64. No Compromise

Book:Falling For A Prince Published:2025-2-8

Upon arriving at the estate, Emily was jubilant to say the least. Far away from the stuffy atmosphere of the palace, now she was able to breathe properly.
Mrs. Steams sported a smile in welcoming her and Theodore.
“Welcome home, Mr. King,” she completely ignored Emily.
And yet the latter greeted her in a chipper tone, “Good afternoon, Mrs. Steams.”
“Afternoon, Ms. Nill,” the stern housekeeper said with a curt nod. “I trust your trip went well.”
A trip, that was the story they were feeding the staff. Nobody needed to know the true nature of their departure, or of their return.
“It was amazing,” Emily lied through her teeth as she looked around the estate she now called home.
It was past 6 pm. None of the workers of the estate remained, save for those keeping watch at the gates.
“Glad it went well,” the housekeeper said politely before addressing Theodore, “It is a pleasure to have you at the estate, Mr. King. But won’t your businesses suffer from your absence?”
“I can handle them from afar,” he said matter-of-factly.
Emily repressed the urge to sigh at that.
What was wrong with this housekeeper that she couldn’t forget Emily’s poor background? Sure, she and Theo were worlds apart, but that didn’t make them any less compatible. They were mates after all. They were bound to click like with no other.
But then again, the housekeeper didn’t need to know any of that.
“I am starving,” Emily then said, ignoring Mrs Steams’ and heading to the kitchen. “What’s for dinner?”
The live-in cook was waiting for them, it would seem, for he emerged from the kitchen at that moment.
“I’ll just be a moment, Ms. Nill,” he said with a kind smile. “Please have a seat in the dining room.”
“Sure,” she said. And then, turning to Theo who was looking at her with a fond smile on his face, she asked, “You’re awfully silent, love. What’s the matter?”
He shook his head negatively at her, as if to tell her, he couldn’t speak about it, and then suggested, “Let us freshen up and then head back down for dinner, dorogaya… how does that sound?”
She agreed readily with a nod and then proceeded to ascend the stairs in haste.
She entered his master bedroom and looked around before saying slyly, “It’s so squeaky clean, I want to mess it up a little bit.”
“I can think of a few ways to do that,” Theodore chuckled before embracing her from behind, molding his front to her back.
And that was how they decided to take the shower together.
** ** ** ** ** ** **
When they emerged from the shower, Theodore helped Emily zip up her summer dress.
“Feels good to wear normal clothes again for dinner,” she said on a relieved sigh.
“I am sorry for having you go through that month from hell,” he told her softly as he placed a butterfly kiss on her shoulder.
She turned to smile at him and said, “I love you so much, I would go through that month again and again if I have to.”
“I’ll make sure you never have to endure such things ever again,” he vowed. “The palace is far too poisonous for you. You deserve better.”
She giggled at that. The sound made him want to worship her.
“Most women would dream of becoming a queen,” she said in a light tone. “I am amazed you didn’t pressure me into accepting the role gifted to me by the fates.”
“You are not most women,” he told her as he leaned forward. “Besides, it is also my selfish desire to shelter and protect you. If I had it my way, you’d never leave my sight.”
She opened her mouth, seemingly ready to respond, but her tummy chose that moment to growl.
She blushed at that.
“Seems like our little one wants to be fed,” he grinned.
It was his first time acknowledging her pregnancy aloud. And it felt good and liberating to say that without the constant fear of anyone taking action against her.
“Seems like it,” she agreed, beaming at him.
He had sensed when she first learned of the pregnancy some doubt and insecurity coming from her. But it seemed nowadays that she accepted her role of soon to be mother.
They descended the stairs and went to the dining room where a feast had been laid out on the table.
She dampened her lips in anticipation and said, “You have the best cook ever.”
He chuckled at that and watched her dig in before he started himself.
Some time later, as they were having dessert, he told her earnestly, “Dorogaya, you need to know that I’ll be so busy with work, you’ll probably get lonely.”
“I thought about that,” she told him with a nod as a pout replaced her content smile. “And I believe I found the solution.”
“Let’s hear it,” he nodded at her, urging her to say what was on her mind.
“I want to study graphic design,” she told him softly and almost hesitantly.
He couldn’t understand the timid tone of voice. She wasn’t asking for the impossible. And he had known all along that she wanted to pursue a degree in college.
“Sure,” he agreed to her request readily.
“I sense a but coming,” she pursed her lips.
Oh, she had become good at reading him, it would seem.
“You’ll need to have your bodyguards around,” he said matter-of-factly, making her eyes widen. “I won’t keep you from studying, or doing anything you fancy really, dorogaya, but I need to be sure you are well protected.”
She released a heavy sigh at that.
“Give it time, and you will barely notice them around,” he told her.
“But I’ll stick out like a sore thumb,” she whined.
Oh, so she wasn’t opposed to having bodyguards, just reluctant to have too much attention on her.
“I’m sorry, dorogaya, but your safety isn’t something I can compromise on,” he told her softly, reaching out for her hand and squeezing it gently. “Especially now that you are with child.”
She seemed to ponder it for a while and then said petulantly, “Okay, fine.”
He beamed at her.
Although there wasn’t much of a choice really, he wanted her to be on board with it and to accept her bodyguards.
“I wonder when I’ll be able to join,” she let out pensively.
“How does Monday sound?” He retorted.
“This Monday?” She asked bewildered. He nodded at her and she felt the need to tell him, “I don’t think that’s going to be possible.”
“Impossible is nothing, dorogaya,” he told her softly. “I’ll make a call or two tomorrow and have it settled.”
“Oh god, seriously?” Her eyes were wide and her lips set in a smile.
“Yeah,” he nodded. “I am a sponsor of the local college.”
“Damn, the things money can do!”
At that, he couldn’t help but chuckle. He wasn’t one to call in for favors usually but he wasn’t above doing just that for his mate’s sake.
Oh, the lengths one goes to for love! He mused inwardly before urging her to eat her dessert.