tomorrow. Hopefully he delivers it to my daughter along with the diary and an antique jewelry box which contains most of our family’s heirlooms.
I have also already made for her college funds, all the money I have saved up would be transferred to her after I die, I know it’s not that much but it’s all I have.
I hope Ava forgives me, I really do.
I held the knife at a close range to the vein near my left wrist, a point close to the stop that was scarred by the cuff.
I hope this ends quickly, I hope everything goes well with Ava, I hope her life is far better than mine is.
I pressed the sharp part of the knife to my flesh, ready to end my own life.