I don’t know. That’s the thing. There she is, barely recovered from the punishment I gave her, hair mussed, and her makeup smeared thanks to me. We’ve been as physically close as two people can be, yet it’s still hard to open up. I wonder if it will ever be easy. Probably not.
Eventually, she realizes she’s not getting away with avoiding the question. “Because it wouldn’t have been fair. You’re much bigger and stronger than he is. You would have kicked his ass and humiliated him and only pissed him off more. And you could have gotten in trouble for it.”
Her concern for him sickens me. “You think I care about his ass getting kicked? Trust me. Once I kick a guy’s ass, it stays that way.”
“That’s very cute,” she informs me with a smirk. “But that’s not how life works. I would still have to face him in class, and we have our presentation coming up. How uncomfortable would that have been? Do you think he would have been able to deliver his part of the presentation while you were sitting there in the back of the room? The guy who kicked his ass in front of his friends?”
Sometimes, it’s like I’ve never really looked at her before. There’s so much more than meets the eye. “Are you saying you stopped us from fighting because it would’ve affected your grade?”
“No! I was thinking about how it would make him feel. And yeah, it would make me feel like shit, too. Guilty. Jittery.” She lowers her brow, and I swear I’m looking at her father right now. In some ways, they are too much alike. “And you’re conveniently ignoring the part where I
said I didn’t want you to get into trouble.”
“Who says I would?”
“You mean to tell me he wouldn’t go straight to the cops? There were witnesses. And with a record like yours…”
It’s not easy hearing that without laughing. That’s what she’s worried about? “Who says I have a record?”
She can’t hide her surprise. “You don’t?”
“I never took a collar.”
“How is that even possible?”
“What the hell do you think I do for your father?” Her eyes drop to the countertop, which is all the answer I need. “If I got caught doing that, I wouldn’t be standing here with you right now. Would I?”
“But have you?”
I lift my chin, staring at her. Daring her to say it. “Have I done what?”
“Have you killed anybody? There. I said it. Happy?”
“Thrilled. Thanks so much.”
“Well?” I know better than to think she’s ever going to let this go. It was bound to come up eventually. She must’ve asked herself before now if I’ve ever gone that far.
That’s why I’m honest. No sense in lying. “Yes. I have. I have killed people.”
She gulps but takes it well. “To keep him safe?”
I nod, though it’s not as simple as that. “In his line of work, he makes a lot of enemies. And plenty of greedy people would do anything to get what he has. They don’t want to put the work in, though. They want to take it from him. And sometimes, they won’t listen to reason. It is that simple.”
“Simple? There’s nothing simple about it.” She wraps her arms around herself. “You’re talking about taking people’s lives.”
“What would you rather have me do? Stand back and let them take his? Or yours?”
“Mine?” Her arms tighten, and now she’s trembling. I shouldn’t have said it. She asked if she needed to know this wasn’t a game, but I hated seeing her like this.
“Why do you think I’m here with you? I’m not saying there’s ever been a threat to your life. For the most part, he’s kept things quiet when it comes to you. His friends know, his associates, but that’s about it. And that’s deliberate. That’s why he didn’t have you change your name to Morelli when he brought you in. That’s for your safety. Do you understand?”
“So he isn’t being overly paranoid.”
“I’m afraid not. I wish it was as simple as that, I do.” “So do I.” She tries to laugh, but the effort falls flat. Maybe somebody who doesn’t know her as well as I do now would buy it. “This is a lot to swallow all at once.”
“I know it is. And I’m sorry you have to hear it like this, I am. But you should know.”
She nods, eyes downcast, and I have to wonder if something didn’t just get lost. I would think she’d feel more confident than ever, knowing the man protecting her will do whatever needs to be done should her life ever be in danger.
I hope the time never comes that I have to prove it.
To lighten the mood, I ask, “So you weren’t just a little bit worried about me out there? That I would get hurt?”
She giggles, and I can’t pretend it isn’t gratifying. “Right. Like he could do anything to you.”
“I don’t know. I mean, I hate to say it, but he’s bulked up a little bit this semester. There’s more muscle on him than there was back when classes started.”
“Is there?” She shrugs. “I didn’t notice.” It looks and sounds like she’s telling the truth, too. I wish he was here so he’d know for sure he doesn’t have a chance with her.
Nobody could do to her what I do.
And nobody could protect her the way I can.
As I walk to the bathroom, I can’t help but remember that note, the only one left in front of the door. You Can’t Protect Her. The memory leaves a sour taste in my mouth, even with Mia following and leaving a trail of clothing in her wake.
As much as I believe I can-as much as I have to, with every fiber of my being-I can’t help but hope as she steps into the shower along with me that I never have to prove it. Because that would mean her life was in danger.
And I don’t know anymore how I could live if that was ever the case.