Chapter 15
-Fuck, baby, that feels so good, harder! -my heart races; I freeze at the sound of Marc’s voice.
Unable to help myself, I peek out carefully. They are both lying sideways to the window. Marc is lying on his back, with his legs elevated and semi-flexed. His knees are supported with his hands, while Gigit is kneeling in front of him, penetrating him and leaning on Marc’s thighs, pumping ferociously inside him. Marc leans his head back and lets out a cry of pleasure, his own cum filling his chest. I just watched my best friend have an orgasm! Shocked and feeling like an intruder, I decide to pull away. But just as I’m doing so, Gigit’s eyes are fixed on me, or rather, they had already been on me for a while, as he has his face totally tilted towards me, watching me. Feeling like the intruder that I am, having just been caught in the act, I turn around and run the rest of the way to the car. To my surprise, it’s unlocked, making it easy for me to open it and pull out my suitcase. Shakily, I go to another part of the cabin that doesn’t have windows and open the bag, pulling out jeans and a sweater. In my haste, I forget to take out underwear, so I dress as best I can while my hands shake. I pull out the Converse and hastily put them on, put the bag aside and run to the driveway, since the car doesn’t have the keys in the ignition. What I need I already have with me: my wallet, cell phone and clothes on.
I run as fast as I can, and my knees are begging for mercy; I’m not cut out for this kind of physical activity. I’m extremely curvy, so I tire quickly. When I see that I’m far enough from the cabin, I slow down and start walking briskly with my phone in hand, trying to get a little signal. When I do, I check the GPS for my location and, once I find it, I look for a nearby pharmacy. The town is a good few kilometers away from where I am, and still, that doesn’t stop my determination to get what I need.
An hour after walking, I finally arrive at a pharmacy, sweaty and very thirsty. As I push the door open, a bell rings to announce my entrance. I ignore the horrible noise and head to the back where the drink coolers are, searching for a bottle of water and some ginger energy bars. Then, I start walking through the aisles looking for what I need, and when I find it, I freeze, staring at the different brands available, unsure of which to choose. To play it safe, I grab four of them and head to the checkout to pay. The cashier looks at me and smiles sweetly as I hand her my credit card. Once everything is ready and packed, I thank her.
“Good luck,” the cashier says with a cheerful voice. I try to smile back at her, as if I no longer felt guilty for everything that was about to hit me if this turns out to be true, and I hope it doesn’t. I hope it doesn’t; it’s not that I don’t want to, but because of what that would mean in my life… in our lives.
I step out of the pharmacy and sit on a small wooden bench to the side while I tuck the paper bag with the important contents into my purse. I open the water bottle and take a long sip; then I unwrap the energy bar and eat it with satisfaction. As I chew, I dial my mother’s number and call.
“Sweetie! I’m so glad you called. I wasn’t sure if you’d be awake. How’s your friend?” Yes, that was my mother, so concerned and thoughtful about everyone else, but I loved that about her.
“Hi, Mom. He’s fine, it’s just-” I think of a little phrase from the movie “Twilight,” when Jacob refused to see Bella, and his father told him Jacob was sick with mononucleosis. I laugh to myself-“he just has a little cold, nothing to be alarmed or worried about.”
“Oh, you don’t know how glad I am to hear that. So that means he just wanted to see you and have you by his side. That sounds so sweet; he really cares about you.” In reality, I think he cares more than that; in fact, he needs me for… well, for what one does during mating heat, because by the way, he’s a werewolf.
Sure, as if I could tell her that without ending up in a psychiatric institution. So instead, I respond:
“Yes, I think so.”
“Why do you sound disappointed? Or do you not like him?”
“It’s not that, don’t get me wrong. He’s so perfect it scares me.” And that was the truth; Liam is incredibly perfect in every way, if we overlook the fact that he’s a werewolf. I could spend hours having a conversation with him and not get bored. But how can I explain to my mother that what truly scares me is his other nature? I can’t.
“Oh, my little girl, it’s normal to be scared. Relationships are always frightening; God knows I had that with your father.”
“Speaking of Dad, how is he doing today?”
“He’s fine. You don’t have to worry; you know he’s tougher than an oak.”
I smile.
“I know. Well, Mom, I have to go. I stepped out to buy something, but please say hi to Dad for me.”
“Okay, sweetheart. I won’t take up any more of your time. I’ll be happy to give him your regards.”
“I love you both so much.”
“And we love you.”
I end the call because I feel a lump in my throat and know I’m about to cry. I take a deep breath a couple of times and drink some water to calm my nerves and hormones. I think there’s no easy way to do this, so I’m just going to do it, damn it.