Chapter 47

Book:Seduced By My Mafia Bodyguard Published:2025-2-9

Of all things to wake me up in the morning, the one I expected the least was the smell of bacon. She’smaking breakfast.
Which means she’s probably going to want to talk.
Fuck. I drop back onto the bed, my head hitting the pillow hard. I guess it’s too much to ask, hoping she would forget what happened last night. I lost my grip on myself. It should never have happened. I had no right to do that to her.
And something tells me I only made it worse by leaving her there while she was still dazed. It was all I could think to do. I didn’t know if I could handle looking her in the eye.
I’m not even sure why I reacted the way I did. She wanted it. God knows I did. So why did I feel so guilty?
That guilt hasn’t eased in the slightest. It doesn’t get any better once I’m up and moving around, getting dressed, brushing my teeth. As long as I live, I’ll never forget the exhilaration of knowing I was the first man to ever taste her indescribable sweetness.
And I’m kidding myself, thinking I won’t taste her again. Just like I was kidding myself when I decided that night in her bedroom was a one-off. That we could never do that again. Eventually, my needs are going to catch up with me.
And so will hers.
I can’t stay in my room all day, that’s for sure. I need to face this like a man. “You’ve got this!” I tell myself before flinging my bedroom door open. The aroma of bacon and coffee is stronger now, and my stomach growls in anticipation. Man cannot live on pussy alone or something like that. I find her in the kitchen, where I knew she would be, wearing a nightshirt and thick socks. There are covered pans on the stove, and she’s in the process of pouring two cups of coffee.
“Good morning.” Right away, I’m relieved that she’s not overly eager, giddy, giggly. But that’s not her, either, is it? She’s not one of those girls. She’s not going to fall head over heels just because I was the first guy ever to eat her.
“Good morning. What’s all this for?”
“For eating breakfast, obviously. Back when I was younger, I’d always have Sunday breakfast with my mom, at least when she wasn’t working an early shift.”
She shrugs before holding out a cup for me. “I figured I would bring the tradition back now that I can.”
“So long as you didn’t burn the bacon, I think I can learn to live with it.” I can’t help but eye her warily, though, as I take a seat at the counter. It’s almost surreal, the idea of eating breakfast side by side in the same place where I went down on her last night. The memory alone is enough to stir things to life below my waist.
She slides a plate of food in front of me a moment later. Scrambled eggs, perfectly cooked bacon, toast. “This looks great,” I murmur before sprinkling pepper over the eggs, then taking a bite. They’re buttery and fluffy. “Are you sure you never took cooking lessons?”
I wish I hadn’t asked that. Now all I can think about is how her old man wants her to take cooking lessons for her future husband.
She only laughs gently, unaware. “I’ve always been interested in cooking. I watched a lot of cooking shows, and I always used to watch my mom when she cooked. It probably drove her crazy, having me watch her, but she was always patient.” I can’t help but notice the warmth and affection in her voice whenever she mentions her mother. What a big difference compared to a father who throws money at her but not much else.
I should be used to her sudden shifts in topic by now. She has a habit of bouncing from one thing to another without warning. This time, she really surprises me. “Why did you leave me alone last night? And when can we do that again?”
Bad timing. I barely avoid choking on a piece of toast, waving her off when she jumps up like she wants to help. “I’m fine,” I manage before taking a big gulp of orange juice. Once I’m sure I’m not going to die, I look at her. “Do you know what you’re saying?”
“Do I look like I’m confused?” She pops a piece of bacon into her mouth, staring at me while she chews. I don’t know if it’s sexy or unnerving. Both?
“You know all the reasons that’s a terrible idea.”
“Why does it have to be?” She’s so casual about it. That alone makes me wonder if she understands the enormity of what she’s talking about.
“Mia, come on. We’re talking about my job here. We’re talking about your father castrating me if he ever found out. And he’d be furious with you, too. Are you really willing to take that risk?”
She makes a big deal about looking around, her head on a swivel, her eyes landing here and there. “Doesn’t look like there’s anybody here with us,” she finally announces. “So, how would anybody know?”
I close my eyes, gritting my teeth, willing myself to be the smart one here. One of us has to be. “Mia, I know you’re a virgin. I know you’re probably in a hurry to change that.”
“Don’t patronize me,” she spits, disgusted. “I know what I want. I’ve known for a long time. Pretend all you want that you don’t want me too, but we both know that isn’t true. I respect you wanting to be true to what my dad wants. I do. But he never needs to know.”
The little tease runs her foot up my leg. “Does he? It can be between you and me. Why deny ourselves what we both want? Are you afraid you can’t handle it?”
“Don’t play games,” I warn, though I don’t bother pushing her foot away, either. She’s winning me over, let’s put it that way. How can I help it? My dick is doing the thinking for me, and right now, it’s all in. No reservations.
Which means I have to call upon what little blood is still left in my brain. “I’m serious, Mia,” I warn. “This is dangerous shit you’re talking about.”
“I know it can be.” She goes back to her food, scooping some eggs onto a piece of toast. “But it doesn’t have to be.”
“You can tell yourself that all you want-”
“You know what?” She drops the rest of the toast onto the plate, swiveling around on the stool until she’s facing me head-on. “Let’s get this straight. I’m not some bubbleheaded, naive little thing, no matter what my father thinks about me.”
“I never said you were.”
“Then why do you insist on telling me what I want? I know what I want. I know what’s right for me. And you can’t tell me it’s been easy, the two of us living together all these weeks, both of us pretending we don’t want what we so obviously do. Have you forgotten what it was like that night in my room? Will you ever be able to forget what it felt like to kiss me? Because I know I’ll never forget it, and I don’t want to. It’s insane to think we could walk around and pretend it never happened!”
She has a point. And that’s not just my dick talking. Most of the misery of the past two months has come from denying ourselves. I know in my case, my cravings for her can only be channeled into picking fights with her. Being jealous. Petty. That’s not how I want to be.
I also don’t want to be dead, which I’m afraid I would be if word of this ever got out.
“Zeke. Look at me.” I lift my gaze to find her smiling. “Let’s stop all this. Let’s stop kidding ourselves. And let’s stop believing my father would have any way of knowing about us being together. I know we can both be discreet adults. Right?”
She’s right, you know she’s right, just tell her so. I take a deep breath, like I can will myself into believing something I don’t. I can make myself believe there’s any way we can get out of this fucked up situation with her still being a virgin in the end.
She slides off the stool, standing between my legs. “You know what I want?” Her palm makes contact with my straining cock. “I want to know how to make you feel good. I want you to teach me to do to you what you did to me. It doesn’t seem fair, with me having all the fun. Teach me. Show me what to do. I want to learn so much.” She massages me in slow circles, and I have to wonder how often she’s thought of this.
I catch her wrist and hold it still. “You’re playing with fire,” I warn.
“You don’t have to tell me that,” she whispers, her lip disappearing under her teeth. So fucking sexy. Innocence and sensuality all wrapped up in one perfect little package.
And she’s handing herself to me on a platter. How insane am I to think I can fight against this?
“Let me touch you,” she urges, still whispering. “Let me see you.” With her other hand, she tugs at the waistband of my loose, flannel pants. I don’t bother trying to stop her; it would be like stopping the sun from rising. This is going to happen no matter what I do to stop it.
“Let me help you.” I hook a thumb into the waistband of my pants and my boxers and tug, giving her room to dip her hand inside and close her fingers around me. My breath catches before I moan in approval.
“It’s so thick,” she murmurs, looking down. She gives an experimental stroke, and I groan.
“Not too tight,” I whisper, and she loosens just a bit. “And it’s better if you can get it wet.”
She’s determined to surprise me today. Her eyes meet mine, locking onto me, and she raises her other hand before running the flat of her tongue from the heel to her fingertips. She wraps that hand around me this time, and I’m afraid I might come already. Either she has a very active imagination, or she’s been watching porn. Either way, I don’t care. It feels incredible.
“What next?” She pumps slowly, almost experimental. Watching me closely, seeing how I react. She’s holding my whole life in her hands, and she doesn’t know it. I would do anything for her, whatever she asks, so long as she never stops.
“Put it in your mouth. Get on your knees. I’ll tell you what to do.” Because fuck it, why not? It’s a waste of time pretending this isn’t going to happen. And I have imagined her sucking my cock too many times to keep from taking advantage of the situation. She wants to learn? I’ll teach her.
She lowers herself slowly, still watching me. “Take off your shirt,” I murmur, and the sight of her gorgeous tits dropping down from her nightshirt is a fantasy come true. Having her on her knees, eager, only wanting to learn. No holds barred.
“Put your lips over your teeth,” I say. “No teeth. Relax your throat. It’s not going to choke you, no matter what you think.” I take myself in one hand, guiding the head over her lips. “I’ve wanted to fuck your mouth for so long.” Color floods her cheeks, but she doesn’t pull away.
In fact, the tip of her tongue darts out, and she catches precum as it oozes from my head. It’s almost too fucking hot. “Go slow. Take your time.” Sliding between her lips and into the warmth of her mouth is bliss. I have to focus on not losing it, or I might have no choice but to take her by the back of the head and fuck her until she gags.
And I will do that one day. But not yet.
She eases her way down, one inch at a time, until she finally has most of me in her mouth. “Now, ease your way back up,” I murmur, stroking her hair. “Just like that. Don’t part your lips. Keep that suction going. Use your tongue- press it against where the shaft meets the head. That’s right, baby,” I groan. She’s a quick learner and eager.
I’m eager, too. I won’t be able to hold on much longer, even with her taking it slow. If anything, it’s that slow, sensual pace that has me ready to burst. “You’re so good,” I groan before withdrawing with a groan of regret.
“What’s wrong?” Her eyes are wide, surprised. “I thought you liked it.”
“I did,” I assure her, one hand still in her hair. “But if we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it right.”