And for a second, I do feel sorry for Mia. It’s so obvious she wants to be part of it, but there’s no way. I have to make sure she hangs out with only the right people. How the fuck am I supposed to know what that even means? Does he want me to run a background check on everybody she meets? I guess a guy with so much on his mind can only think about so many issues at once. He didn’t think this part through.
I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but the look on her face is going to bug the shit out of me for the rest of the day if I don’t. “You wanna go over and watch with them? I can hang out nearby.”
She studies me with obvious doubt, and I can’t blame her. I’d want to know what was up if I was her. “You’re serious?”
“Yeah. What? Do you think I want to youtohyouly person you the talk to on this whole fucking campus? No, thanks. Find some friends or something.” I lift my chin in the direction of some girls I kind of recognize from her writing class. “Go ahead. Say hi or whatever people do when they’re trying to make friends. I wouldn’t know.”
“There’s a big surprise.” But she goes anyway, without giving me another look. I treat myself by watching the way her ass sways back and forth in the tight jeans she’s wearing. I’ll be thinking about that later when I’m alone in my room. I’m going to chafe like hell with all the jerking off I’ve been doing. It can’t last forever. I’m going to break eventually.
“Hey.” I look down to my left and find a petite blonde smiling up at me. She shades her eyes from the sun, squinting still. “I’ve seen you around campus. No offense, but you look a little older than the other incoming freshmen.”
“I’m not a freshman.”
“Oh. That must be why. Are you the one with that hot motorcycle? I’ve seen you riding around school.” I’ve ridden my motorcycle exactly one time since we moved in, and that was when I took Mia home from that party. Otherwise, we’ve done a lot of walking since campus isn’t that far from the condo.
“Yeah, I ride a Harley.”
I swear to God, she purrs. “That is so sexy. I’ve always wanted to ride on a Harley.”
“That’s cool. Maybe one day you will.” I swivel around, looking over at Mia chatting with the other girls. She looks at me, and something passes over her face, something I don’t recognize. When she’s not stripping down and throwing herself at me, she looks at me like I’m barely a bug she can crush under her shoe. This isn’t that.
Especially when she goes from looking at me to looking at the girl next to me.
“I mean, if you were ever free, I’d love to go for a ride.” This girl can’t take a fucking hint, can she? “You could be my first.” Even if she didn’t bite down on her glossy lip, I would know exactly what she was talking about was is wasting subtle.
She also isn’t Mia.
Still, I give her the closest I can come to a smile. “I’m usually pretty busy. Are you a freshman here?”
Her head bobs up and down. “So why are you here, anyway? You’re not a student. Are you a teacher’s assistant?”
“He’s here with me.” Mia almost knocks the girl over when she reaches us. “We’ve got stuff to do, so see you later.” Next, she does something she’s never done before: takes my hand and holds it tight before leading me away. I don’t know what part of this is more surprising.
I wait until we’re a little farther away before asking, “What was that? I thought you were hanging out with those girls.”
“Yeah, I was. I’ll see them in class tomorrow.” She throws a look over her shoulder before dropping my hand. At least she doesn’t rub it on her pants like I’m diseased. “But I have to get home and finish my reading for tomorrow’s sociology class.”
“You only have that class twice a week. You didn’t do the reading yet?”
The look she shoots me could melt steel. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were here to be my motivational coach, too. In case you missed it, I have other classes to do work for.”
“Trust me. I know.” I have to hear all about it while I’m sitting behind her.
I can’t help but look over my shoulder again. The blonde is gone, probably bitching to her friends about the skank she met who cockblocked her. “It’s just that your timing was pretty funny.”
“It didn’t seem so funny to me.” It’s amazing how she can talk with her jaw clenched as tight as it is. “You’re here for me, not to flirt with the other girls.”
“Really? You think your dad would hold it against me if I wanted to get my dick wet?”
She cringes and folds her arms over her midsection. Her shoulders are up around her ears, and her chin is jutted out far enough that if she turned a corner, it would appear first before the rest of her face. “You don’t have to be disgusting about it.”
“Did I offend your virgin ears?”
“Shut up already.”
“Come on. You’re not that much of a prude. I know better than that.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?” She stops dead in the middle of the sidewalk and glares up at me.
“Come on. Knock off the bullshit. We both know what I’m talking about.” Maybe I shouldn’t have said that since it would be better for both of us if we forgot that night by the pool. Not that I ever could in a million years, especially considering how many jerk-off sessions have been inspired by that night. If I started describing them now and didn’t stop until tomorrow morning, I doubt I would cover the full length and breadth of what I’ve imagined doing to her. How many positions? How many ways I’? e have made her come into my imagination? will be yyouryyourard, but I’m not a monk. I do think about fucking every once in a while, and…”
My head swings to the left, to the right. Sure, there are cute girls around. Hot, even. Every ethnicity, every size, and shape, every sense of style. I could take my pick of whatever I’m in the mood for. But I’m not in the mood for any of them. None of them compare to the pain in the ass still glaring up at me like she wouldn’t mind me getting struck by lightning.
“And there’s plenty of eye candy to get my imagination going,” I finish. It’s a lie, but she doesn’t know it. And she’s terrible at hiding what’s going on in her head, like the anger simmering under the surface.
“Oh, I see. So it’s okay for you to talk about wanting to get laid, but I’m not even allowed to go to a party and meet new people. Yeah, that’s fair.” Sheoff again, her ponytail swinging back and forth like one of those old clock pendulums. It’s almost hypnotic.
I lengthen my stride a little to catch up-it’s not hard, considering the difference in our heights. “Lighten up, princess.”
“For the last time-”
“Sorry. Old habits die hard.”
“I do have a name. You can just call me by my actual name, you know.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” We’re headed for the coffee shop, which is where I can only imagine she wants to stop before going back to the condo. I have her bank card in my wallet as always.
I don’t know exactly how much is in her account, but the way he made it sound, the sky is the limit. The fact that he knows he can trust me with her account is almost humbling. But I decided to to the door, and I reached for the handle, but Mia didn’t follow. “What? You didn’t want a drink?”
She glances inside before looking up at me, and the smirk she’s wearing doesn’t bode well. “You know what? You already know what I like. Go in and get it for me. You’re the one paying for it, anyway.” With that, she plops down on one of the benches in the front and pulls out her phone, thumbs flying over the screen.
So that’s how it’s going to be, huh? Putting me in my place whenever she thinks I’ve stepped out of line. If it wasn’t for that girl coming on to me earlier, I doubt she would be this pissy.
And it’s only because of that-knowing she’s obobviouslynto the shop that goes if it’s this easy to push her buttons when I’m not even trying, how much more fun will it be to push them on purpose?
Princess Mia might not know it, but she just made my time at this school a lot more interesting.