Chapter 25
-I didn’t want to touch anything. I don’t think I’ve thanked you -he pulls me towards him and gives me a chaste kiss on the lips.
-I’d say “you’re welcome,” but you paid me for this. Of course, I didn’t know it was you. -I release him and begin to explore the attic, which looks exactly the same as I left it; nothing is out of place-: Do you want me to tell you what my favorite part of your attic is?
-Please, don’t stop.
-Your bedroom. You were so specific in that area that I worked really hard to meet the requirements of that unknown person.
-Let’s just say I like to rest. And still, I haven’t been able to sleep.
-Trouble sleeping? -he nods a couple of times.
-I could say that. I have a lot on my mind and problems to solve. Nothing to worry about. -I know he’s lying; his gaze, while not easy to read, gives him away a little.
-I understand. -I don’t want to pressure him on the subject, given how recent it is, but I feel like something is bothering him. Because with this man, I feel a connection I’ve never felt with anyone before.
-Come, I’ve prepared dinner. -I follow him to the dining room, which has red candles decorating the center, already lit.
-Did you light those before you went to get me? That’s very dangerous.
He smiles.
-I have an assistant who takes care of that.
-An assistant? -I ask, intrigued-. I didn’t know you had someone to help you with these things.
The thought of another woman entering this very private space of Liam’s has the green-eyed monster of jealousy creeping up in me.
-Yes, and it’s a big relief. Although he can be exasperating at times. -He sits down and gestures for me to take a seat as well. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing it’s a he and not a she.
The table is beautifully set, with elegant dishes and crystal glasses. The atmosphere is warm and inviting, and I feel a bit embarrassed that he put so much effort into dinner.
-What have you prepared? -I ask, looking at the steaming plates that leave my stomach rumbling.
-I dare say my assistant prepared it; he made something simple, pesto pasta, caprese salad, and, of course, a bit of non-alcoholic wine to accompany it. -I raise an eyebrow at the mention of the wine being non-alcoholic-: We have to work tomorrow. Besides, I want you sober today. -My thighs clench at that comment.
-Sounds delicious. -I decide to divert the conversation to safer territory-. It’s very mature of you to admit that your assistant did it.
-To be honest, I wanted your return to this place to be special. -He smiles at me as he pours the wine into our glasses.
As we sample the dinner, the conversation flows naturally, as if we’ve known each other forever. Liam tells me about his work (as if I didn’t already know), but I let him tell me, and I talk to him about the new projects with my clients. The dinner is light and the wine exquisite.
-I’m glad you’ve been so busy -I comment after a brief silence-. It means you’ve gotten what you want.
-I just need one more thing to achieve. -His intense gaze connected with mine, making me nervous; my stomach knots and I look away towards my food.- Sometimes, the pressure can be overwhelming. But I like to think I’m headed in the right direction. As my father says: there’s no success without sacrifice.
-Wise words. -I whisper, taking a sip of the wine. It’s a miracle I’m not throwing up anything I’m consuming.
The truth is I don’t want him to feel pressured. Still, I can’t help but ask:
-And in your personal life? Do you have siblings?
He shrugs.
-As I made clear earlier, there’s no woman in my life. No way romantically. I have a sister four years younger than me.
-How old are you?
-How old do you think I am? -he says.
-27 at most 29. -Liam smiles.
-I’m 32. I hope that’s not a problem.
-Of course not. So your sister is 28. Where is she?
-She’s in London on vacation, but she’ll be back for the annual meeting in a couple of days.
-I love London, though I’ve never been; I’ve only seen it in pictures. -I pause, recalling what he said earlier-: So I can rest easy knowing there’s no woman in the equation. I’m not one to share.
-You can definitely rest easy. I’m also not one to share. -He says the last part in a serious tone, a very serious tone-. Work has consumed me so much that I haven’t had time for anything. -He says with a half-smile-, but tonight is different. Being here with you makes me forget a little about the path I’m destined for. In fact, I think the moon has given me a new direction, a new destination.
His comment makes me feel important, as if we really share something special. After dinner, we decide to enjoy some music. While Liam searches through his record collection, I get lost in my thoughts. Everything feels so perfect now, here with him.
-Do you like this place? -Liam interrupts me as he notices I’m lost in thought.
-It’s beautiful. I’m glad it’s stayed the same. -I move closer to the window, admiring the city lights, shining like stars on earth-. Chicago is magical from here.
-You’re magical, you. -Liam stands behind me, and his tone makes me turn slowly. There’s a spark in his gaze that I find irresistible.
-Maybe a little magic could make this place shine even brighter -I murmur, inching closer to him.
-Do you think so? -he asks, and I can feel his breath on my skin-. Maybe we should try it.
I can’t resist the temptation, so I intertwine my fingers with his again as we draw closer. The electric tension between us is palpable, as if time has stopped.
-Liam… -I whisper, hesitating for a moment, but he tilts his head towards me, and an irresistible urge envelops me.
-Shane… -his voice is soft, like a song, and he kisses me with a passion that takes my breath away.
The kiss intensifies, injecting energy into every corner of my being. The world’s problems fade away; here and now, it’s just him and me. And suddenly, I realize that I don’t want this night to end.
-Maybe we should spend more time together like this -we propose almost in unison as we separate, still filled with the intimacy we just shared.
-Definitely -I reply, feeling how I’m becoming more comfortable in his presence, as if there’s nothing or nobody that could interrupt our perfect bubble.
As we sit on the sofa, with all intentions of talking, it’s the least we do. Liam sits me on his lap and we start kissing.
The atmosphere thickens with each kiss; Liam’s lips are warm and demanding, as if they’re leaving a burning imprint on my skin. His hand glides down my back, pulling me closer to his sturdy body. It’s a gesture laden with desire and trust. I feel the pulse of his heart resonate against my chest, a heartbeat that seems to sync with mine.
-You’re incredible -he murmurs, his eyes fixed on mine, filled with an intensity that seems to undress our souls.
-Not as much as you -I respond, my voice barely trembling as I let sincerity escape-. I’ve never felt anything like this. Only with you. -And since we were being honest, I might as well start doing so too.
As the tension between us grows, Liam pulls me closer, every kiss, every touch, leading us to an inevitable destination. One that I’m happy to go to. His hands tangle in my hair, gently sliding his fingers as his mouth explores mine with a sweet and dangerous urgency.
My fingers trace over him, feeling the strength of his shoulders, the soft skin of his neck. Everything about him seems perfect; every inch beckons my desire, and with every exhale of his, I feel the warmth of his breath in my mouth like an invitation to let go.